Anna Siradze: Univerzalna lepota

Anna Siradze, predstavnica iz Gruzije, osvojila je titulu Mrs. Universe na takmičenju koje je nedavno održano u Južnoj Koreji.

Anna Siradze predstavnica iz Gruzije, osvojila je titulu Mrs. Universe 2021, nedavno, kada je 30. Juna u Južnoj Koreji održano finale popularnog međunarodnog takmičenja. Mrs. Universe je takmičenje koje okuplja žene koje su u bračnoj zajednici, a bitno je napomenuti da su glavni kriterijumi na takmčenju poštovanje porodičnih vrednosti uz naravno dostignuća u društvenoj i poslovnoj sferi. Ovogodišnja predstavnica iz Gruzije, uspela je da svojom lepotom, harizmom kao i zalaganjem u dobrotvornom radu osvoji publiku i žiri na međunarodnom takmičenju. Odlučili smo se da saznamo šta najlepšu ženu univerzuma inspiriše u životu, u čemu uživa i čime se bavi u slobodno vreme.

Dobar dan. Drago mi je da poželim dobrodošlicu gospođi Mrs Georgia Universe. Recite nam šta šta vas vezuje za ovu zemlju I kako se osećate kao najlepša žena u Gruziji?

Polaskana sam što sam osvjila ovu počasnu titulu. Rođena sam u Rusiji, u Starvopolju. Što se tiče mog porekla, moja majka je Ruskinja dok se moji koreni vezuju za 10. Vek i svi moji rođaci su iz Gruzije. S’toga me je priroda obdarila Gruzijskom lepotom i harizmom na šta sam veoma ponosna. Pobeda na takmičenju je uvek velika odgovornost. Na kraju krajeva, sada ste lice zemlje, vizit karta u međunarodnoj areni. Napomenula bih i da je događaj Mrs Universe za 2021 kasnije održan zbog opasnosti od širenja korona virusa. Više od 110 takmičarki iz celog sveta, starosti od 18 do 55 godina, preuzelo je učešće u izboru.

Da li vam je ovo prvi put da učestvujete na izboru lepote?

Ovo nije prvi put da učestvujem na izboru. Moj put je krenuo još davne 2014 na takmičenju u St. Peterburgu. Tada sam takođe ponela titulu. 2015 sam ponela međunarodnu titulu Mrs. Baltic. Zatim sam učestvovala na takmičenju lepote Mrs. Globe, osvojila počasno treće mesto i ponela dodatnu titulu Beauty of Europe. Ove godine sam imala sreću da osvojim glavnu titulu i zahvalna sam žiriju i publici na tome.

Recite nam da li vam je trebalo puno vremena da donesete odluku da se prijavite na takmičenje?

Odluka o prijavi na takmičenje doneta je još pre 3 godine, ali pre covid mera. Mrs. Universe nije samo takmičenje lepote, to je međunarodni forum koji omogućava ženama iz celog sveta da govore o problemima sa kojima se u svojim zemljama susreću, da razmene kulturne vrednosti i iskustva. U pitanju je 9 uzbudljivih dana, događaji, sastanci koji imaju za cilj dobrotvorni angažman kao i putovanja i upoznavanje zemlje domaćina. Uzbuđena sam što je ove godine Koreja domaćin finala. Neverovatno lepa zemlja sa drevnom kulturom i ukusnom kuhinjom.

Mrs. Universe je takmičenje koje okuplja uspešne žene, recite nam nešto o svojim projektima?

Predstavnik sam regiona Kavkaz u međunarodnoj dobrotvornoj fondaciji Vladimir-a Spivakov-a koja je osnovana da pomogne mladim ljudima u razvoju njihovih umetničkih veština i talenata. Pobeda na takmičenju mi je donela podstrek za razvijanje novih  projekata. Na kraju krajeva pobednica Mrs Universe koja je nosilac titule ima čitavu godinu da se dokaže i angažuje najbolje što može kako bi pomogla onima kojima je pomoć zaista potrebna.


Na koji način ste impresionirali žiri I one koji su glasali za vas?

Žiri tokom celog takmičenja ne ocenjuje samo glavne nastupe na sceni tokom finala, već i ponašanje, bonton i komunikaciju sa drugim učesnicama. Čak i na samom doručku trebalo je da budete savršeni. Svakodnevno nadmetanje i takmičenje je svakodnevni rad gde nekoliko desetina sudija iz raznih zemalja sve vreme analizira u tangira sve učesnike. Moj kec u rukavu je bio na samom kraju, predstavila sam im tradicionalnu gruzijsku nošnju sa autentičnim vezom od raskošnog crvenog somota.

Možete li nam približiti vašu ulogu žene u porodici?

Za mene su moj dom i porodica nešto posebno, i to je mesto na kom se uvek osećam posebno, prijatno i toplo. Uvek brinem o svojoj porodici i prijateljima, i osećam sreću što sam izvor beskrajne inspiracije za svog muža.

Kako ste birali odevne kombinacije za takmičenje, u pitanju su samo luksuzne haljine?

Moja vizit karta za takmičenje je bila moja narodna nošnja koju je kreirala talentovana dizajnerka iz St. Petersburg-a, Maria Dida. U pitanju je ručni rad, izrada je trajala 3 meseca, a posebno je bitan i vez koji predstavlja nacionalni ornament 18. Veka.

Svaki učesnik na takmičenju nije samo neverovatno lepa žena, već ima I dobrotvornu misiju. Na koji način pomažete razvoju culture svojih zemalja?

