Martina Hirsch’s Glamorous Journey to Cannes 

A Star on the Rise

Haljina: Inclover
Cipele: Giuseppe Zanotti
Klač: Amato Daniele

Martina Hirsch je poznati nemački model i influenserka koja se pojavljivala u prestižnim časopisima poput Vogue-a, Harper’s Bazaar-a i L’Officiel-a. Prošle godine, časopis Glamour je proglasio za Ženu godine. Redovno prisustvuje Kanskom filmskom festivalu, a ove godine je prošetala crvenim tepihom zajedno sa slavnim ličnostima poput Selene Gomez, Edgara Ramireza, Zoe Saldane, Eve Longorie, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Eve Green, Rossy de Palma, Salme Hayek i Caro Daur.

U ovom ekskluzivnom intervjuu za Harper’s Bazaar Srbija, gde se nedavno pojavila u editorijalu snimljenom tokom Kanskog festivala, Martina deli svoja iskustva i uvide.

Haljina: Inclover
Cipele: Giuseppe Zanotti
Klač: Amato Daniele

Recite nam nešto o vašem poslednjem učešću na crvenom tepihu na Kanskom filmskom festivalu. Nije vam prvi put, zar ne?

Tačno je. Bila sam neverovatno uzbuđena. Kao i svaka devojka, osećala sam se kao značajna osoba kada sam čula da bismo mogli biti pokupljeni helikopterom (smeh). Šalu na stranu, bilo je to vrlo cool iskustvo za mene. Mnogo dobrih ljudi, uzbudljivih saradnji i perspektivnih projekata koji me inspirišu svake godine u Kanu.

Kakva osećanja ste doživeli?

Hodanje po tom crvenom tepihu sa svim tim fotografima više je delovalo kao zadatak ovog puta. Razumem svakog glumca koji kaže da crveni tepih ne oprašta ništa – spotaknuti se bi bio veliki šou, ali nadam se o sebi.

Minđuše: Caroline Svedbom
Haljina: Elio Abou Fayssal 

Imate li neki nezaboravan trenutak sa Kanskog filmskog festivala?

Sigurno! Film Emilia Perez me podseća na mnoge lične razgovore sa prijateljima. Ne morate sve da razumete, ali poverenje mladih ljudi jedne u druge je divno.

Kako je protekao fotoshooting za Harper’s Bazaar Srbija? Kakav utisak je ostavilo na Vas?

Bio je divan i uzbudljiv fotoshooting, kao i uvek, bila sam uzbuđena da vidim koje će fantastične odevne kombinacije moja sjajna stilistkinja Tania Tuka doneti. Ponovo sam bila oduševljena, posebno jedinstvenim detaljima i dodacima koji čine sve kompletnim i jedinstvenim. Rezultat je zaista odličan!

Kupaći kostim, torba: Michael Kors collection
Naočare za sunce: Furla 
Sat: Antonio Boggati
Sandale: Giuseppe Zanotti

Koji je bio najuzbudljiviji trenutak u tom procesu?

Na lokaciji smo imali specijalnog gosta koji je bio toliko impresioniran našim radom da nije želeo da propusti ni jedan detalj. Čak je poslao svoju ženu na ručak i šoping samu jer nije želeo da ignoriše ni minut snimanja.

Kako se obično pripremate za fotoshootinge? Imate li neke posebne rituale ili navike?

Svaka priprema je drugačija jer nijedan shoot nije isti, a lokacije se menjaju. Iščekivanje raste nekoliko dana pre snimanja. Osećam čistu radost kada dođe vreme da spakujem kofer i razgovaramo o detaljima. Uzbudjenje čini da je teško jesti bilo šta danima pre toga. Kada se radi o svakodnevnim navikama, sve je uobičajeno. Lep dan za mene počinje šoljom kafe. Nakon toga, posle osvežavajućeg tuša, uživam u divnoj rutini nege kože. Vreme za sebe je obavezno!

Kupaći kostim, torba: Michael Kors collection
Naočare za sunce: Furla 
Sat: Antonio Boggati
Sandale: Giuseppe Zanotti

Kako ste započeli karijeru kao model i bloger? Šta vas je inspirisalo?

Inspiracija mi je došla iz TV emisije “Germany’s Next Topmodel” koju vodi moćna Heidi Klum. Gledala sam svaku epizodu. To nije bilo u planu u početku. Cilj mi je bio da izađem iz svoje uloge porodično orijentisane osobe i ostavim svoj trag u svetu. Moje uključivanje u modeling povezano je sa mojom ogromnom strašću prema modi.

Šta za vas znači uspeh?

