Laura Kastl – Jesenji šarm

Odelo, košulja, čizme, sve Max Mara
Narukvica IsabelleFa

Sa Laurom Kastl razgovarali smo o društvenim mrežama i njihovom uticaju na modno tržište, putovanjima i omiljenim dizajnerskim komadima u njenom garderoberu.

Recite nam nešto o sebi.

Moram reći da sam izuzetno srećna devojka. Cenim ono što imam, uprkos lošim danima. Nije uvek sve savršeno kao što izgleda. Svakodnevno radim na sebi. Kada se bavite sobom i naporno radite, snovi se ostvaruju.

Kada ste prvi put shvatili da želite da nastavite karijeru u modnoj industriji?

Oduvek sam želela da postanem model. Sa svojim sedamnaest godina sam bila sigurna da će to biti moj životni poziv.

Total look Iris Von Arnim

Možete li da podelite najzanimljiviju priču koja vam se dogodila od kada ste postali model?

Bilo ih je mnogo ali izdvojila bih putovanje u Singapur na otvaranje prodavnice Victorie Beckham gde sam imala priliku da sarađujem sa sjajnom osobom kakva je Victoria.

Koji je to omiljeni dizajnerski komad u vašem ormaru?

Moj orman je vrlo klasičan, uglavnom je to udobna odeća, ali rekla bih da je moj statement komad Dior Saddle bag… Zaljubljena sam u nemačku dizajnerku Irene, čije komade obožavam.

Recite nam nešto o svojoj beauty rutini.

Trudim se da se ne šminkam onim danima kada nisam ispred kamere. Nikada ne idem u krevet bez čišćenja lica, hidratantne kreme i trudim se da se hranim zdravo. Moj savet je da unosite dovoljno tečnosti, da se naspavate i budete srećni.

Džemper Simone Bruns 
Suknja Irene Luft

Ko vam je uzor?

Definitivno je moja majka najveći uzor. Budući da sam veoma mlada ušla u svet modelinga, ona me je mnogo savetovala, usmeravala i podržavala. Takođe, jake žene poput Iris Berben, Marilin Monroe, Senta Berger, Miley Cyrus, Tailor Svift, svima im je zajedničko da su bile hrabre ili da jesu jer su u jednom trenutku znale da su to: jake žene!

Kakav je vaš odnos sa društvenim mrežama i koliko je to bilo važno za vašu karijeru?

Pokušavam da ga pametno iskoristim. Društvene mreže su važne i svakodnevno ih koristim. Pomogle su mi da dobijem neke poslove. Ali postavila sam sebi neke granice. Nema telefona dok jedete, a takođe i u mojoj spavaćoj sobi je zona bez telefona. Odvojim nekoliko dana da isključim telefon i društvene mreže, posebno tokom vikenda.

Kako usklađujete svoj posao sa putovanjima i privatnim životom?

Pre svega, volim svoj posao. Putujem već 10 godina. Nije uvek lako kada su vaši prijatelji razočarani jer svake godine propuštate njihove rođendane i važne datume zbog posla. Ove godine sam to promenila i shvatila da posao nije sve i sada se osećam mnogo bolje.

Haljina Irene Luft
Čizme Emporio Armani


Tell us something about yourself.

I am an extremely lucky girl. Appreciative of all that i have, but i have bad days, too. It’s not always as perfect as it may seem. 

I work on myself every day and I had problems with myself like everyone has. But you get stronger every day and when you work hard dreams come true. 

When did you first realize you wanted to pursue a career in the modeling industry? 

I always wanted to become a model. Maybe at the age of 12. With 17 I started to feel myself. 

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you became a model?

It’s not one particularly story there are a lot…  

But one that I kept in my mind was that I flew to Singapur for the opening of Victoria beckhams fashion store and it was ab amazing  possibility to work together with a great personality  like she is…

Šešir Nofrit Huete
Haljina, kaput Boss

What’s your designer statement piece in your closet?

I got a very classical closet and a lot of comfortable stuff so I would say my statement piece is  a Dior saddle bag… I have a crush on German designer Irene luft her style is amazing. 

Tell us something about your daily beauty routine.

On  a regular day, I’ll just brush  my teeth, wash my face, and apply sunblock. I am happy not to wear make-up on days where I am not in front of the camera. I never go to bed without cleansing my face and I try to eat mindfully.  You have to eat the good stuff to get the good stuff. My best advice is remain calm, drink your water, get your sleep and be joyful.

Who is your role model?

Definitely my mum she is just amazing. She advised me a lot in the business cause she used to be a model when she was young. Iris Berben, Senta Berger, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Marilyn Monroe they all have in common that they were brave or that they are because at some point they knew that they are: strong women!

Džemper Cashmere Victim
Bluza i suknja Iosoy
Šešir Nofrit Huete
Minđuše Nilmanel

What is your relationship with social media and how important has it been for your career?

I try to use it wisely. Social media is important and I use it every day it helped me to get some jobs. But I gave myself some rules. No phone while eating and also in my bedroom is a phone free zone.  I take some days where I switch my phone and social media off especially during the weekend. 

How do you juggle your job with travel and personal life?

I love my job. And I travel the world since 10 years now. It’s not always easy when your friends are disappointed cause you miss their birthday party every year because of work. This year I changed that and realised that work isn’t everything and it felt very good.


Photography: Kristina Lewis @kristinalewisphotography

Model: Laura Kastl @laura_pondereplay

Styling: Stephan Kallaus @stephankallaus

Hair&Makeup: John Elliott @johnelliottmakeup using MAC COSMETICS & ALCINA PROFESSIONAL

Videographer: Donny Lewis @donny7lewis

Location: Gut Ising @hotelgutising

PR agency: Wavemags @wavemags
