Dress: Esme Vie
Glumica, influenserka, preduzetnica i humanitarka iranskog porekla, danas živi u Americi i sprema se da pokori makeup industriju. Prošlog marta, njen brend, BODO Makeup, lansirao je devet paleta senki za oči, od kojih se Immigrant Girl rasprodala za samo mesec dana, izazivajući internacionalno interesovanje za Shimin put i ono što sprema u budućnosti.
Ko je Shima Katouzian? Dajte nam malo informacija o sebi.
Pripovedač, objavljivana autorka, preduzetnica i zaljubljenica u sve što je lepo.
Vaš brend, BODO Makeup, čini da revolucionarizujete industriju lepote. Zašto?
Moji video zapisi o šminkanju uvek su bili prepoznatljivi po dramatičnom ili grafičkom šminkanju očiju. To je bio potpis koji je zaista odgovarao mojoj ličnosti i odnosu koji sam imala sa svojom publikom – hrabar, odvažan i šaren. Ova zabavna metoda pripovedanja postala je posebna kada sam primetila da moji makeup – lookovi postaju popularni među blogerima, influenserima i mnogim drugim lepim licima. To je bila prva inspiracija za pokretanje BODO Makeupa, kozmetičke linije koju ova ogromna industrija dosad nije videla, nešto što izlazi iz zone komfora. BODO Makeup stvara proizvode koji su svima potrebni, bez obzira na izgled koji nameće komercijalizovano društvo, on je za stvarne ljude u stvarnom životu.
Dress: Avaro Figlio
Šta čini priče drugih ljudi važnim za vas?
Činjenica da svaka pojedinačna duša na ovoj planeti ima svoju priču, čini i moj život mnogo zanimljivijim, fascinantnijim i avanturističkijim. To je razlog zašto nastavljam dalje i učiniću sve što je u mojoj moći, bilo da su u pitanju proizvodi koji pripovedaju priče ili samo razgovor pred kamerama, ili možda pisanje još jedne knjige… Nameravam pričati sve te priče dok sam živa.
Paleta senki Immigrant Girl postigla je trenutni uspeh kada je lansirana, na Međunarodni dan žena. Šta mislite, u čemu je tajna njenog uspeha?
Zato što niko pre toga nije video takav proizvod na tržištu! Knjiga, paleta senki, prijatelj, savršen poklon! Kao pripovedač, za mene je bilo nemoguće lansirati proizvod bez priče. Ja sam osoba koja priča priče onih koji nemaju glas, i to je najstrastvenija stvar koju sam u životu radila. Paleta Immigrant Girl priča priču svih devojaka širom sveta koje su morale proći kroz prošlost i ostaviti iza sebe svu ljubav, uspeh, porodicu i istoriju, jer nije bila tako velika kao njihovi snovi. Prošle su kroz mnogo toga kako bi videli svetliju budućnost, i ovo je njihova priča. Sve nijanse u ovoj paleti pričaju o usponima i padovima njihovog putovanja, a te devojke, širom sveta, čine jednu od najnevidljivijih zajednica. Zaboravljene su od strane onih koje su napustile kod kuće jer njihovoj porodici deluju bezosećajno – koja devojka bi ostavila sve iza sebe zarad nevidljive budućnosti? Istovremeno, potcenjene su od onih u čiju zemlju su otišle, gde im postavljaju pitanje: “Ko pokušavaš da budeš u mojoj zemlji?”. To je začarani krug u kojem smo sve zarobljene, a o tome niko ne želi da priča. Paleta senki “Immigrant Girl” nije samo običan kozmetički proizvod. Iako ove boje nisu prethodno viđene u drugim proizvodima, one pričaju istu priču i svako ko nosi ove nijanse, čita tu priču.
Recite nam nešto više o svojoj knjizi.
“Dork me” je kratki roman, napisan još 2011. godine. Kada je bio objavljen i pušten na Međunarodnom sajmu knjiga, nisam ni sanjala da će ljudi čekati u redu da dobiju svoj primerak knjige koju sam ja napisala. Za mene je to predstavljalo apsolutno ostvarenje sna, i zauvek ću čuvati u srcu taj trenutak. Roman govori o stjuardesi koja je godinama bežala od porodičnih tradicija i sada se vraća svojim korenima, prepuna tajni.
Dress: Esme Vie
Influenserka ste. Šta za vas danas predstavlja taj posao?
Naučila sam da ne deli svako iskustvo iz svog života. To je apsolutno lična odluka i nemam ništa protiv onih koji to ne čine. Ali verujem da deljenje zaista znači briga… Volim da podelim ono kroz što sam prošla. Volim videti ljude kako uče iz mojih grešaka i izbegavaju ih. To je moje nasleđe. Ali danas to zovu “uticajem”. Pretpostavljam da sam se zaljubila u tu titulu.
