Poznato lice America’s Next Top Model, glumica i spisateljica Gabrielle Kniery u razgovoru za Harper’s Bazaar otkrila nam je kakvo iskustvo nosi sa snimanja, šta ju je podstaklo da napiše knjigu poezije i šta sve možemo očekivati od nje u budućnosti

America’s Next Top Model

Kada sam bila dete, moja pokojna baka Ladonna me je uvek zvala “Mis Amerike”. Oduvek sam bila zaljubljena u modu i zabavu još od najranijeg detinjstva. Moja baka je uvek govorila “Samo gledaj Gabby, samo gledaj, bićeš ti na ekranu iznova i iznova. To ti je zapisano. Ali uvek ostani iskrena prema sebi, i nikada nemoj da izgubiš tu prelepu svetlost koju nosiš, samo neka neko proba da ti je ugasi!”. Sa tim na umu, moje učestvovanje u ANTM je bila emsija gde sam se prvi put pojavila na malim ekranima. Posebno sam zahvalna zbog prilike koju sam imala da tamo učestvujem. Ta emisija je bila san svake devojke. Posebno bih istakla neponovljivo i prelepo iskustvo koje sam imala sa Tyrom Banks, Miss Jay i Mr Jayem, ali naravno i sa preminulom modnom ikonom, genijalnim čovekom kakav je bio Andre Leo Talley koji je bio član žirija u sezoni kada sam se ja takmičila. Ne znam koliko ljudi u modnoj industriji zapravo može da se pohvali da je radilo sa njim. To mi je bila izuzetna čast. Iako na kraju nije ispalo onako kako sam zamislila, moja zahvalnost za čitavu produkciju sa Tyrom na čelu nikada neće biti prevaziđena. To iskustvo me je nateralo da gurnem sebe i da radim veoma naporno što mi je kasnije otvorilo mnoga zatvorena vrata. Zahvalna sam što sam imala priliku da stojim i radim sa njima. Mnoge devojke koje su učestvovale u ANTM, se kasnije više nigde nisu pojavile. Vrata koja su mi se u tom trenutku zatvorila, dala su mi snagu da nastavim dalje i da mogu da nastavim da tražim svoje mesto u čitavoj industriji. Nikada neću zaboraviti dan kada su me izabrali da učestvujem. Počela sam sa kastinzima i audijiama u svom rodnom gradu, St. Louis u Missuriju. I tada mnogi ljudi nisu znali moju priču. Moja drugarica je čula da rade kasting za ANTM i pitala me je da li mogu da idem sa njom na kasting zato što sam živela na samo 30 minuta od mesta u kom se odžavao. I naravno, pristala sam. U poslednjem trenutku me je upitala da li bih se i ja prijavila, i naravno da sam pristala jer sam bila veliki fan čitavog projekta. Prve audcije se gotovo ni ne sećam. Nakon par meseci dobila sam telefonski poziv gde su pitali za Gabrielle, kada sam odgovorila “ja sam”, čovek sa druge strane mi je rekao “Moraš da dođeš u Čikago za vikend. Prošla si u drugi krug audicije”. To je bio trenutak kada su krenuli da selektuju devojke koje nastavljaju dalje. Moja mama nas je odmah spakovala i otišle smo. Tada nismo imali mnogo, s obzirom da je moja majka bila samohrani roditelj troje dece, ali je želela svim srcem da podrži moje snove. Ona je čudo od žene! Kada smo stigle u Čikago, išla sam iz sobe u sobu na razgovor i sećam se da su mi dali broj 69. Nikada to neću zaboraviti. Bila sam u sobi gde stoji sledeći top model Amerike. Sećam se da sam rekla “Mogu biti šta god želite. Ja sam kameleon”, pogledali su me i rekli “Da, stvarno jesi.”

HaljinaVenchy Couture

Prsten: Gaudess @gaudess


Nakon toga, krenuli su da prozivaju brojeve devojaka koje nastavljaju takmičenje. Moj broj nisu prozvali. Otišla sam do mame i rekla joj “Mama nisam prošla”. Zagrlila me je i rekla da sam dala sve od sebe i da je mnogo ponosna n amene, a zatim smo ušle u lift. Dok su se vrata lifta zatvarala, jedan od sudija je dotrčao do njih i pokušao da spreči da se zatvore. Upitao je “Da li je ovde broj 69?”, na šta sam ja odgovorila, “Da, ja sam”. “Moraš da se vratiš. Žele te nazad.” Mama i ja smo se samo pogledale zbunjeno i onda se ona nasmešila i  rekla mi “Idi, čekam te dole.” Tada su mi dali žutu kovertu sa najvećim ugovorom koji sam ikada videla. I to je bio početak ostvarenja mojih snova. Da su se ta vrata lifta zatvorila, ja sada ne bih bila tu gde jesam, ali nekako sve se dešava sa razlogom.

