Bunda: Becagli by AMICIS shopamicis.com @amicisvienna
Top: Nensi Dojaka by AMICIS shopamicis.com @amicisvienna
Cipele: Amina Muaddi by AMICIS shopamicis.com @amicisvienna
Gadget: Gadget 88 @gadget88_official_
Nakit: Bulgari @bulgari
Rukavice: Zara @zara
Krenuli ste da se bavite manekenstvom jako mladi. Kako je izgledao vaš karijerni put?
Što se moje manekenske karijere tiče, bila sam na naslovnim stranama mnogih časopisa i radila sam sa brendovima nakita: Chopard, BVLGARI i engleskim brendom BUUNT, ali i sa Louis Vuittonom, Fendijem, Red Valentinom, Versaceom, Ferragamom, Armanijem, Aquazzurom, Max Marom i Monclerom.
Na listi mojih ostvarenja možete videti i glavnu ulogu u filmu Kanskog festivala „Incident u hotelu Volstrit“. Inače, uskoro planiram da igram u novom filmu. Ali ne mogu još sve da otkrijem.
Koje snimanje će vam zauvek ostati u sećanju?
Verovatno najupečatljivije iskustvo je rad sa holivudskim glumcem, nominovanim za Oskara, Erikom Robertsom. Zajedno smo sarađivali na snimanju kratkog filma „Incident u hotelu Vall Street“, koji je, inače, bio nominovan na Kanskom festivalu. Dobila sam glavnu ulogu i igrala sam njegovu ćerku.
Snimali smo u Odesi tokom pandemije korona virusa. Snimanje je ponekad prekidano i odlagano jer je ekipa bila pozitivna na virus i nije mogla da dođe na snimanje.
Generalno, osećala sam ogromnu odgovornost rada sa glumcem kao što je Erik Roberts.
Total look: Moncler @moncler
Da li ste postali prijatelji sa Erikom Robertsom? Da li ste voleli da radite sa njim?
On je divna osoba i imamo mnogo toga zajedničkog. Na primer, oboje smo vegetarijanci.
Uživala sam u radu sa njim, veoma je posvećen svom poslu. Erik me je mnogo podržao i dao mi je zaista korisne glumačke savete. Cenim to. Nadam se da ću ponovo dobiti priliku da radim sa njim.
Ko je vaš uzor i zašto?
Moja majka je osoba koja ima najveći uticaj na moj život. Ona je moj najbolji prijatelj i uzor koji me inspiriše i motiviše da rastem bez ikakvih prepreka. Neverovatno je kako ona uspeva da vodi veliki posao i da u isto vreme bude supruga za primer i fantastična majka.
Kada imate slobodan dan, kako se opuštate?
U poslednje vreme nemam puno slobodnih dana jer kombinujem učenje i posao. Angažovana sam na dosta projekata. Ali ponekad vikendom uspem da se opustim sa prijateljima u kafićima. Lepo je sedeti u mirnoj atmosferi gde možemo da podelimo novosti uz šoljicu nečeg toplog.
Bunda: Becagli by AMICIS shopamicis.com @amicisvienna
Top: Nensi Dojaka by AMICIS shopamicis.com @amicisvienna
Cipele: Amina Muaddi by AMICIS shopamicis.com @amicisvienna
Gadget: Gadget 88 @gadget88_official_
Nakit: Bulgari @bulgari
Rukavice: Zara @zara
Imate li neke hobije?
Da! Nedavno sam počela da pohađam časove plesa i ubrzo sam shvatila da je to nešto što je trebalo da počnem mnogo ranije.
Koju seriju trenutno gledate?
Znate, nemam vremena da gledam serije. Nažalost, ne mogu odgovoriti na ovo pitanje.
Da li imate neku beauty rutinu? Možete li je podeliti sa našim čitaocima?
Moje glavno pravilo je jednostavno. U ličnoj nezi oslanjam se na minimalizam i jednostavnost, a takođe često biram proizvode koji se mogu naći u kupatilu svake devojke.
Glavni prozivodi u mojoj kozmetičkoj torbi su: piling, koji se sastoji od 100% prirodnih sastojaka za piling; sredstvo za čišćenje. Preporučujem da isprobate Neutrogena Cleanser sa grejpfrutom; strobing štap. Ako nemate nikakvu drugu šminku, highlighter je jednostavan način da izgledate malo blistavije i odmornije; i, naravno, krema za sunčanje.
Koja je to zemlja koju nikada niste posetili, ali ste oduvek želeli?
Oduvek sam želela da idem u Kinu. To je sjajna zemlja sa jedinstvenom kulturom i mnogim zanimljivim mestima. Po mom mišljenju, svaki putnik sanja da ode tamo. I nisam izuzetak.
Sanjam da šetam po Zabranjenom gradu u Pekingu. Jasno zamišljam šta želim da vidim i fotografišem tamo.
Šangaj i Hong Kong su gradovi kontrasta i arhitekture budućnosti. Šetnja šangajskim nasipom i slikanje grada u noćnom osvetljenju je još jedan moj san.
Naravno, želim da vidim i Kineski zid — ovo je najveća građevina u svetskoj istoriji. Protezao se na mnogo kilometara, a ja sanjam da prošetam uz zid bar za neki segment.
Total look: Moncler @moncler
Šta je vaš cilj u karijeri? Neka posebna kampanja ili nešto drugo kao model?
Naravno, želim da postanem zaštitno lice nekog od luksuznih brendova kao što su Fendi, BVLGARI, Louis Vuitton i drugi. Sigurna sam da ću vrlo brzo potpisati ugovor sa njima.
Gde vidite sebe u budućnosti?
