Visok, belo-plave kose i upadljivo definisanih crta lica, Chrisa Appletona je nemoguće ne primetiti. Ako imate sreće, neće nositi košulju, a ako ste ekstremno srećni, vi ste osoba koju će frizirati najpopularniji frizer na društvenim mrežama.
Appleton je glavni idejni tvorac nekih od najpoznatijih frizura decenije: čuveni visoki konjski rep Ariane Grande, uglađena frizura Kim Kardashian, voluminozne lokne Jennifer Lopez.
Ali pored svog rada, Chris je sam po sebi postao mega-influenser sa 1,4 miliona pratilaca, ugovorom sa IMG Models agencijom i afinitetom za poziranje u tropskim sredinama, Appleton redefiniše značenje holivudski frizer.
Friziranjem se bavite od 9. godine. Da li se promenio vaš pristup zanatu i kako održavate entuzijazam za ovaj poziv?
Kada se bavim frizurom, i dalje imam istu filozofiju kao kad sam sad evet godina šišao mamu. Radio sam joj frizuru, pokušavajući da izgleda glamurozno. Živeli smo u malom gradu u severnoj Engleskoj bez mnogo novca i bez mnogo mogućnosti, ali kada bih se odmakao I pogledao je u ogledalu, ona bi stajala viša od mene, sa ramenima zabačenim pozadi, tada sam shvatao, još od malih nogu, da friziranje za mene predstavlja emocionalni lek.
Dakle, i dalje imam tu filozofiju, bez obzira na kome radim, ali moji ciljevi su se promenili. Pronikao sam kroz svaki njen aspekt i to mi se sviđa, ali sada sam u poziciji u kojoj uživam da delim više od svog života, i brenda Chris Appleton.


Kako se nosite sa aspektom slave u svom životu? Koje su prednosti i izazovi slave i izloženosti javnosti?
Osećam se veoma zahvalan što mogu da inspirišem ljude i samo sam zahvalan što se ljudima sviđa ono što radim.
Šta mislite o odgovornostima društvenih medija i načinima na koje su oni transformisali vaš način komunikacije? Šta vam se dopada u činjenici da imate rastuću zajednicu pratilaca?
Uvek sam imao ugodan odnos sa društvenim medijima. Jednostavno pokazujem stvari koje volim I stvari koje radim, I to je sjajan način za komuniciranje sa pratiocima. Uživam u pronalaženju zajednice istomišljenika.
Kako se moda uklapa u vaš životni stil? Kakav je vaš pristup oblačenju i vašim omiljenim komadima?
Uvek sam voleo odeću i modu i mislim da je to samo prirodan deo izražavanja. Moji omiljeni komadi koje trenutno nosim su Tommi Hilfiger & Nanushka.


Pants; DOLCE & GABBANA @dolcegabbana
Scarf DOLCE & GABBANA @dolcegabbana
Boots SCAROSSO @scarosso
Ring & Bracelets DAVID YURMA@davidyurman
Posao vam je omogućio domet koji je vrlo mali broj profesionalaca u poslu ostvario. Koji je pravac Vaših budućih projekata i koliko je teško napraviti zaokret u novim profesionalnim pravcima?
Mislim da je organski rasti i imati nove ciljeve – dopao mi se svaki korak procesa od početka u salonu do nedelje mode i editorijala, zatim slavne ličnosti – sada prelazim na TV i delim svoje putovanje.
Da li vam ikada nedostaje Velika Britanija? Po čemu se Evropa razlikuje od LA-a?
Trenutno odgovaram na ova pitanja u Velikoj Britaniji i sjajno je vratiti se. Zaboravio sam sve male familijarnosti koje volim kao dugmad na čokoladnoj tabli.
Kada razmišljate o svojim dostignućima, šta je mera truda i sudbine?
Radim od svoje 13. godine, tako da definitivno verujem u naporan rad, postavljanje ciljeva i ne prihvatanje reči Ne kao odgovora. Uvek sam se samo gurao da budem najbolji u onome što radim, ali uživajući usput.

