Tatiana Usatii – Zvezda sa žarom početnice

Tatiana Usatii počela je da bavi manekenstvom sa 16 godina. Tokom svoje karijere pojavila se u mnogim modnim kampanjama širom sveta. Prošetala je modnim pistama za Hermes, Roberto Cavalli, Louis Vuitton, Bvlgari, Pinko, Diesel, Van Cleef & Arpels, Michael Cinco, Amato i mnoge druge.

Imala je ugovore sa agencijom Nologo u Milanu, F Models u Džakarti, Andrews models u Kuala Lumpuru, S Management u Istanbulu. Trenutno je zastupa MMG Models u Dubaiju. Tania je za svoju izvrsnost kroz karijeru osvojila nekoliko nacionalnih i internacionalnih nagrada. Stigla je na drugo međunarodno takmičenje top modela u Kini 2013. Pored toga, pobedila je na Miss Earth Romania 2020, gde se takmičila sa ostalim modnim modelima.

Tatjana je rođena i odrasla u Republici Moldaviji, imala je jednostavno i srećno detinjstvo. Dvojna je državljanka Rumunije i Moldavije.

Naučimo više o njenoj manekenskoj karijeri, načinu života i budućim planovima. Uživajte u intervjuu!

U čemu najviše uživate u manekenstvu?

Uživam u upoznavanju novih ljudi i boravku na različitim lokacijama, sa različitim timovima. Trudim se da na pravi način prikažem klijentov proizvod, bilo da ga držim, nosim ili modeliram. Moja misija je da oživim proizvod ili projekat kako bih mogla imati stvarnu ljudsku vezu. Volim svako putovanje koje mi manekenstvo nudi, svako iskustvo je dragoceno. Uvek se trudim da učinim razliku za kupca kako bi bio jedan od ključnih elemenata koji su mu potrebni za uspešnu marketinšku kampanju.

Mnogo godina radite sa najboljim brendovima, šta je sledeće?

Želim da i dalje rastem kao model. Sarađivala sam sa dizajnerima kao što su Van Cleef & Arpels, Hermes i Michael Cinco. Nadam se da ću nastaviti ove sjajne saradnje i radujem se novoj. Iskustvo života u Dubaiju bilo je pravi blagoslov. Imam priliku da budem u modnoj prestonici Bliskog Istoka. Vrhunski modni brendovi su ovde i prilika za rad sa njima je fantastična.Otvorena sam za nove mogućnosti i u drugim zemljama ako vrede, uzbuđena sam kada vidim šta će mi doneti budućnost!

Da li ste očekivali takav internacionalni uspeh u svojoj karijeri?

Nisam. Počela sam pre više od 10 godina u Istanbulu. Nisam zamišljala da ću biti deo svetskih nedelja mode i da ću imati mogućnost t da radim sa najboljim brendovima u industriji.

Da li ste se suočili sa nekim poteškoćama u svetu modelinga?

Zimske kolekcije se snimaju leti, a letnje zimi. Ovo je uobičajeni problem za modele. Jednom sam imala 8-časovno fotografisanje na 45 stepeni Celzijusa dok sam nosila zimsku odeću. Možete zamisliti kakav je osećaj …

Recite nam šta se dešava u pozadini modnih revija.

Oh, potpuno je drugačiji svet nego na sceni. Haos počinje kada je vreme za promenu odeće tokom modne revije. Svi žure, stvari lete, to je najstresniji deo pripreme. Međutim, kad zakoračim na scenu, potpuno pređem u mood same revije.

Zanimljiva priča dogodila se na reviji Ghea Panggabean-a na nedelji mode u Kuala Lumpuru. Bila sam postrojena, spremna da započnem predstavu, noseći svoju odeću koja je potvrđena danima unapred na fitting-u. Tada me je dizajner pogledao i iznenada me uhvatio za ruku govoreći mi da promenim odeću, sve se to dogodilo minut pre revije. U početku sam bila malo pod stresom, a zatim sam se inspirisala prelepom haljinom koju mi je dala. Napokon sam zakoračila na pistu. Raširila sam ruke pokazujući prelepu tkaninu i štampu na haljini. Svi su pljeskali, navijali i isti dan je prodata haljina koju sam nosila! Bila sam zaista ponosna!

Modni svet donosi mnogo neočekivanih, zabavnih i radosnih trenutaka, volim sve u vezi s tim!

Koji su vaši hobiji?

Volim da pešačim i skijam, takođe vežbam jogu i pilates, veza sa prirodom me izuzetno raduje. Moj raspored je krcat većinu vremena, pa kad imam priliku da se opustim, heklam. Mnogo uživam, a svi moji prijatelji su od mene dobili nešto ručno izrađeno.