Vi ste vulkan. Možete li nam reći nešto o svom sledećem projektu?
BODO Makeup je moja beba, moje dete. Dugo sam ga trenirala i učila, kako bi postalo najbolje od najboljih. Odlučila sam da to ostavim iza sebe i da učinim sve što je u mojoj moći da svoju bebicu odvedem na sledeći nivo. Manifestovala sam ovaj trenutak, ali i naporno radila na tome. BODO Makeup je večni projekat. Uzbuđena sam zbog toga što smo imali priliku da predstavimo naše palete na OC Fashionweeku i LA Fashion Weeku. Moj tim i ja aktivno radimo na našem sledećem proizvodu i voleli bismo da ga prikažemo na evropskom tržištu do kraja godine. To je naš cilj – da nastavimo da grmimo.
English below:
Actress, influencer, entrepreneur, and humanitarian of Iranian origin, currently living in America, is set to conquer the makeup industry. This past March her brand BODO Makeup released a 9 color eye shadow palette as the first product. Her “Immigrant Girl” palette’s entire first year of inventory sold out before the end of the month, sparking international curiosity into Shima’s journey and future.
Dress: Esme Vie
Who is Shima Katouzian? Let us know a little about you.
Storyteller, published author, entrepreneur and lover of all beauty in life.
Your brand, BODO makeup, seems to be revolutionizing the beauty industry. Why?
My makeup videos have always had the signature of dramatic or graphic eye makeup, kind of signature that was truly resonating with my personality and the relationship I had with my audience. Bold, brave and colorful. This fun method of storytelling leveled up for me when I saw my makeup looks getting trendy in my community of bloggers, influencers and every beautiful face that scrolled or flashed before my eyes. This was the very first inspiration to start BODO Makeup for me. A cosmetic line that this gigantic industry has not seen before, something far from one’s comfort zone. BODO Makeup creates products that we all need, regardless of society’s commercialized and approved looks, which tell stories of real people in real life
What makes people and their stories important to you?
The fact that every single soul on this planet has a story to tell makes my life a lot more interesting, fascinating and adventurous. This has become my reason to keep going for and I do anything in my power, to make products that tell stories or just talk in front of the camera or maybe write another book… I want to tell all these stories for as long as I live.
The Immigrant Girl eyeshadow palette was an instant hit when it was launched on International Women’s Day. The secret to its success?
Because no one had seen such a product in the market before! a book, a palette, a friend, a perfect gift! As a storyteller, It was impossible for me to bring a product out with no story. I am the one who tells the stories of those with no voice and this is the most passionate thing I have done in my life. Immigrant Girl eyeshadow palette tells the story of all girls around the world who had to pass through the past and leave all their love, success, family and history behind because it wasn’t as big as their dreams. They went through a lot to see a brighter future, and this is their story. All the shades used in this palette are telling ups and downs of their journey, and these girls are one of the most invisible communities out there. They are forgotten by those who they left at home because they seem heartless to their families. What kind of a girl would leave everyone behind for an unseen future? They are also underestimated by those in the destination country as “who are you trying to be someone in my land?” and this is the loop we all are stuck in and no one wants to talk about. Immigrant Girl’s eyeshadow palette is not just a piece of cosmetics. Even though the colors were never used on any other products before, it tells a story and whoever wears these shades, read that story.
Dress: Esme Vie
Please tell us about your book.
Dork me is a short novel I wrote back in 2011. When it was published and released for the international book fair I never thought people would line up to get their hands on a copy of a book written by me, this was an absolute dream coming true and I will cherish that moment forever. The novel tells the story of a flight attendant who has run away from family traditions for years and is now back to her roots. full of secrets.
What is your view of yourself as an influencer? Today, what is the meaning of this career?
I learned not everyone shares every experience in their lives. This is an absolute personal decision and I hold nothing against those who don’t. But I also believe that sharing really is caring… I love sharing what I went through. I love seeing people learn from my mistakes and avoid regrets I made. This is my legacy. But they call it “influencing” these days. I guess I fell for the title.
You are a volcano. Can you tell us about your next project?
BODO Makeup is my baby. I have a long journey training her and making her the best of the best. This is what I chose to leave behind and I will do anything in my power to take it to the next level. I manifested this moment but also worked hard for it. BODO Makeup is a timeless project. I am ecstatic that we had the chance to showcase our debut palette at Orange County Fashionweek and Los Angeles Fashion Week. My team and I are actively working on the next product and would love to have a European showcase before the end of the year. That is our goal. To keep roaring
Team Credits:
Photographer: Shima photo studio
Hair stylist: Negar Nikjouy
Makeup artist: Parastoo Rastegar