Sada sam na putu za Los Anđeles. Sama, bez mame. U kolima je krenula pesma Miley Cyrus, “Party in the USA” koja me je automatski naježila:

“I hopped off the plane at LAX

With a dream and my cardigan

Welcome to the land of fame excess (woah)

Am I gonna fit in?

Jumped in the cab, here I am for the first time

Look to my right, and I see the Hollywood sign

This is all so crazy

Everybody seems so famous”

To je bio trenutak kada sam rekla “Gabrielle!!! Ideš u Kuću!”. Ta pesma ima mnogo značaja za mene, zato što sam je osetila u dubini duše i znala sam da će put biti dugačak do moje karijere iz snova, ali bez obzira na sve, ulazim u Kuću. Iako sam prva ispala, istinski verujem da je to samo bio moj prvi korak. Znala sam da će se emsija nastaviti sa mnom ili bez mene, a ovo je bila izuzetna prilika o kojoj mnoge devojke sanjaju. Sećam se svojih poslednjih reči na snimanju, a to je “Bez obzira na sve, ja ću postati neko!” I evo, deset godina nakon toga, sam potpun procvetala. Pre par godina kada sam snimala seriju “Bull” sećam se da smo imali specijalnog gosta na setu i to je bila niko drugi neko Miss Jay! Toliko sam joj se obradovala. Zagrlila me je i rekla mi “Uspela si devojko!” Nikada neću zaboraviti koliko je bila divna prema meni i koliko poštovanja i zahvalnosti imam prema njoj.

Dress: Golshaah @gol.shaah

Necklace: Cindy Kleist @Joyascindykleist


Prvu knjigu poezije sam objavila 2016. godine. Nazvala sam je “Unraveling” po istoimenoj pesmi iz zbirke. “Razmršavanje može biti prelepo, nije uvek tragično, mlada žena pronalazi sebe u svom element”.

Još otkako sam bila mala, obožavala sam da čitam. Od Hemingveja pa sve do Hans Kristijana Andersena. Čitanje mi je bilo ceo svet i nateralo me je da psotanem empata, da otkrivam nove svetove i da razumeme ljude. Još u srednjoj školi sam krenula da pišem. To me je održavalao tokom teških trenutaka koje sam imala u svojoj karijeri. Pre spavanja sam pisala dnevnik u kome sam zapisivala sve što mi se tog dana dešavalo. Naredno jutro sam to čitala i trudila se da pronađem šta bih mogla da naučim iz svog pređašnjeg iskustva. Odlučila sam da svaki dan svog dnevnika pretvorim u poeziju kako bih sumirala događaje. Krenula sam da delim svoju poeziju na društvenim mrežama gde su je moji pratioci i prijatelji prepoznali i govorili mi “Gabby, moraš napisati knjigu. Ovo je tako dobro i šteta je da takav talenat propadne”.

Stoga sam jednog dana odlučila da sakupim sve što sam ikada napisala i da pronađem pravog izdavača koji će plasirati moje pesme. Ako uspem da inspirišem samo jednu osobu, ja sam zadovoljna. Kada je moja knjiga konačno bila objavljena, otišla sam u klub ljubitelja poezije u Njujorku, a zatim sam krenula da dobijam poruke od čitalaca koliko ih je moja knjiga nadahnula. Sećam se kad mi je jednom usred noći jedna devojka pisala. Rekla je da prolazi kroz težak period i da nije znala šta će sa svojim životom. Ali onda se setila neke knjige poezije i ponovo je pročitala. Ispostavilo se da je to moja knjiga i da mi je pisala kako bi mi se zahvalila što sam joj spasila život. Bilas am dirnuta, zato što je to ono što sam oduvek želela da učinim, da inspirišem ljude da nastave. Život je pun borbi koje krijemo od sveta. Ova poruka je značila da sam uradila svoj posao dobro. Od tog trenutka sam i dalje u kontaktu sa ovom devojkom.

Trenutno sam u fazi prikupljanja materijala za moju sledeću knjigu, ali sam toliko zauzeta da jedva pronalazim vremena da napišem nešto što će biti dovoljno dobro za drugu knjigu.

