Cara Krugman: Denim is a must

Instruktorka fitnesa, budući hemijski inženjer i manekenka Cara Krugman, u intervju za digitalnu naslovnicu otkriva nam pravi način da nosimo teksas ali i svoju omiljenu hranu, svoj hobi i destinaciju koju želi da poseti

Bunda od veštačkog krzna Christian Siriano

Kombinezon Dior

Možete li nam reći nešto o projektu na kom ste radili a koji ćete pamtiti do kraja života?

Rekla bih da mi je najupečatljiviji i najizazovniji projkat bilo fotografisanje editorijala za jedno internacionalno izdanje, ali na kraju sam dobila naslovnu stranu. Obično volim izazove, jer sam sa samo 15 godina se preselila na drugi kraj sveta kako bih studirala hemijsko inženjerstvo, ali ovaj projekat mi je bio baš stresan.

Veliki ste fan fitnesa. Da li nam možete reći nešto o vašem načinu vežbanja?

Uvek sam, kao mala trenirala neki sport i tako sam krenula da se bavim fitnesom. Imam sertifikat za ličnog trenera i nutricionistu tako da sama sebi zadajem vežbe. Trening snage imam 5-6 puta nedeljno, takođe treniram noge i trudim se da svaki dan imam minimum 10 hiljada koraka prepešačenih.

Jakna, tašna Dolce&Gabbana

Top, čizme Versace

Farmerke Bad Vintage NY

Koji zdrav obrok biste nam preporučili?

To je moje najomiljenije jelo na celom svetu. Grilovani losos, pečeni batat i brokoli.

Mnogo putujete s obzirom da ste model. Da li nam možete reći koju zemlju biste voleli da posetite, ali još uvek niste imali prilike?

Ne znam koju bih pre. Moja porodica takođe obožava da putuje i sa njima sam krenula da obilazim svet još kad sam imala 8 meseci. Zbog toga i volim modeling jer imam prilike da upoznajem različite zemlje i kulture. Ako moram da izaberem samo jednu destinaciju, neka to budu Maldivi.

Mantil Misora Nakamori

Majica Prada

Ogrlica Bad Vintage NY

Čizme Ferragamo

Da li imate neki poseban način za negu kože?

Ja sam veliki zagovornik teorije da vaša koža oslikava ono što unosite u organizam, tako da je zdrava ishrana najvažnija.

Kako biste opisali vaš lični stil?

Ja sam 99% vreman u odeći za trening. Možda zbog moje opsednutosti vežbanjem, ali u njoj imam najviše samopouzdanja. Sportska garederoba mi je sve.

Da li imate neki hobi?

Da, obožavam da kuvam. Veoma vodim računa o tome šta jedem i obožavam da eksperimentišem sa receptima i da se trudim da ih učinim zdravijim.

Top, tašna, nakit, sve Chanel

Suknja Dior

Gde vidite vašu karijeru za 5 godina?

Volela bih da ostvarim saradnje sa nekim brendovima kojima se divim. Takođe volela bih da putujem više i da se na kraju bavim svojom profesijom a to je hemijsko inženjerstvo.

Da li imate neku poruku za naše čitaoce?

Sledite svoje snove, niko neće to uraditi umesto vas! Bolje je da znate da ste probali da uradite nešto nego da se kajete zato što niste.

English here:

Jakna i farmerke, sve Marc Jacobs

Čizme Ferragamo

Cara Krugman: Denim is a must

Fitness instructor, future chemical engineer and a model Cara Krugman, in an interview for our digital cover tells us how to wear denim properly and her favorite food, her hobby and dream travel destination.

Can you tell us what was the most challenging and most memorable project you have worked on?                  

I would say that the most memorable and most challenging project was the same one. My first ever international magazine and not only that but I got the cover. It was an editorial for. Challenges usually aren’t a problem, I moved 9000 miles away from home alone when I was 15 years old and I’m currently studying chemical engineering so I thrive when facing obstacles but this one was different. This project was nerve racking and the most exciting thus far.

Jakna, farmerke Dolce&Gabbana

Beretka Dior

You are a huge fitness fan. Can you tell us more about your working out routine?               

I grew up playing sports so I’ve always loved being active and that’s how I got into fitness. I’m a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach so I write my own workout program. I strength train 5-6 times a week following a push-pull-legs split and I make sure to get 10 000 steps a day.

What is your go to healthy meal?                     

Not only is it my go to healthy meal but it’s genuinely my favorite meal ever. Grilled salmon, baked sweet potato, and roasted broccoli.

You travel a lot since you are a model. Can you tell us which country you would like to visit and still haven’t gotten the chance?                                  

Where do I start? I want to go everywhere. My family is into traveling and I’ve been traveling all over the world since I was just 8 months old so I love traveling and experiencing different cultures. Which is one of the many reasons I enjoy modeling because it takes me to so many different places. If I had to pick just one place to visit it would be the Maldives.

Do you have any special beauty routine?                                                          

I do have a beauty routine but I’m a firm believer that your skin is a reflection of what you put inside your body. I think following a healthy diet goes a long way.

Can you remember the latest show you binged watched?                             

My favorite show ever is Criminal Minds. I’ve watched every episode multiple times. Yes, all 324 episodes!

How would you describe your personal style?                                                     

I’m in gym clothes 99% of the time. Maybe it’s because of my background in sports or my obsession with working out but it’s what I feel the most comfortable and confident in. Although I do love modeling and getting all glammed up, I feel like a different person. Athleisure is just more me.

Do you have any hobbies?                            

Yes, I love cooking. I’m very health conscious and maybe it’s the engineering major in me but I love experimenting with recipes and “healthifying” them.

Where do you see your career in 5 years?                                                           

In 5 years, I see myself having worked with some of my dream brands and companies. I see myself as a successful model traveling and doing what I love and having completed my degree in Chemical Engineering.

Do you have any message for our readers?                                                         

Chase your dreams, no one is going to do it for you! It’s better to give it everything you got and knowing you tried rather than playing it safe and living with regret.

Team credits:

Photographer Elio Nogueira

Model Cara Krugman @ The Dragons Management

Makeup Marianne Tamposi

Hair Tiara Styles Styling Newheart Ohainan

Production Nicholas Tamposi – Dragonville Studios