Koji je vaš lični stil?

Kombinezoni su moja slabost, u garderoberu imam najmanje 15 komada. Volim boje, tamnoplava mi je jedna od najdražih. Odlučujem se za šminku, suptilni nakit, devojačke haljine i udobne cipele.

Šta je ključ uspeha?

Naporan rad, izdržljivost i neodustajanje. Ostanite istinska osoba koja jeste u svakom trenutku. Budite profesionalni, uvek radite na sebi i svojim veštinama. Nikada ne dozvolite da vas problemi preplave. Borite se ili zaobiđite svaku prepreku i osvojite modnu industriju!


Model: Tatiana Usatii @narnia_t
Fotograf: Nicoleta Buru @nicoletaburu
Stilista: Varvara Fisenko @varvarafisenko
Šminka i frizura: Svetlana Lukiianenko @be_perfect_makeup
Produkcija: Valentina Gurova @valentinagurova


Tatiana Usatii stepped into modeling at age 16. She appeared in many fashion campaigns across the globe throughout her career. The top model walked for Hermes, Roberto Cavalli, Louis Vuitton, Bvlgari, Pinko, Diesel, Van Cleef & Arpels, Michael Cinco, Amato to name a few.

She had contracts with Nologo agency in Milano, F Models in Jakarta, Andrews models in Kuala Lumpur, S Management in Istanbul. She is currently represented by MMG Models in Dubai, L.I.P.S. Management and others. Tania has won several national and international awards for her excellence through her career.  She arrived 2nd in an international top model competition in China in 2013. Furthermore, She won Miss Earth Romania 2020 where she competed against other fashion models.

Tatiana was born and raised in the Republic of Moldova, she had a simple and happy childhood. She is a dual citizen of Romania and Moldova.

Let’s learn more about her modeling career, lifestyle, and future plans. Enjoy the interview!

What do you enjoy most about modeling?

I enjoy meeting new people and being on different locations, with different teams. I do my best to show the client’s product in the right way, whether I am holding, wearing or modeling around it. My mission is to revive the product or project so it can have a real human connection. I love every journey that modeling offers me, every experience is precious. I always try to make a difference for the customer in order to be one of the key element he needs for a successful marketing campaign.

You have worked with the best brands for many years, what is next?

I want to continue to grow as a fashion model. I have worked extensively with designers such as Van Cleef & Arpels, Hermes and Michael Cinco. I hope to continue these great collaborations and I look forward to new ones. The experience of living in Dubai has been a true blessing. I have the opportunity to be in the fashion capital of the Middle East. The top fashion brands are here and having the chance to work with them is fantastic.

I am open to new opportunities in other countries as well if they are worth it, I am excited to see what the future will bring me!

Did you expect such an international success with your career?

I did not. I started more than 10 years ago in Istanbul. I would not imagine being part of international fashion weeks and working with the best brands in the industry.

Have you faced any difficulties in the model world?

The winter collections shoots in summer and the summer collections in winter. This is the usual problem for models. Once I had an 8-hour photoshoot in 45 degrees Celsius while wearing winter clothes. You can imagine how it feels…

Tell us what is happening in the backstage of the fashion shows.

Oh, is a completely different world than on the stage. The chaos begins when is time to change outfits during the fashion show. Everyone is rushing, things are flying, it is the most stressful part of the show. However when I step on the stage I completely transit to the mood of the show.

An interesting story happened at Ghea Panggabean’s fashion show in Kuala Lumpur fashion week. I was lined up, ready to start the show, wearing my outfit that was confirmed days in advance at the fitting. Then, the designer looked at me and suddenly took me by the hand telling me to change outfit, all that happened one minute before the show. At first I got a bit stressed, then I got inspired from the beautiful dress she gave me. Finally, I stepped on the runway and I nailed it. I opened my arms showing the beautiful fabric and print. Everyone was clapping, cheering and the same day the dress I wore got sold! I was really proud!

The fashion world brings many unexpected, fun and joyful moments, I love everything about it!

What are your hobbies?

I love to hike and ski, also practicing yoga and pilates, connection with the nature makes me extremely happy. My schedule is packed most of the time so when I get a chance to just relax I crochet. I enjoy it a lot, and all my friends got something handmade from me.

What is your personal style?

Jumpsuits are my weakness, I have at least 15 pieces in my wardrobe. I love colors, navy blue is one of my favorite. I opt for no make up, small subtle jewelry, girly dresses and comfy shoes.

What are the keys of success?

Hard work, resilience and not giving up. Remain the true person you are at all times. Be professional, always work on yourself and your skills. Never let problems overwhelm you. Fight or go around every single obstacle and conquer the industry!
