Olga Rom: Radiant Elegance

Kreativna snaga savremene mode

olga rom
Haljina: Valentin Yudashkin
Prsten: Vlasništvo modela

Olga Rom je talentovana dizajnerka čija kreativnost i strast prema modi ne poznaju granice. Sa korenima u svetu visoke mode, Olga je svoj put započela kao model, a njen rad sa renomiranim brendovima poput Miu Miu i Dolce & Gabbana oblikovao je njen jedinstveni stil. Inspirisana elegancijom Pariza i bogatom tradicijom vintage mode, Olga je stvorila svoj brend koji kombinuje sofisticiranost i nosivost, nudeći ženama savršene komade koji ističu njihovu jedinstvenost. Njena posvećenost kvalitetnim materijalima i savršenom kroju čini svaki komad pravim umetničkim delom, dok simbolika frangipani cveća u njenom logu odražava suštinsku ženstvenost i snagu moderne žene.

Olga, kako je Pariz uticao na vašu viziju mode i stila?

Pariz je grad inspiracije!! Ovaj grad je personifikacija mode i lepote za mene! Vintage u svakom detalju: u arhitekturi, nakitu, odeći. Zaljubljena sam u puf rukave – po mom mišljenju, to je prepoznatljiva osobina francuskog šika. Svaki put kada dođem na Pariz Fashion Week, sa nestrpljenjem očekujem fascinantne modne revije. Uvek je vrlo upečatljivo i inspirativno!

Šetajući francuskim ulicama, uvek se divim kako su Parižanke obučene. Uvek koriste visokokvalitetne materijale i krojeve, ne biraju jarke boje, ali sve izgleda jednostavno i sa ukusom, tako da se možeš oblačiti za kancelariju i otići na dejt uveče.

Korset, savršeno krojene jakne, mašne – sve to je neverovatno ženstveno i ističe lepotu žene na najbolji način!

Koje lekcije si naučila radeći sa poznatim dizajnerima kao što su Miu Miu i Dolce & Gabbana?

Italijanska i francuska moda su veoma različite. U Francuskoj vole minimalizam i stroge linije, neutralne boje. Na ulicama Italije možete videti devojke u neutralnim tonovima, ali Italijani vole jarke kombinacije boja, vole da budu upečatljivi! Dolce & Gabbana povezujem sa animal printom i prelepim čipkastim detaljima! Svako dugme je umetničko delo. Njihove modne revije su neverovatne. Stil Miu Miu – to je tako razigrana devojka, veoma moderna i samouverena!

Glavna lekcija je da je moda igra, refleksija našeg raspoloženja i unutrašnjeg sveta! Kako je divno biti drugačiji svaki dan! Neverovatno je kada je odeća lepa ne samo spolja, već i sa unutrašnje strane i na dugmadi – želiš da gledaš svaki detalj satima, to je zaista fascinantno.

olga rom
Haljina: Valentin Yudashkin
Minđuše: Saint Laurent
Cipele: Jimmy Choo

Šta vas je inspirisalo da pokrenete vlastitu modnu liniju nakon povratka u Moskvu?

Covid je počeo 2020. godine, to je bio težak period za sve. Kada sam se vratila iz Pariza, želela sam da kreiram i stvaram, imala sam toliko energije. Želela sam da idem napred.

Radim u svetu mode od svoje 16. godine. Učila sam na brojnim revijama, beauty takmičenjima i radila sa raznim dizajnerima. Kombinacija svih ovih faktora uticala je na moj svet i viziju mode. Želela sam da stvorim brend koji kombinuje kvalitetne materijale, odličan kroj i sofisticiranost, ne bi to bio samo Couture, već nosiv Couture, to nazivamo Demi Couture.

Koji aspekti rada sa Valentinom Yudashkinom su najviše uticali na vas?

Valentin Yudashkin je pravi genije. Uvek sam mu se divila. Godinama sam prisustvovala njegovim probama kao model i gledala kako se svaka haljina stvara. Videla sam kako se svaka perla i dugme ručno šiju. Savršene proporcije haljine su ključ uspeha! Svaka žena želi da se oseća još ženstvenije i zanosnije u novoj haljini.

Šta čini jedinstvenim Olga Rom boutique?