Jacket, Top, & Pants set: Leatheracci @leatheracci

Necklace: Élisa @s.asile

Sandale: Nine West


Modeling mi je uvek bio sredstvo da “uđem u sobu”. Ali ne mislim da će na kraju biti samo to – model. Volim toliko različitih stvari da ne mogu da se zadovoljim samo time. Uvek sam bila umetnički nastrojena, a modeling me je samo vodio u pravcu u kom želim da idem. Jako sam zahvalna za sve što mi je pružio.

Nega i lepota

Moj prvi savet za negu je zapravo jako smešan. Led!!! Koristim led. Ujutru i uveče stavljam led na lice. Ima antiagin efekat, zatvara moje pore i uklanja podočnjake. Mislim da je to razlog zašto još uvek izgledam mlado u mojim godinama. Mislim, jesam ja mlada još uvek, ali znate na šta mislim… Led je uvek nešto za čim posežem posebno kada imam neku veliku kampanju na kojoj radim. Moji drugi beauty savet je veoma jednostavan. Kada ustanem svaki dan se zahvalim univerzumu. Zahvalna sam na svemu što me održava mladom i što mi pomaže da budem srećna i bezbrižna. Što sam više zahvalna, imam manje bora, a to je samo zato što sam srećna.


Italija će zauvek biti moja omiljena destinacija. Bilo koji grad ili mesto, samo da je Italija. Mislim da je to moja duhovna zemlja. Trenutno sam zbog posla u Milanu već nekoliko meseci jer je moja agencija “Indastria models” tamo smeštena. To je grad gde sam se pronašla i gde sam našla svoj mir. Život u Italiji je otključao nešto u mom srcu, od predivne kultue i ljudi, sve do najuksunije hrane koju ću verovatno u životu probati. “Sono felice”, znači “Srećna sam”. Italija je moje srećno mesto i ako imate prilike da je posetite uradite to obavezno. Ukrala je moje srce.

Top: Elmadawy New York @maisonelmadawy


Shoes: Tulipano Italy

Minđuše: Schulp @sculpjewlery


Raditi sa Beyonce je bilo neverovatno iskustvo. Taj posao mi je sam bog posalo. Kada je došla na set u vazduhu se osetila njena neverovatna smirenost. Žena kao što je ona je tako elegantna i zapanjujuća u svakom trenutku. Kada ste blizu nje, osečate se nekako mirno. Radila sam sa mnogim imenima u industriji, ali Beyonce, ne zovu je za džabe “Queen B”. To što sam bila u spotu za “Pretty hurts” je bilo veliko zadovoljstvo i svi ljudi na tom snimanju su bili predivni i zadovoljstvo je raditi sa njima. Jednom je čak i Jay-Z došao na set. Njih dvoje zajedno su takva energija i moć i mislim da je moj rad sa njima jedan od najvećih iskustava koja ću ikada imati.

Još jedna zanimljiva priča je ta da kada sam snimala spot za Luke Jamesa za “Strawberry vapors” nisam videla nikakav preview sve dok mi prijatelji nisu javili da su ga videli. Svi su bili na Beyoncinom koncertu u Staples centru u Los Anđelesu i svi su mi slali video govoreći da je Luke James predgrupa Beyoncé. Iza njega dok je nastupao išao je spot u kom sam ja bila glavna uloga. Život mi je pun blagoslova i čuda koja nekako se uvek odvijaju u pravom smeru. Sve što mogu da kažem je da sam veoma zahvalna za svaku priliku koju sam dobila od svih umetnika da budem deo njihovih projekata, još od dana kada mi je baka rekla da ću biti na TV ekranima. Ova devojčica iz St. Louisa sa velikim snovima i nadama posmatra kako joj se život odvija na veličanstvene načine. Nikada nisam imala mnogo dok sam odrastala osim majke koja me je odgajala veoma skromno kako bi me pripremila za ovaj svet i mislim da mi je to pomoglo da izgradim radnu etiku, upornost, veru i manire koji su mi pomogli da doguram dovde. I najiskrenije, to je ono što nam je potrebno svima u životu kako bismo izgradili dobar karakter.


Trenutno snimam prvu sezonu serije Winter house. To je spin off sa južnjačkim šarmom serije Summer house. Snimali smo 2021. godine u Vermontu u gradu Stowe. Volim zimu, ali sam više devojka koja voli da sedi pored vatre i pije skupoceno vino. Ovo nije bilo mesto za to. Od grudvanja, do časova skijanja i snoubordinga lice mi se smrzavalo million puta. Imali smo i najbolje kućne žurke koje možete zamisliti. Mladi ljudi na hladnoći koji uživaju u životu, tako bih nas opisala.

