Alla Bruletova, globalni modni influenser sa preko 5 miliona pratilaca na društvenim mrežama, izaziva norme industrije svojom visinom od samo 158cm. Njen uspon kao modela označava pomak ka inkluzivnosti u modi. Njeno putovanje je počelo u malom gradu, gde su njeni modeling angažmani bili utemeljeni u dubokoj strasti prema sportu. Ta rana iskustva postavila su temelje za njenu karijeru u blogovanju i modelingu. Motivacija Bruletove proizilazi iz ljubavi prema kreiranju sadržaja. Sa njenim video snimcima koji imaju 100 miliona pregleda, ona vidi modeling kao platformu da pojača svoj uticaj, istovremeno negujući svoju kreativnost i izražavanje.
Viralni Bently momenat
Allin viralni video sa Bentleyem i njena ljubav prema modelingu ističu njen užitak pred kamerom, eksperimentisanje sa ulogama i zadovoljstvo koje pronalazi u kreativnom procesu. Ona je prvobitno mislila da je u pitanju reklama za pristupačan automobil, samo da bi otkrila da je zapravo za prestižni Bentley. Uprkos neočekivanom toku događaja, video je postao globalna senzacija, dovodeći do široke pohvale i priznanja.
@brual.world: Realizovana vizija
Njena ljubav prema modi proizilazi iz dubljeg poštovanja prema sposobnosti industrije da odrazi trenutak i društvo. Bruletova nalazi inspiraciju u stalnoj evoluciji mode, upoređujući je sa umetnošću, i vidi je kao platformu za kontinuiranu inovaciju. Rođenje njenog brenda @brual.world je plod Alline želje da stvori svoj potpis i ostvari svoju viziju, što je dovelo do dizajniranja edgy i pristupačne odeće za mlađu, trendi publiku.
Prihvatanje odgovornosti i budućih izgleda
Ona prihvata odgovornost koja dolazi sa uticajem na izbore i akcije ljudi. Njene buduće perspektive uključuju selidbu u Pariz i učešće u uzbudljivim kampanjama i editorijalima, sa ciljem da proširi svoj uticaj kao ličnost na društvenim mrežama na globalnom nivou.
English here:

Alla Bruletova, a global fashion influencer having over 5 million followers on social media, challenges the industry’s norms by standing at just 158cm. Her rise as a fashion model signifies a shift towards inclusivity in fashion. Initially, her journey beg an in a small town, where her modeling gigs were rooted in her deep passion for sports. These early experiences laid the groundwork for her career in blogging and modeling. Bruletova’s motivation stems from her love for content creation. With her videos having 100 million views, she sees modeling as a platform to amplify her influence, embracing both her creativity and self-expression
Bentley Viral Moment
Bruletova’s viral Bentley video and her love for modeling highlight her enjoyment of being in front of the camera, experimenting with roles, and the fulfillment she finds in the creative process. She was initially under the impression that it was an advertisement for a budget-friendly car, only to discover that it was actually for a prestigious Bentley. Despite the unexpected turn of events, the video became a global sensation, leading to widespread acclaim and recognition.
@brual.world: A Vision Realized
Her love affair with fashion stems from a deeper appreciation for the industry’s ability toreflect the current moment and society. Bruletova finds inspiration in the ever-evolvingnature of fashion, comparing it to art, and sees it as a platform for continuous innovation.The birth of her own brand @brual.world is the fruit of Bruletova’s desire to create her ownsignature and realize her vision, leading to the design of edgy and affordable clothing for ayounger, trendier audience
Embracing Responsibility and Future Prospects
She embraces the responsibility that comes with influencing people’s choices and actions. Her future prospects include a move to Paris and involvement in exciting campaigns and editorials, aiming to expand her influence as a social media personality on a global scale.

Earrings and Ring: both Chantecler at al Fardan

Necklace: Bvlgari

Necklace and Ring: Both Yessayan

Necklace and Ring: Both Yessayan

Necklace and Ring: Both Yessayan

Rings: Crivelli at Al Fardan
Shoes: Alaïa

Rings: Crivelli at Al Fardan
Shoes: Alaïa