Kaput Natalia Rotenberg; Bodi Of the saints; Čizme Off-White; Tašna Brandon Blackwood; Narukvica Jill.Herlands; Naočare Tom Ford
U intervjuu za Harper’s BAZAAR Serbia, sa zvezdom našeg digital cover-a, razgovarali smo o odrastanju u Moskvi, manekenskoj karijeri i planovima za budućnost.
1. Recite nam nešto o sebi i Vašem odrastanju?
Rođena sam u Ashgabatu u Centralnoj Aziji, kasnije u ranom detinjstvu, preselila sam se sa roditeljima u Moskvu gde sam i odrasla.
Prvu diplomu iz ekonomije stekla sam u Moskvi, ali rad u ekonomiji me nije zadovoljio. U Londonu sam pohađala LLS (London Language School). Otprilike u to vreme su mi se javile prve misli o manekenskoj karijeri.
Haljina Beaute Comme Toi; Prsten Sara Shala Jewelry; Cipele Karibbein Ann Mariee
Na ulicama su me često primećivali agenti, nudeći mi posao modela. ali moja porodica je bila protiv ove ideje i nije to smatrala pristojnim poslom.
Kasnije, nakon preseljenja u New York, ozbiljno sam odlučila da se posvetim modelingu.
2. Šta za Vas znači biti na naslovnici magazina Harper’s Bazaar Serbia?
Biti na naslovnici Harper Bazaar Serbia znači veliki korak za moju budućnost u svakom smislu.
3. Kako ste započeli karijeru u modelingu?
U ovom trenutku tek sam na početku svoje manekenske karijere i već sam dobila pozitivne rezultate. Tokom prošle godine bila sam na više od deset naslovnica modnih časopisa kao što su; L’officiel, BE-Public, Gmaro, Ellemnts, Elegant. Takođe sam učestvovala u ekskluzivnim projektima za Vogue.
Korset The Blonds; Minđuše Erickson Beamon
4. Šta je bila najveća inspiracija za Vašu karijeru?
Njujork je bio najveća inspiracija za moju karijeru. Verujem da sam počela karijeru na pravom mestu.
5. Činilo se da je Vaša manekenska karijera zaista napredovala tokom globalne pandemije, šta je tajna Vašeg uspeha?
Rođeni smo za sreću, uspeh i prosperitet. Treba težiti svom cilju bez obzira na sve!
Korset i pantalone The Blonds; Minđuše Erickson Beamon
6. Ko je Vaš omiljeni dizajner i zašto?
Ne bih izdvajala nikoga, prihvatam i poštujem sve kreativne individualce. Svako je dobar na svoj način.
7. Najbolji savet koji ste ikada dobili?
Pretražujte, pronađite ono što vas motiviše i ne odustajte dok ne postignete svoj cilj.
Odelo The Blonds; Brusthalter Jesus Fernandez; Miđuše Erickson Beamon; Tašna Brandon Blackwood; Cipele Christian Louboutin
8. Čime bi ljudi bili iznenađeni da saznaju o Vama?
Odgovor na ovo pitanje želela bih da čujem od svojih dragih pratilaca za 10 godina.
9. Koji su Vaši planovi za budućnost?
Želim da nastavim sa modnom karijerom, kao i poslom u filmskoj industriji. Želim da i dalje budem zadovoljna i samostalna u svom životu. Verujem u sebe i svoju budućnost, na kojoj vredno radim.
Odelo Beaute Comme Toi; Cipele Karibbein Ann Mariee; Prsten Romantica Jewelry; Minđuše Erickson Beamon
1. Hi Karolina, tell us about yourself, where did you grow up?
I was born in Ashgabat in Central Asia, later at an early age I moved with my parents to Moscow and I grew up in Moscow.
I received my first degree in Economics in Moscow, but working as an economist did not satisfied me. Following the recommendation of my parents, I decided to pursue the second degree in law. At that time, for family reasons, I had to discontinue my education in law and move to London. In London, I attended the LLS (London Language School). I studied at this language school for about two semesters.
It was around this time that the first thoughts about modeling career came in my mind.
Kaput Nina Athanasiou; Čizme Casadei; Prsten Jill.Herlands; Ogrlica Erickson Beamon
I was often spotted on the streets by modeling agency scouts, offering me a modeling job. But my family were against this modeling idea and did not consider as a decent job.
Later on, after moving to New York, I seriously decided to devote myself to this career- after all. It is all true that “New York is the City of opportunities.”
2. What does “being on the cover of Harper’s Bazaar Serbia” mean to you?
Being on the cover of Harper Bazaar Serbia means, “a big step into my bright future.”
3. How did you get started in the modeling industry?
Odelo The Blonds; Brusthalter Jesus Fernandez; Miđuše Erickson Beamon; Tašna Brandon Blackwood
At this moment, I’m only at the beginning of my modeling career. I have already received positive results regarding my career. During the last year, I was on more than ten covers of fashion magazines such as; L’officiel, BE-Public, Gmaro, Ellemnts, Elegant, and others and participated in exclusive projects for Vogue. My first publications in glossy were just as advertising campaigns for talented young designers. I believe in a constant endeavor at self-improvement.
4. Who has been the biggest inspiration for your career?
I am inspired by New York to my succeed. New York has been the biggest inspiration for my career. I believe, If I can make it here, I can make it anywhere.
5. Your modeling career has really seemed to thrive during the global pandemic, what’s the secret to all your success?
We were born for happiness, success and prosperity. You need to strive for your goal no matter what!
6.Who is your favorite designer and why?
I accept and respect everyone. Everyone is good in their own way.
7. What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
Search, find and do not give up until you reach your Goal.
8. What would people be surprised to know about you?
I would like to hear the answer to this question from my dear followers in 10 years.
9. What are your plans for the future?
I wish to continue in modeling, fashion career and also in movie industry. I wish to continue to be self-supportive, self- sufficient, and self -reliant in my personal life. I believe in myself, and my wonderful future. Thank you.
Team credits:
MODEL: KAROLINA GEITS @karolinageits
HAIR: ALLIE JACKSON @everything_alliejal