Tehnički sam glumila sebe, zato što je ovo pre svega rijaliti serija it u smo da bi smo bili ono što jesmo. Čitava ekipa je veoma divna, ali ipak to su veliki egomanijaci sa kojima morate svakodnevno da se borite. Zamislite da živite u kući sa dvanaestoro ljudi nekoliko nedelja. Svako malo neko se posvađa. Imala sam teške trenutke tokom snimanja zato što sam nedavno bila raskinula višegodišnju prijateljsku vezu i to me je malo proganjalo tokom snimanja u kući zato što skoro da nikoga nisam poznavala na setu osim jedne osobe. Tako da mi je bilo teško da se izvučem iz sopstvene ljušture ponovo i da se združim sa ostalim ljudima. Ponekad mi je krivo što im nisam ostala u dobrim odnosima sa tom osobom i da pustim da mi se približi malo više. Ali sam osetila da je najbolja odluka da odem iz tog odnosa. Na kraju se to ispostavilo kao najbolja odluka jer mi je život procvetao na mnogo načina. I dalje sam ostala super prijatelj sa nekim od ljudi iz Winter housa, i čujemo se s vremena na vreme. Paige Desorb oi Ciara Miller su mi postale veoma drage, zajedno sa Austen Krollom koji je sigurno jedan od najduhovitijih ljudi koje sam upoznala u životu. Paige i Ciara su tako divne žene. Imam mnogo jaka prijateljstva  koja sam stovirla na snimanjima ANTM i WH, i sve to zahvaljujući produkcijama kakve su Bravo i CW. I to je samo početak. Sva ova iskustva su me odvela u nepoznato i učinila me onakvom kakva jesam danas. Za 10 godina vidim sebe kao nekog ko ima svoje ime. Radim na toliko različitih projekata ovih dana i jedva čekam da budu svi realizovani. Ovi projekti će napraviti budućnost za moju porodicu i ostvariti moje snove. Nikada ne odustajte jer se snovi zaista ostvaruju samo ponekad nisu onakvi kakvi očekujete da budu. Morate graditi svoj uspeh. Moj životni moto je “Bacite sve na zid i nešto će se zadržati”. To znači da morate isporbavati nove stvari, jer će vas one odvesti tamo gde treba da budete.

Jacket: Leatheracci @leatheracci

Necklace: Élisa @s.asile

Bag: AABOUX @aaboux

English here:


Famous face from America’s Next Top Model, but also actress and writer, Gabrielle Kniery in exclusive story for Harper’s Bazaar told us what are her experiences from shootings, what made her to write her first poetry book and what can we expect from her in the future. Here’s what she said.

America’s Next Top Model

As a child my grandmother Ladonna(rest her soul) always called me” Miss America.” I had a love for entertaining and fashion as a child. My grandmother would always say, “Just you watch my Gabby girl, just you watch, you’re going to be on this tv screen again and again. This was meant for you. But stay true to the core of you, and never lose that beautiful light, if they so dare try to dim it!” So with that said,

Being on Americas next top model was my first step to the tv screen. Especially in the era I had the opportunity to be casted on. It was the “It show” for every girls dreams. And what a beautiful experience it was Working with Tyra Banks, Miss Jay, as well as Mr. Jay. Including the late Icon, genius of a man Andre Leon Talley, happened to be the judge on my season, may he Rest In Peace. How many people in fashion can actually say they’ve had the Pleasure to be on set with him. It was all a true honor. Although it never panned out how I hoped for me. My gratitude to the entire network and Tyra Banks, Won’t ever be tainted.  It gave me the push and drive to work hard and open doors for myself when many doors closed on me. I’m grateful to fortunately still be standing and working as well as I do. Many girls that come off the show we’ve never seen again. The door that closed on me, gave me will power to continue finding my way, within myself and the industry.

I will never forget being casted for it. I started the castings/auditions in my hometown of St.Louis Missouri. Not many people know the story behind how it all came to be. I had a girlfriend, who heard that they were casting for ANTM. She reached out to me asking if she could stay with me to go to the casting since she lived hours away and I was just a 30 minute drive downtown. And of course I said yes. She then asked me last minute, if I would audition with her. And again I said of course. I was such a huge fan of the show. But wasn’t planning to be on it. 

