Haljina: Vetements
Minđuše: Alexander McQueen
Narukvica: Balenciaga.
U modnom svetu, Annah Bach je više od dizajnerke nakita – ona je priča o strasti, snazi i beskrajnoj kreativnosti. Kroz razgovor o svojim ranim iskustvima, Annah otkriva da je moda za nju oduvek bila više od odevnih predmeta – to je bio oblik izvođačke umetnosti koji je spajao njenu ličnu priču sa temama koje su je inspirisale. Njena opsežna kolekcija mode odražava tu duboku povezanost, sa komadima koji sežu od elegantne jednostavnosti do pank femininiteta.
Annah nam je takođe otkrila više o svojoj novoj kolekciji visokog nakita, Annah Bach Jewels, koja je inspirisana Rajskim vrtom i predstavlja voće u obliku očaravajućih dijamanata i dragog kamenja u živopisnim bojama. Ova kolekcija ne samo da angažuje kreativnost nosioca, već istovremeno priča priče kroz svaki komad.
Sa lansiranjem Annah Bach Jewels kasnije ove godine, uz fokus na etički luksuz, i njenim nadolazećim modnim filmom, Annah Bach nastavlja da definiše svet mode kao mesto gde se snovi pretvaraju u stvarnost.
Možete li da podelite više o vašim ranim iskustvima sa modom i kako je postala oblik osnaživanja za vas?
Otkrila sam kao dete kroz pozorište i modeling da moda priča čudesne priče. Moda je uvek o temama koje su vama lično važne. To je oblik izvođačke umetnosti koji na jedinstven način spaja odevni predmet i nosioca.
Kako pristupate odabiru i stilizovanju vaše opsežne kolekcije mode?
Dajem sebi slobodu da budem inspirisana kolekcijama nove sezone i blagom koje otkrivam. Moda je bogata zanimljivim temama. Zaljubim se u jedan ili nekoliko koncepta i pratim ih. Jedna kolekcija može da me inspiriše da se osećam poput Marije Kallas, a druga kao Kruela. U modi nema granica.

Ogrtač: Valentino
Minđuše: Bottega Veneta
Beretka: Dior
Da li imate omiljeni komad u vašoj kolekciji?
Moj omiljeni komad varira u zavisnosti od toga šta me najviše privuče. Postoji savršen komad koji može da izrazi svaku emociju i volim da pričam priče kroz modu. Posebno mi se dopadaju Saint Laurent zbog njihove elegantne jednostavnosti i Alexander McQueen jer volim pank femininitet. Obe modne kuće portretiraju ženu moći.
Možete li nam reći više o vašoj novoj kolekciji visokog nakita, Annah Bach Jewels?
Annah Bach Jewels crpi inspiraciju iz Rajskog vrta gde očaravajući dijamanti u bojama i drago kamenje predstavljaju primamljivo voće. Komadi koji sadrže dijamante i dragulje u živopisnim bojama roze, plave, žute, zelene i ljubičaste takođe nude i raznolikost koja angažuje kreativnost nosioca. Komad se može nositi kao raskošan koktel prsten i kao sofisticirani čoker.

Nakit: Alexander McQueen & Bottega Veneta
Cipele: Alexander McQueen
High waisted veš: Saint Laurent
Šta vas je inspirisalo za vašu prvu kolekciju i da li imate omiljeni komad?
U svojoj liniji nakita želela sam da istražim želju i lepotu. Kolekcija se zove “Zabranjeno voće” sa očaravajućim dijamantima u bojama i dragocenim kamenjem kao poslasticama kojima žena može da se ukrasi. I nakit i nosilac su predmet želje. Posebno mi se dopada koktel prsten za višestruko nošenje zbog predivnih tonova roze i zelenih dijamanata.
Šta možemo očekivati od Annah Bach u budućnosti?
Annah Bach Jewels će se lansirati kasnije ove godine sa akcentom na etički luksuz. Radimo na nekim uzbudljivim saradnjama unutar kolekcije. Što se mene lično tiče, radujem se eksperimentisanju i novim izazovima: Moj sledeći projekat će biti još jedan modni film koji počinje sa snimanjem u jesen.

Suknja: Balenciaga
Nakit: Rick Owens
Cipele: Vivienne Westwood
English here:
In the fashion world, Annah Bach is more than a jewelry designer – she is a story of passion, strength, and endless creativity. Through a conversation about her early experiences, Annah reveals that fashion has always been more than just clothing to her – it has been a form of performance art that connected her personal story with themes that inspired her. Her extensive fashion collection reflects this deep connection, with pieces ranging from elegant simplicity to punk femininity.
Annah also opened up about her new high jewelry collection, Annah Bach Jewels, inspired by the Garden of Eden features fancy colored created diamonds in vibrant colors. This collection not only engages the wearer’s creativity but also tells stories through each piece. With the launch of Annah Bach Jewels later this year, and her upcoming fashion film, Annah Bach continues to define the world of fashion as a place where dreams become reality.
Can you share more about your early experiences with fashion and how it became a form of empowerment for you?
I discovered as a child through theatre and modeling that fashion tells wondrous stories. Fashion is always about themes that you personally relate to. It is a form of performance art that combines the garment and the wearer in a unique way.
How do you approach curating and styling your extensive fashion collection?
I let myself be inspired by new season’s collections and the treasures I discover. Fashion is rich with interesting themes. I fall in love with a concept or few and pursue them. One collection might make me feel like Maria Callas, another like Cruella. There are no limits in fashion.

Earrings: Alexander McQueen
Bracelet: Balenciaga
Shoes: Valentino
Do you have a favourite item in your collection?
My favorite piece varies depending what speaks to me the most. There is a perfect piece to communicate every emotion and I love telling a story through fashion. I have a fondness for Saint Laurent for their sleek elegance and Alexander McQueen because I love punk femininity. Both design houses portrait a woman of power.
Could you tell us more about your new fine jewellery line, Annah Bach Jewels?
Annah Bach Jewels draws its theme from the Garden of Eden where fancy colored diamonds and gemstones represent the alluring fruit. Pieces that feature diamonds and gemstones in vivacious colors of pink, blue, yellow, green and purple offer also versatility that engages the wearer’s creativity. A piece can be both worn as an opulent cocktail ring and as a sophisticated choker.

Shoes: Bottega Veneta
Bows: Jennifer Behr
What inspired your first collection and do you have a favourite piece?
In my jewelry line I wanted to explore desire and beauty. The collection is called ‘Forbidden Fruit’ with fancy colored diamonds and precious gemstones as delectables that a woman can adorn herself with. Both the jewelry pieces and their wearer are an object of desire. I especially love the multi wear cocktail ring for the delicious tones of pink and green diamonds.
What can we expect from Annah Bach in the future?
Annah Bach Jewels will launch later this year with the emphasis on ethical luxury. We are working on some exciting collaborations within the collection. For me personally, I look forward to experimenting and new challenges: My next project will be another fashion film which starts shooting in the fall.
Talent: Annah Bach
Photographer: Sasha Samsonova
Creative Director: Jenny Williams
Hair & Make Up: Terezka Fras
Hair and Makeup Assitant: Vadym Kravchenko
Digi Tech: Josh_Fogul
Lighting: Thomas Patton
PR: Anna La Germaine