Pants; DOLCE & GABBANA @dolcegabbana
Scarf DOLCE & GABBANA @dolcegabbana
Boots SCAROSSO @scarosso
Ring & Bracelets DAVID YURMA@davidyurman
English here:
Tall, with white-blonde hair and strikingly defined features, Chris Appleton is impossible to miss in a room. If you’re lucky, he’s shirtless, and if you’re extra lucky, you’re the one who’s getting your hair done by the social media-famous hair artist.
Appleton’s the mastermind behind some of the most famous hairstyles of the decade: Ariana Grande’s signature snatched high ponytail, Kim Kardashian’s sleek “glass” hair, and Jennifer Lopez’s bouncy, bombshell curls.
But besides his work, Chris has become a mega-influencer in his own right. With 1.4 million followers, a modelling contract with IMG Models, and an affinity for posing in tropical environments, Appleton redefines what it looks like to be a Hollywood hairstylist.
You have been styling hair since the age of 9. How has your approach to the craft changed and how does one maintain enthusiasm for its calling?
When I do hair, I still have the same philosophy I did when I was nine years old Mum’s hair. I used to do her hair, trying to make a look glamorous. We lived in a small town in northern England with not a lot of money and not a lot of opportunities but I realize when I made a stand up and look in the mirror, he would stand taller her shoulders would go back, and I realized, from a very young age that doing hair, is like emotional medicine. So, I still have that philosophy now no matter who I’m working on, but my goals have changed. I’ve worked through every aspect of her and I love it, but now I am in a position where I’m enjoying sharing more of my life, and the Chris Appleton brand.


How do you handle the fame aspect of your life? What are the benefits and challenges of fame and exposure?
I feel very grateful to be able to inspire people and I’m just thankful that people like what I do.
What is your take on responsibilities of social media and the ways it has transformed your way of communicating? What do you like about the fact that you have a growing community of followers?
I’ve always had a comfortable relationship with social media. I just showed the things I love the things I do and it’s a great way to share. And I’ve enjoyed finding a community of like-minded people.
How does fashion fit into your lifestyle? What is your approach to dressing and your personal favorite staples?
I’ve always loved clothes and fashion and I think it’s just a natural part of expressing yourself. My Stapels right now are Tommy Hilfiger & Nanushka now


Work has given you a reach very few professionals in the business have made. What is the direction of your future projects and how difficult is it to make a turn in new professional directions?
I think it’s organic to grow and have new goals – I’ve loved every step of the process from starting in the salon to do in fashion week and editorial, then a celebrity – now moving in to TV and sharing my journey.
Do you ever miss the UK? How is Europe different to LA?
I’m actually answering these questions right now in the UK and it’s great to be back. I forgot all of the little familiarities that I love like chocolate hob knobs


When you reflect on your achievements, what is the measure of hard work and fate?
I’ve been working since I was 13, so I definitely believe in working hard, setting goals and not taking no for an answer. I’ve always just pushed myself to be the best of what I can do, but enjoy along the way.
CHRIS APPLETON: https://www.instagram.com/chrisappleton1/
Photography & Art Direction : MICHELE LAURITA www.Michelelaurita.com https://www.instagram.com/michelelaurita/
Stylist : ORETTA CORBELLI IG: https://www.instagram.com/orettac/
Stylist Assistant : ALESSANDRA JESSICA LEO https://www.instagram.com/alessandrajleo/
Groomer: KIM VERBECK https://www.instagram.com/kimverbeck/
1st Assistant & Digital Management : Jeff Rubin https://www.instagram.com/jewishsoundingname/
Studio ; DISHSTUDIOS LA https://www.instagram.com/dishstudiosla/
Special Thanks to Pierce Amadeus Thiele my guy Friday to whom I own my gratitude and heart. https://www.instagram.com/pierceamadeus/