Šta je uspeh? Verovatno ga svako vidi drugačije. Ja sam zadovoljna pozitivnim povratnim informacijama i kada mogu da donesem radost drugima. Dakle, nadam se da ćete me pratiti na mom putovanju. Uspeh je kada možete da ostvaite interakciju i inspirišete nekoga samo time što ste svoji. Kada moj rad dotakne nečiji život ili izmami osmeh na lice, to je pravi uspeh za mene. Radi se o stvaranju pozitivnog uticaja i dubljem povezivanju sa ljudima.

Kupaći kostim, torba: Michael Kors collection
Naočare za sunce: Furla 
Sat: Antonio Boggati
Sandale: Giuseppe Zanotti

Koji su vaši planovi u narednom periodu? Da li možete da podelite neke interesantne projekte sa nama?

Imamo mnogo projekata u toku i moj tim i ja konstantno razmatramo nove mogućnosti. Samo jedan mali spojler: posebno se radujem New Yorku u septembru. Ostanite u toku!

English here:

Dress, necklace, boots: Isabel Marant
Bag: Furla

Martina Hirsch is a renowned German model and influencer who has appeared in prestigious magazines such as Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, and L’Officiel. Last year, Glamour magazine honored her with the Woman of the Year award. A regular attendee at the Cannes Film Festival, this year, she walked the red carpet alongside celebrities like Selena Gomez, Edgar Ramirez, Zoe Saldana, Eva Longoria, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Eva Green, Rossy de Palma, Salma Hayek, and Caro Daur. 

In this exclusive interview for Harper’s Bazaar Serbia, where she recently appeared in a shot during the Cannes festival, Martina shares her experiences and insights.

Tell us about your last participation on the Red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival. It is not your first appearance, isn’t it?

You are right. I was so incredibly excited. Like every girl, I felt myself a significant person when I heard we might be picked up by helicopter (laughs). To tell you more seriously, it was a very cool experience for me. Many good people, exciting collaborations, and project perspectives inspire me yearly in Cannes. 

Dress, necklace, boots: Isabel Marant
Bag: Furla

What emotions did you experience?

Walking on that red carpet with all those photographers felt more like a task this time. I understand every actor who says the red carpet forgives nothing — tripping over would be a huge show, but hopefully not one about yourself.

Do you have any memorable moments from the Cannes Film Festival?

Sure! The Emilia Perez film reminds me of many personal conversations with friends. It’s opportune; you don’t have to understand everything, but young people’s trust in confiding in each other is lovely.

Dress: Philipp Plein

How did the photoshoot for Harper’s Bazaar Serbia go? What impressions did it leave on you?

It was a wonderful and exciting photoshoot, and as always, I was eager to see what amazing outfits my amazing stylist, Tania Tuka, would bring. I was thrilled again, especially with the unique details and accessories that make everything complete and unique. The result is really great! 

What was the most exciting moment in the process?

We had a special guest at the location who was so impressed by our work that he didn’t want to miss a single detail. He even sent his wife off to lunch and go shopping alone because he didn’t want to ignore even a minute of the shoot.

Dress: Ines Di Santo 
Shoes: Rene Caovilla

How do you usually prepare for photoshoots? Do you have any special rituals or habits?

Every preparation is different because no shoot is the same, and the locations change. The anticipation builds a few days before the shoot. It feels pure joy when it’s time to pack the suitcase and discuss the details. The excitement makes it hard to eat anything days beforehand. When talking about daily habits, everything is usual. A good day for me starts with a cup of coffee. Then, after a refreshing shower, I dive into a lovely skincare routine. Time for myself is obligatory! 

How did you start your career as a model and blogger? What inspired you?

My inspiration came from the TV show “Germany’s Next Topmodel,” which features the powerhouse Heidi Klum. I have caught every single episode. It wasn’t in the plan initially. I aimed to step beyond my role as a family-oriented individual and make my mark on the world. My entry into modeling is tied to my immense passion for fashion.

Dress: Ines Di Santo 
Shoes: Rene Caovilla

What does success mean to you?

What is success? Everyone probably sees it differently. I am pleased with positive feedback and when I can bring joy to others. So, I hope you continue to follow me on my journey. Success is when you can interact and inspire someone just by being yourself. When my work touches someone’s life or brings a smile to their face, that’s true success to me. It’s about making a positive impact and connecting with people more deeply.

What are your plans for the nearest future? Are there any interesting projects you can share with us?

Many projects are in progress, and my team and I constantly discuss new possibilities. Just one spoiler: I am especially looking forward to New York in September. Stay tuned!


Model: Martina Hirsch @martina9496m
Photographer: Olha Deryh @frenchonegirl
Stylist: Tania Tuka @taniatuka
Muah: Dasha Larsen
Production: SashkaProject @sashkaproject