Za mene je kultura najvredniji elemnt kada su u pitanju dobra jedne zemlje. Stoga kroz svoje aktivnosti promovišem razvoj mladih talentovanih umetnika i pisaca. Određeni deo sredstava odvajam i za pomoć beskućnicima.

Finale je održano u Južnoj Koreji. Kakve utiske nosite iz te zemlje?

Južna Koreja će mi ostati u sećanju po visokom stepenu organizacije događaja, najtoplijoj dobrodošlici, ukusnoj kuhinji, u pitanju je zemlja sa divnim planinskim pejzažom i pogledom na vodu bez premca, okružena sa tri mora.

Kakvi su vam planovi sada nakon takmičenja?

Sada kada sam osvojila titulu, imam mnogo posla koji je vezan za moju dobrotvornu misiju. Pored reklamnih ugovora koji me očekuju pre nego što budem predala krunu. Osećam se divno zbog činjenice da mogu postati primer milionima žena i da mogu pokazati da nikad nije kasno da pokažete svoju ličnost svima, i da promovišete kulturu svoje zemlje.

English here:

Anna Siradze, a representative from Georgia, won the title of Mrs. Universe 2021 in Seoul. Recently, on June 30, the finals of the popular international pageant Mrs.Universe gathering the most honourable married women took place in South Korea. It should be noted that the main criterion is children as well as achievements in the social and professional sphere.

This year’s winner was Anna Siradze, a 36-year-old representative from Georgia, who managed to conquer the audience and the jury of the international competition with her beauty, charisma and a large number of charity projects. We decided to find out what inspires the most beautiful woman of the universe in life, what she enjoys and what is she up to in her spare time.

Greetings. Glad to welcome Mrs Georgia Universe, tell us what ties you to this country. How do you feel being even the most beautiful woman in Georgia?

I am flattered to be awarded this honorary title. I was born in Russia, in Stavropol. Regarding my background, my mother is Russian, and my father and all the relatives back to the 10th century had their origin in Georgia. Therefore, nature endowed me with beauty and Georgian charisma, I am deeply proud of. Winning a contest is always a huge responsibility. After all, now you are the face of the country, a visiting card in the international arena.

It is worth noting that the Mrs. Universe event was postponed from 2021 due to the threat of the spread of coronavirus. More than 110 contenders for the title from around the world, aged 18 to 55, took part in the Mrs. Universe 2021 pageant.

Is this your first time when you participate in a beauty pageant?

This is not the first time I have taken part in competitions. My journey had started back in 2014. I won the title of Mrs. St. Petersburg then. In 2015, I became the winner of the international contest Mrs. Baltic. Then, I took part in the Mrs Globe beauty contest, winning an honorable 3rd place and receiving an additional title of Beauty of Europe. This year I was lucky to win the main crown, I am grateful to the judges and the audience for their choice.

Tell us, did it take you long to decide whether you participate in the pageant or not?

The decision to join in the contest was made 3 years ago, but COVID brought about changes. Mrs. Universe is not just a beauty pageant, it is an International forum allowing the girls raise the problems of women in their country and exchange cultural values and experience. Those are 9 days of exciting events, charity meetings and trips to get familiar with the host country. I am excited that this year Korea hosts the finals. This is an incredibly beautiful country with an ancient culture and delicious cuisine.

Mrs. Universe is also a beauty contest that gathers successful women, tell us about your projects?

I am a representative of the Caucasus region in The Vladimir Spivakov International Charity Foundation established to assist young people gifted in music and arts in the development of their talents. Winning the contest gave me even more inspiration to create new projects. After all, the Mrs Universe titleholder has a whole year before the transfer of the crown to engage in helping those who really need it.

How did you try to impress the jury of the pageant and those who voted for you?

The jury of the international competition assess not only the main appearances on stage during the final, but also the behavior, etiquette and level of communication with other participants. Henceforth, appearing at breakfast you should be perfect. The rivalling is a daily work, where several dozen judges from different countries analyze and rank all the participants all the time. At the very end, I showcased a unique national handmade Georgian costume with authentic embroidery and made of luxurious red velvet.

Could you tell us about your role of a woman in the family?

For me, my home and family are special for me and I feel cozy and warm there. I always take care of my family and friends, and feel happiness from being a source of endless inspiration for my husband.

How did you choose the outfits for the competition – you just have luxurious dresses. Who was the designer?

My visiting card for the contest was my national costume that was created by a talented designer from St. Petersburg Maria Dida. The outfit was being prepared by hand for 3 months, the embroidery, which reflects the national ornament of the 18th century, occupies a special place in it.

Each participant of Mrs. Universe is not only an incredibly beautiful woman, but has a charitable mission. In what way do you help the development of culture of your countries?

For me, culture is the most valuable element in the complex of the country’s assets. Therefore, through my activities I promote the development of young talented artists and writers. I also give certain part of the funds to help homeless animals.

The final took place in South Korea, tell us about your impressions about the country?

South Korea will stick in my memory for the high level of organization of the event, the warmest welcome, delicious cuisine, being a country with excellent mountain scenery and unrivalled water views as it is surrounded by three seas.

 What are you planning to do after the contest?

Having won the title, I have a pile of work related to my charitable mission. In addition to advertising contracts for a whole year before I hand over the Mrs. Universe crown. I feel admired from the fact I can become an example for millions of women, and show that it is never too late to demonstrate your personality to the Universe and reveal the beauty of the culture of your country to it.

Anna Siradze @anna_universe2021
PR: Maria Borovenskaya @mariborovenskaya
Foto: Instagram / Anna Siradze, privatna arhiva