I go to the first audition. And I don’t think anything of it. A few months later. I received a phone call. They were asking for Gabrielle Kniery. I go this is her speaking. The man on the call says, “We need you in Chicago this weekend. You made the cut to go to yet an another audition.” 

This is all where they start breaking down the thousands of girls to cast for the actual show. My mother pulls it all together the hotel, absolutely everything. She was a single mother of three girls. And we didn’t have much. But I know she wanted to support my hopes and dreams. And she always had the will to make it happen for her girls. She my miracle woman. We pull it all together and off we go to chi town(Chicago). So in Chicago you go through many rooms interviewing, absolutely everything you can’t  quite fathom. They gave me a number. Number 69. I will never ever forget it. I’m in the room and they go what makes you Americas next top model. “And I proudly stated “Because I can be anything and everything you want from the human eye. I am a chameleon!” They look at me and go “Yes, you absolutely are.”

So after all is said and done. They start calling numbers for the models to stay and continue on, or if your number is not called. It means you just didn’t make the next cut. 

My number sadly wasn’t called. I walk out of the room and I go mom I didn’t make it. She hugged me and said you gave it your best and I’m proud you did. And off we go into the elevator. As the elevator is closing. One of the PA’s runs and puts his foot in the elevator. And he said is number 69 here. I go that’s me. He said we need you back. “You were the one girl, they wanted.” My mother and I just blankly stared at each other astonished. And she smiled with the biggest grin. And she says, “Go Go, I’ll be waiting outside the door for you.” I go back in and they hand me a yellow envelope with the biggest contract I’ve ever seen in my life” This is the start of how all my dreams began to unfold. If The elevator doors closed, I would have never been on Americas Next top model, not saying I wouldn’t have a career, but all happens just the way it is suppose to.

Now I’m off to Los Angeles California. This time I was on my own, no mama bear in sight. I’m in my car headed to begin filming and the song Miley Cyrus “Party in the USA” comes on and I get a chill within my bones. The lyrics began on the radio.

“I hopped off the plane at LAX

With a dream and my cardigan

Welcome to the land of fame excess (woah)

Am I gonna fit in?

Jumped in the cab, here I am for the first time

Look to my right, and I see the Hollywood sign

This is all so crazy

Everybody seems so famous” 

This was the moment, I said to myself Gabrielle!!!

“You’re going to make it into the house.” That song has so much meaning to me, because I felt in my soul it was going to be a long journey to a beautiful career no matter the Highs and lows, and trust I’ve had many of both.

But low and behold I make it into the house. Although I was the first to be kicked off in the house. I truly do believe in my soul. Production and everyone new I was going to make it with or without the show, and this was an opportunity to be let go to give other girls a chance. My last words when filming ANTM. I said, “ No matter what I’m going to be someone!” And here I am a decade later, flourishing.

Years go by and I’m on set filming for the tv show “Bull”. I look up and guess who’s standing there. Miss Jay!!!! It was so heart warming in this moment. Miss Jay hugged me. And said you did it girl!! You did it!! I’ll never forget what an amazing human he has always been. And to this day. I will have so much respect and gratitude for him.

Jacket: Leatheracci @leatheracci

Necklace: Élisa @s.asile

Bag: AABOUX @aaboux

Cipele: Tulipano


In 2016 I published my first book. The title for it is called, “Unraveling” and the poem for the title is 

“Unraveling can be beautiful, it isn’t always a tragedy, a young woman finding herself, finding her gravity”

Since I was a child, I had a love for reading. From Ernest Hemingway all the way to Hans Christian Andersen. Reading took my out of my world and into the world of someone else life. Reading made me an empath and began to open worlds to understand people. 

Ever since I was in Highschool I would write. And I was always so darn good at it. My book began before I was even thinking of writing a book. What saved me through tough career times, was writing. Before bed I would journal and write down everything that happened to me that day. The following morning. I would re-read what I wrote, and just find one thing that I could learn from that previous day. And I decided to turn each day of my journal entries into a piece of poetry to sum up what happened, but turn it into a lesson. I began sharing my work on Facebook and Instagram. I received so many compliments with people saying “Gabby, you have to write a book, you absolutely have to. This is too good to let your talent go to waste. 

So one day I said, you know what I’m going to take all my work I’ve written and start doing research to find the best book publishing company to get my poetry out into the world. Because if I can inspire just one life, then that is just enough for me to do this. When my book was finally finished and published. It went into a poetry club upstate New York. And I began recieving messages on social media regarding how inspiring it was. I recall in the middle of the night. A young woman messaged me. She said she was going through a tough time, and didn’t think she could go on with life. But then she remembered some of my poetry and she began to read it. And she said you saved my life. I was humbled, because this was what I wanted to do, inspire people to continue on. Life is full of battles we hide from the world. But saving someone’s life through the gift of words. I had done my job. And I’ve kept in contact with this woman ever since. 

