Anna De Bekkar je istaknuta i svestrana ličnost u svetu mode i sedmoj umetnosti. Njena priča je svedočanstvo elegancije, svestranosti i transformativne moći lepote, čineći je slavnim imenom u modnoj industriji i širem svetu zabave.
Modna Ikona
Anna De Bekkar je međunarodno priznati top model čije upečatljive osobine i izgled krase naslovne strane prestižnih magazina kao što su Harper’s Bazaar, Forbes, Cosmopolitan, L’Officiel. Njeno prisustvo na modnim pistama jednako je impresivno, sa zapanjujućom gracioznošću kojom osvaja scenu na velikim Nedeljama mode u Milanu, Parizu i Moskvi. Kao počasna ambasadorka za različite međunarodne brendove, ona je redovni glavni akter za renomirane couturiere, sa izvanrednim sposobnostima da utelovi njihove vizije.
Filmska postignuća
Pored svoje karijere u modelingu, Anna je napravila značajne korake u filmskoj industriji. Pokazala je i svoju glumačku veštinu u različitim žanrovima i trenutno igra jednu od glavnih uloga u uzbudljivom detektivskom filmu koji režiraju Sergey i Igor Mishin u Moskvi. Ovaj film istražuje događaje iz 19. veka, preplićući teme porodice, prijateljstva, lojalnosti, odanosti i ljubavi u svoju naraciju.

Svestranost na ekranu i televiziji
Annina svestranost se širi i na televiziju, gde blista kao vrhunski prezenter na TV kanalu MusicBoxGold, vodeći informativne programe sa posebnim šarmom. Njena sposobnost da se poveže sa publikom i njena elokventnost čine je izuzetnom ličnošću u medijima – kao i u modi.
Intelektualne i preduzetničke aktivnosti
Akademski uspesi Anne De Bekkar su jednako impresivni kao njena karijera u modelingu. Sa doktorskom titulom iz Filozofije i statusom akademika na Internacionalnoj akademiji stvarne ekonomije, ona spaja mudrost i znanje sa svojim javnim izgledom. Osim toga, njen preduzetnički duh se ogleda kroz njen brend BEKKARDE, koji odražava njen jedinstven stil i posvećenost kvalitetu.

Filozofija i lična refleksija
Anina filozofija življenja sa svrhom i preciznošću definiše njen pristup životu i karijeri. Prihvata izazove i uči iz razočaranja, videći ih kao priliku za rast. Njene refleksije o samootkrivanju i ličnom cilju otkrivaju duboko razumevanje njenog putovanja i važnost namernosti u svim nastojanjima.
English here:

Anna De Bekkar stands as a prominent and multifaceted figure in the world of fashion and beyond. Her journey is a testament to elegance, versatility, and the transformative power of beauty, making her a celebrated name in both the fashion industry and the broader entertainment sphere.
The fashion icon
Anna De Bekkar is an internationally acclaimed top model whose striking features and diverse looks have graced the covers of prestigious magazines like Forbes, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, L’Officiel, and Harper’s Bazaar. Her runway presence is equally impressive, commanding the stage with grace and poise at major Fashion Weeks in Milan, Paris, and Moscow. As an Honorary Ambassador for various international brands, she is a regular headliner for renowned couturiers, embodying their visions with remarkable skill.
Cinematic achievements
Beyond her modeling career, Anna has made significant strides in the film industry. She has demonstrated her acting prowess in a range of genres and is currently starring in a thrilling detective film directed by Sergey & Igor Mishin in Moscow. This film explores 19th-century historical events, weaving themes of family, friendship, loyalty, devotion, and love into its narrative.

Versatility on screen and TV
Anna’s versatility extends to television, where she shines as a top presenter on the MusicBoxGold TV channel, hosting news programs with flair. Her ability to connect with audiences and her eloquence make her a standout figure in media as well as fashion.
Intellectual and entrepreneurial pursuits
Anna De Bekkar’s academic accomplishments are as impressive as her modeling career. Holding a doctorate in Philosophy and being an academician at the International Academy of Real Economy, she blends wisdom and knowledge with her public persona. Additionally, her entrepreneurial spirit shines through her brand BEKKARDE, reflecting her distinctive style and commitment to quality.

Philosophy and personal reflection
Anna’s philosophy of living with purpose and precision defines her approach to both life and career. She embraces challenges and learns from disappointments, seeing them as opportunities for growth. Her reflections on self-discovery and personal purpose reveal a deep understanding of her journey and the importance of intentionality in all endeavors.
Team credits:
Top-Model, TV host, actress: Anna De Bekkar @annadebekkar
Production: DmKHollywoodstudio
Cr.Director/Design/Fashion Photographer: Dmitry Kamanin @dmitry.kamanin
Styling/assistance: Marie Sanna @mariesanna
Muah: Masha Kudri @mari_kudri
Video/Filming: @llin.video
PR: @say__media