Kao što sam već spomenula, Olga Rom butique nudi ekskluzivne Demi Couture komade. Odeća brenda Olga Rom odražava dizajnerov pogled na savremenu ženu – ženstvenu, romantičnu, sa snažnom energijom i samopouzdanjem. Odeća Olga Rom će odražavati vaš rafinirani ukus i individualnost!

Luksuzni materijali kao što su brokat, žakard, koža, svila, savršeni krojevi i idealno pristajanje proizvoda, plemenite nijanse, ručno rađeni detalji i vintage dodaci – sve to izdvaja proizvode Olga Rom od mnogih drugih dizajnera!

olga rom
Haljina: Valentin Yudashkin
Prsten: Vlasništvo modela

Kako birate materijale za svoje kolekcije, i šta za vas znači “savršeno pristajanje” odeće?

Ja sam perfekcionista. Volim da biram svaki detalj, svako dugme, volim da svaka haljina bude apsolutno savršena. Na stvaranju kolekcija Olga Rom rade najbolji krojači najvišeg kvaliteta. Pravi materijali su najvažnija stavka. Uvek biramo italijanske i francuske tkanine, jer su najbolje!

Šta je savršeno pristajanje? To je kada se pogledaš u ogledalu i shvatiš da struk savršeno ističe tvoju figuru, da su rukavi u idealnim proporcijama, da dužina haljine vizuelno produžava noge. Oblast dekoltea naglašava ključne kosti i vrat. Osećaš se vrlo lepo, a istovremeno veoma udobno. Kao da si obukla drugu kožu i postala mnogo samouverenija!

Cvet frangipani je logo vaše marke. Kažite nam kako odražava filozofiju Olga Rom?

Logo brenda – cvet frangipani sa ekskluzivnim neobičnim mirisom – personifikuje seksualnost i nežnost. Frangipani je zavodljiv miris koji budi senzualnost i pomaže da se postigne reakcija. Kolekcije Olga Rom često koriste cvetne uzorke, a frangipani savršeno odražava našu viziju ženske lepote.

Haljina: Valentin Yudashkin
Minđuše: Bottega Veneta
Prsten: Vlasništvo modela

Kako uspevate da održite ravnotežu između ženstvenosti i snage u dizajnu svoje odeće?

U Olga Rom boutique imamo dve glavne linije. To su Demi Couture i odeljenje kože. U Couture kolekcijama često pravimo ženstvene korsete, koristimo cvetne uzorke i obožavamo vintage i francuske motive. A u odeljenju kože, glavni fokus je na stvaranju kožnih odela i haljina, gde se vidi jasnoća linija, magičan kvalitet kože i stil. Sviđa mi se što mogu kombinovati ova dva pravca. Tako vidim svoju modu.

Koje modne trendove smatrate važnim danas, i kako utiču na vase kolekcije?

Volim vanvremenost u modi. Volim kada se ne moraš vezivati za brzo prolazne trendove. Obožavam klasičan kroj, pravilne proporcije, savršeno pristajanje odeće. Obožavam stvari koje neće izgubiti relevantnost ni za 20 godina. Za mene, moda je vanvremenska haljina! To je naša jedinstvenost i glavni modni trend!

Vaš savet mladim dizajnerima koji žele da stvore svoj brend?

Radi ono što ti duša govori! Kada radiš ono što voliš, uvek ćeš pronaći pravi put do inspiracije i dobiti javno priznanje.

English here:

Dress: SIXDO
From Boutique №7
Shoes: Prada

Olga, how has Paris influenced your vision of fashion and style?

Paris is a city of inspiration!! This city is the personification of fashion and beauty for me! Vintage in every detail: in architecture, in jewelry, in clothes. I am in love with puffed sleeves – in my opinion this is a distinctive feature of French chic. Every time I come to Paris Fashion Week, I wait with bated breath for the fascination fashion shows. It’s always very bright and inspiring!

Walking along the French streets, I always admire how Parisian women is dressed. It’s always a very high-quality fabric and cut, it’s not bright colors, but at the same time everything is so simple and tasteful, that you can go to the office like that and go on a date in the evening.

Corsets, perfectly tailored jackets, bows – all this is incredibly feminine and emphasizes female beauty in her best way!

What lessons have you learned from working with such famous designers as Miu Miu and Dolce & Gabbana?

Italian fashion and French are very different. In France they love minimalism and strict lines, nude colors On the streets of Italy you can see girls wearing neutral colors, but still Italians love bright color combinations, they love to be bright! I associate Dolce & Gabbana with animal print and beautiful lace! Here, every button is a work of art. There Fashion shows are breathtaking. Miu Miu style-it’s such a playful girl, very stylish and confident!

