Kako se klasična nega kože susreće s modernom tehnologijom: Jedinstveno iskustvo od CELLE BELLE

Nova era u nezi kože.

U modernom svetu, nega kože je mnogo više od korisne navike. S obzirom na intenzivan uticaj različitih spoljašnjih faktora i stalni stres, postala je prava nužnost. Proizvodi visokog kvaliteta igraju ključnu ulogu u ovom procesu: dobro osmišljene i testirane formule, pažljivo odabrani aktivni sastojci i inovativne tehnologije — svi ovi faktori omogućavaju proizvodima da deluju što efikasnije, dajući koži prirodan, blistav sjaj iznutra.

Proizvodi visokog kvaliteta su odraz ljubavi prema sebi i brige o zdravlju. Jedan od brendova koji trenutno nudi spoj klasične nege i vrhunske tehnologije na globalnom tržištu je francuska kompanija CELLE BELLE.

Glavna karakteristika brenda je njegova ekskluzivna formula — faktori ćelijske komunikacije. CELLE BELLE to duguje svom osnivaču, dr. Žaku Lefevru, francuskom biologu i pioniru u nezi kože na bazi ćelija. Njegov rad je čak privukao pažnju Alberta Ajnštajna, koji je sa njim razmenjivao akademske ideje.

Početkom 20. veka, u vreme globalne ćelijske revolucije, dr. Lefevre je studirao biologiju na Univerzitetu u Parizu. Njegova istraživanja dovela su do razvoja faktora ćelijske komunikacije. Zahvaljujući ovoj jedinstvenoj tehnologiji, CELLE BELLE proizvodi poboljšavaju interakciju između kožnih ćelija, ubrzavajući oporavak kože i čineći je glađom i elastičnijom.

Prvi proizvod brenda bio je revolucionarni “Cell Factor Cream”. Razvio ga je Žak Lefevre u laboratoriji Celle Belle, osnovanoj 1920. godine. U početku je “Cell Factor Cream” prodavan u Galeries Lafayette Haussmann u Parizu, a zatim je započeo svoje putovanje kroz Evropu.

Međutim, razvijanje ekskluzivne formule bio je samo prvi korak ka revoluciji u nezi kože. Dr. Lefevre je stvorio novu metodu nege inspirisanu medicinskim kozmetičkim praksama iz 1950-ih. Kombinovao je medicinsku gazu sa kremom i predstavio evropskoj javnosti “Masku u stilu zavoja”. Ovaj proizvod postao je ikoničan za CELLE BELLE i industriju u celini, jer mrežasta struktura materijala omogućava kremi da prodre dublje u kožu, pružajući najobuhvatniju negu.

Senzacija u anti-aging i nezi za preoblikovanje lica je serija “ETERNAL TREASURE” brenda. Ova serija se fokusira na ćelijsku rekonstrukciju, koristeći inovativne aktivne sastojke iz ćelijske biotehnologije. Takva ciljana nega za T-zonu i V-zonu poboljšava ukupnu čvrstoću kože lica i učvršćuje njenu konturu.

Suština linije “ETERNAL TREASURE” leži u upotrebi kapsuliranih matičnih ćelija. Ove matične ćelije prodiru u površinski sloj kože i dostižu dublje dermalne slojeve, pružajući obnavljanje i ishranu.

Sa više od 100 godina istorije, CELLE BELLE primenjuje inovativan naučni pristup u svojim proizvodima, nudeći jedinstveno iskustvo klijentima. Brend je posvećen zdravlju i lepoti kože, osiguravajući njenu puninu i vitalnost.

English here:

How Classic Skincare Meets Modern Technology: A Unique Experience from CELLE BELLE

In the modern world, skincare is much more than just a useful habit. Given the intense impact of various external factors and constant stress, it has become a true necessity. High-quality skincare products play a crucial role in this process: thought-out and tested formulas, carefully selected active ingredients, and innovative technologies — all these factors enable products to work as effectively as possible, giving the skin a genuine, radiant glow from within.

High-quality skincare products are a reflection of self-love and healthcare. One of the brands currently offering a blend of classic skincare and cutting-edge technology on the global market is the French company CELLE BELLE.

The main feature of the brand is its exclusive formula — cellular communication factors. CELLE BELLE owes this to its founder, Dr. Jacques Lefevre, a French biologist and a pioneer in cellular skincare. His work once even caught the attention of Albert Einstein, who engaged in a series of academic exchanges with him.

In the early 20th century, during the era of the global cellular revolution, Dr. Lefevre studied biology at the University of Paris. His research led to the development of cellular communication factors. Thanks to this unique technology, CELLE BELLE products enhance interaction between skin cells, speeding up skin recovery and making skin smoother and more elastic.

The brand’s first product was the revolutionary “Cell Factor Cream”. It was developed by Jacques Lefevre in the Celle Belle laboratory, founded in 1920. Initially, “Cell Factor Cream” was sold at Galeries Lafayette Haussmann in Paris and later began its journey across Europe.

However, developing the exclusive formula was just the first step towards a beauty revolution. Dr. Lefevre created a new skincare method inspired by 1950s medical cosmetic practices. He combined medical gauze with cream and introduced the “Bandage-style Mask” to the European public. This product became iconic for CELLE BELLE and the industry as a whole, as the mesh structure of the material allows the cream to permeate deeper into the skin, providing the most comprehensive care.

Sensation in anti-aging and facial reshaping skincare is the brand’s “ETERNAL TREASURE” series. This series focuses on cellular restructuring, using innovative active ingredients from cellular biotechnology. Such targeted care for the T-zone and V-zone enhances the overall firmness of the facial skin and tightens its contour.

The essence of the “ETERNAL TREASURE” line lies in the use of encapsulated stem cells. These stem cells penetrate the skin’s surface layer and reach the deeper dermal layers, providing restoration and nourishment.

With over a 100-year history, CELLE BELLE employs an innovative scientific approach to its products while offering a unique client experience. The brand is dedicated to the health and beauty of the skin, ensuring its fullness and vitality.

foto: Promo