Sada studiram marketing. Uvek mi je bilo zanimljivo da izmislim nešto novo, da pokušam da unapredim ono što postoji i da u to uključim druge ljude. Zato sam odabrala ovu oblast i planiram da se dalje razvijam u njoj.
English here:
Anastasiia Bondarchuk: Party time
Bunda: Becagli by AMICIS shopamicis.com @amicisvienna
Top: Nensi Dojaka by AMICIS shopamicis.com @amicisvienna
Cipele: Amina Muaddi by AMICIS shopamicis.com @amicisvienna
Gadget: Gadget 88 @gadget88_official_
Nakit: Bulgari @bulgari
Rukavice: Zara @zara
One of our December digital covers is graced by a girl whose modeling career allowed her to work with the world’s biggest brands, but also landed her on the cinema screen. Meet the magnificent Anastasia.
You started your modeling career at such a young age. What did your modeling journey look like?
As for my modeling career, I graced the covers of world-famous magazines: Elle, L’Officiel, Harper’s Bazaar, and Glamour. I worked with jewelry brands: Chopard, BVLGARI, and English brand BUUNT. I collaborated with Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Red Valentino, Versace, Ferragamo, Armani, Aquazzura, Max Mara, and Moncler.
In the list of my achievements, you can also see the main role in the film for Cannes Film Festival “The Incident at Wall Street Hotel”. By the way, soon I plan to play in a new film with very famous actors. But I can’t spill all the beans yet (Smiles).
Bunda: Becagli by AMICIS shopamicis.com @amicisvienna
Top: Nensi Dojaka by AMICIS shopamicis.com @amicisvienna
Cipele: Amina Muaddi by AMICIS shopamicis.com @amicisvienna
Gadget: Gadget 88 @gadget88_official_
Nakit: Bulgari @bulgari
Rukavice: Zara @zara
You’ve been in campaigns ranging from Louis Vuitton to Fendi, Red Valentino, Versace, Ferragamo, Armani, Aquazzura, and Max Mara. Simply impressive! Tell us about your most memorable shooting.
Probably, the most memorable experience was working with Hollywood actor, Oscar nominee Eric Roberts. We collaborated together on the shooting of the short film “The Incident at Wall Street Hotel”, which, by the way, was nominated at the Cannes Film Festival. I got the lead role and played Eric’s daughter.
We filmed in Odesa during the coronavirus pandemic. The shooting was sometimes disrupted and postponed because the crew tested positive for coronavirus and couldn’t come on set.
Generally, I felt the huge responsibility of working with an actor like Eric Roberts.
Have you become friends with Eric Roberts? Did you like working with him?
He is a wonderful person, and we have a lot in common. For example, we are both vegetarians.
I enjoyed working with him, he’s very dedicated to his work. Eric supported me a lot and gave me really useful acting advice. I appreciate it. I hope I will get a chance to work with him again.
Who is your role model and why?
My mother is the person who has the most impact on my life. She is my best friend and my role model who inspires and motivates me to grow without any barriers. It is amazing how she manages to run a big business and at the same time be an exemplary wife and a fantastic mother.
When you have a day off, how do you relax?
Recently I don’t have a lot of days off because I combine study and work. I am engaged in a lot of projects. But sometimes on weekends, I manage to kick back with friends at coffee shops. It is nice to sit in a calm atmosphere where we can share our news over a cup of something warm.
Do you have any hobbies besides modeling?
Yes! I have recently started taking dancing lessons and soon I realized this to be something that I should have started much earlier.
Which TV show are you currently binge watching?
You know, I have no time to watch TV shows. Unfortunately, I can’t answer this question.
Do you have any beauty routine? Can you tell it to our readers?
My main rule is to keep it simple. In personal care, I rely on minimalism and simplicity, and also often choose products that can be found in the bathroom of any girl.
Main items in my cosmetic bag: scrub, which consists of 100% natural exfoliating ingredients; cleanser. I recommend trying Neutrogena Cleanser with grapefruit; strobing stick. If you don’t have any other makeup on, a highlighter is an easy way to just look a little more radiant and rested; and, of course, sunscreen.
What is the country you’ve never visited, but you always wanted to?
I’ve been wanting to go to China for a long time. Why? China is a great country with a unique culture and many interesting places. In my opinion, every traveler dreams of going there. And I’m not an exception.
I dream of walking around the Forbidden City in Beijing. I clearly imagine what I want to see and photograph there.
Shanghai and Hong Kong are cities of contrast and architecture of the future. Walking along the Shanghai embankment, and taking pictures of the city in the night illumination is another dream of mine.
Of course, I also want to see the Great Wall of China — this is the grandest building in world history. It stretched for many kilometers, and I dream of walking along the wall at least for some segment.
What is your career goal? Any specific campaign or something else as a model?
Of course, I want to become the face of one of the luxury brands like Fendi, BVLGARI, Louis Vuitton, and others. I am sure that I will sign a contract with them very soon.
Where do you see yourself in the future?
Now I’m studying marketing at university. It has always been interesting for me to invent something new, to try to improve what exists, and to involve other people in this. Therefore I chose this area and plan to continue developing in it.
Team credits:
Model: Anastasiia Bondarchuk @nastya.bondarchuk_official
Producer: Elvira Gavrilova @elviragavrilova_official
Photographer: David Marcin @davidmarcin_
Make-up Artist: Yana Stan @sisters_beauty__
Hair Stylist: Natalia Ploskina @hairstyle_by_natalia_ploskina
Stylist: Dilda Abilova @dilyaa_ab
Video: Paul Hattfield @paul.hattfield
Location: Prague Marriott Hotel @marriottprague
PR: Wave Mags Agency @wavemags