The main lesson is that fashion is a game, it is a reflection of our mood, a reflection of our inner world! How cool is to be different every day! It’s incredibly pleasant when clothes are beautiful not only on the outside, but also on the lining and buttons – you want to look at every detail for hours, it’s amazing.

Spike-stud jumper: AREA
From Boutique №7
Crystal-embellished cut-out
shorts : AREA
From Boutique №7

What inspired you to create your own clothing line after returning to Moscow?

Covid started in 2020, it was a difficult time for everyone. When I arrived from Paris, I wanted to create and create, I had sooo much energy. I wanted to move forward.

I have worked in the fashion world since I was 16 years old. I took part in a huge number of shows, beauty contests, and worked with great different designers. And the combination of all these factors influenced my worldview and vision of my fashion. I wanted to create a brand that would have a combination of quality fabrics, excellent cut, sophistication, it wouldn’t just be Couture, it would be wearable Couture, we call it Demi Couture.

What aspects of working with Valentin Yudashkin had the-greatest impact on your work?

Valentin Yudashkin  is a real  genius. I have always admired his work. For several years I attended his fittings as a model and saw how each dress was created. I saw how every beads and pearls were sewn by hand. Perfect dress proportions are the key to success! Every woman wants to feel even more feminine & stunning with a new dress.

What do you think is the uniqueness of your Olga Rom boutique?

As I said before Olga Rom boutique-Exclusive Demi Couture clothing. Clothing from the Olga Rom brand reflects the designer’s view of a modern woman – feminine, romantic, combined with strong energy and self-confidence. Olga Rom’s outfits will reflect your  refined taste and individuality!

Luxurious fabrics such as brocade, jacquard, leather, silk, impeccable cut & perfect fit of products, noble shades, handmade decor, vintage fittings – all this sets Olga Rom products apart from many designers!

Crystal-embellished suit: AREA
From Boutique №7
Earrings: Saint Laurent

How do you choose materials for your collections, and what does the ‘perfect fit’ of clothes mean to you?

I’m a perfectionist. I love to select every detail, every button, love making every dress absolutely perfect. The best tailors of the highest category work on creating the Olga Rom collections. The right materials-is the most important item. We always choose Italian & French fabric, because it’s the best!

What is the perfect fit? This is when you look in the mirror and realize that the waistline perfectly  highlights your figure, that the sleeves are of ideal proportion, that the length of the dress makes your legs visually longer. The décolleté area emphasizes the collarbones and neck. You feel very beautiful and at the same time very comfortable. It’s like you’ve put on a second skin and become much more confident!

The frangipani flower is the logo of your brand. Tell us how it reflects Olga Rom’s philosophy?

The brand’s logo – a frangipani flower with an exclusive unusual aroma – personifies sexuality and tenderness. Frangipani is a seductive aroma that awakens sensuality and helps to achieve a response. Olga Rom’s collections often use flower prints and frangipani perfectly reflects our vision of woman beauty.

From Boutique №7
Earrings: Alessandra Rich
Shoes: Gucci

How do you manage to maintain a balance between femininity and strength in the design of your clothes?

In Olga Rom boutique we have 2 main lines. These are Demi Couture and Leather department. In Couture collections we often make feminine corsets, use floral prints, and love vintage and French motifs. And in the leather department, the main emphasis is on the creation of leather suits and dresses, where you can see the clarity of the lines, the magical quality of the leather and style. I like that I can combine these two directions. This is how I see my fashion.

What fashion trends do you consider important today, and how do they affect your collections?

I love timelessness in fashion. I love when you don’t need to get attached to quickly passing trends. I adore the classic cut, the correct proportions, the perfect fit of the clothes. I adore things that will not lose their relevance in 20 years. For me, fashion is a timeless dress! This is our uniqueness & the main fashion trend!

What advice would you give to young designers seeking to create their own brand?

Do as your soul feels! When you do what you love-you will always find the right way of inspiration & get public recognition.


Foto: Alena Nikiforova
Style: Nadina Smirnova
Style asistant: Olga Zemtsova & Dora Kazachek
MuA & Hair: Olga Charandaeva
Star: Olga Rom
Producer’s: Valentina Gurova & Nickolay Gurov
