Citat «collige virgo rosas» deo je stiha iz pesme pod nazivom «de rosis nascentibus», koja se pripisuje latinskom pesniku Ausoniusu. Mnogi su ovu misao ponavljali u svojim pesmama kroz vekove. Stih predstavlja poziv mladima da uživaju u svojoj vitalnosti i lepoti dok su još u punom cvatu, jer starenje i konačno smrt čekaju sve nas.
Ovaj editorijal istražuje put od dečaštva do muškosti, koristeći simboliku cveća da osvetli prolaznu prirodu lepote i života. Priča počinje sa delikatnim belim cvetnim ukrasom za glavu, koji predstavlja čistotu i krhkost mladosti. Kako se priča razvija, prelazi se u dečačke kombinacije, mekane teksture i boje koje evociraju osećaj topline i udobnosti, podsećajući na bezbrižne dane. Naracija evoluira u zrelije i oštrije stilove, prikazujući elegantnu krojačku umetnost sa vezom od pritisnutog cveća. Strukturisani sako, košulje i krojene pantalone izražavaju novu dozu samopouzdanja. Ova promena simbolizuje rast i pojavu sofisticiranosti.
Priča kulminira upečatljivim finalnim izgledom: crveni cvetni ukras za glavu snažan je kontrast ranijem belom, predstavljajući uvenuće cveća i prolaznost vremena. Na kraju, ova serija simbolizuje vrhunac lepote i mladosti i njen neizbežni pad, pripovedajući kroz jezik cveća, svesna da, iako lepota može da izbledi, njeno sećanje ostaje, pozivajući posmatrača da prihvati prolazne trenutke života. Podsećajući nas da beremo naše ruže dok možemo.
English here:
«Collige virgo rosas»: Pick the roses while you can…
The quote «collige virgo rosas» is part of a verse from a poem titled «de rosis nascentibus», attributed to the Latin poet Ausonius. Many have reprised this notion in their poetry throughout time. The verse is an invitation to the youngest to enjoy their vitality and beauty, while these still are in their prime, as aging and finally death are waiting for us all.
This editorial explores the journey from boyhood to manhood, using the symbolism of flowers to reflect the fleeting nature of beauty and life. It begins with a delicate white flower headpiece, representing the purity and fragility of youth. As the story unfolds, we transitions into juvenile looks; soft textures and colors evoke a sense of warmth and comfort, reminiscent of carefree days. The narrative evolves into more mature and stark styles, showcasing elegant tailoring with pressed flower embroideries. Structured Blazers, Shirts and tailored trousers that convey a newfound confidence.This shift symbolizes growth and the emergence of sophistication.
The story culminates in a striking final look: the red floral headpiece stands in stark contrast to the earlier whites embodying the wilting of the flower and the passing of time. Ultimately, this series symbolizes the peak of beauty and youth and its inevitable decline narrated through the language of flowers, acknowledging that while beauty may fade, its memory lingers, inviting the viewer to embrace life’s fleeting moments. Reminding us to gather our roses while we can.

Shoes: Jimmy Choo

Shoes: Jimmy Choo

Shorts: Harry Lambert
Shoes: Dolce & Gabbana

Shoes: Dolce & Gabbana

Shoes: Jimmy Choo

Shoes: Jimmy Choo

Trousers: Alexander McQueen
Shoes: Jimmy Choo

Shoes: Jimmy Choo

Shoes: Dolce & Gabbana
Team Credits:
Model: Karlin Meilgen @karlin
Photographer: Vivi Suthathip @viewzfinder
Stylist: Duces Saeton @aunnaduces.style
Hair and Make-up Artist: Iryna Tretiak @tretiakiryna
Manicurist: Steffanie Golian @manicuresbysg
Retoucher: Daria Zaitseva @dari_retouch_
PR: @say__media