I am currently working on creating a volume of poetry books in the future. Right now my life is so busy, I have to take time to truly focus on creating something bigger and better for my next volume.

Dress: Golshaah @gol.shaah

Necklace: Cindy Kleist @Joyascindykleist

Sandale: Only Maker @onlymaker_shoes


Modeling I believe has always been the tool to get me into the room. But I do not believe it is my end all be all. I have so many things I’m digging my hands into. I’ve always been an artist and a creative. Modeling is just taking me where I need to go. And I’m so grateful for this journey it has taken me on.

Beauty and skincare

My beauty tip is quite funny. Ice!! I use ice. In the morning, and at night I ice my face. It has an anti aging effect. It closes your pores, it takes away puffiness from your eyes. It’s my trick is why I still look so young at my age. I’m still young but you know. It’s my go to, before a big campaign or just to simply wake me up and feel alive. My second beauty tip. It’s simple. I wake up everyday and I give gratitude to the universe. Being grateful for everything keeps you young and helps you maintain a light heart, and hey the more grateful I am the less wrinkles, because I’m happy.


My go to travel destination is Italy. Absolutely everywhere in Italy. Italy is my spirit country. I currently was living in Milano for several months working, one of my agencies “Indastria models” is out there. This is the city I truly felt I found myself along with such a sense of serene peace. Living in Italy unlocked something in my heart, from the amazing culture and people, down right to the most incredible food you will ever taste. “Sono felice” it means I’m happy. Italy is my happy place. If you have the opportunity to visit. Take it. It stole my heart.


Working with Beyonce was such an experience. That woman is heaven sent. When she stepped on set, you felt her calm aura. For a woman like her to be so posed, so elegant in every moment was astonishing. You felt so at peace being near her. I’ve worked with so many big names in the industry. But let me tell you. They don’t call her “Queen B” for nothing. To be casted to shoot her video “Pretty hurts” was such a pleasure. Everyone was so amazing to work with. Jay Z popped on set one of the days. They are one of the most powerful humans in our industry and they do so much for their people and people in general. She was a gem to work with.

An even more incredible story. I filmed the Luke James music video “Strawberry vapors” for him. I had never seen a preview of the final video. Until one day I’m receiving so many phone calls from friends. They were all at the Beyoncé concert at the Staples center in Los Angeles. And everyone’s sending me images and videos. Saying Luke James was the opening performer for Beyoncé. And behind him on stage was the music video I played the lead role in. My life has been nothing more than just beautiful blessings, and miracles that always panned out in the right direction for me. All I can say is how grateful I am for every opportunity each person in this industry allowed me to be a part of their beautiful creations. From day one my grandmother was right. I was going to be on tv screens. This little girl from St.Louis with the largest hopes and dreams, was able to grow up and watch her life unfold in miraculous ways. I never had much growing up, but what i did always have was a mother whom raised me with the fundamental tools of life, to go out into the world and create a life of my own, that was instilled in me, to have the most brilliant work ethic, resilience, faith, manners, a heart that overcomes, and a sense of self to get me to where I needed to go. And in all honestly, that’s all you truly ever need is the gift of good character.

Dress: VIDEMUS OMNIA @videmusomnia

Earrings: EatMetal @eatmetalinc

Shoes: Nine West


I’m on the first season of Winter house. It is the spin off of “southern charm” and Summer house. We filmed back in 2021 in Stowe, Vermont. I love winter, but I’m more so the girl, that wants to sit by a fire place, drink expensive red wine. This was not the place for that. From snow fights to trying to learn how to ski, and snowboard and face planting into the snow a billion times. To the best house parties you can imagine. Just a bunch of young adults living our best life in the cold weather.

I technically played myself. Because it’s a reality show. We are ourself. The cast for Winter House were all so lovely. But my god the biggest personalities you’ll ever have to deal with. So imagine living in a house of 12 major personalities for several weeks. Every minute something arises. I had a tough time filming because I walked away from a long term friendship. It took a toll on me in the house, because I didn’t know anyone else other than one other person. So it was quite tough to pull myself out of my shell again and aquatint with the rest of my house mates. Sometimes I wish I wouldn’t have allowed it to get to me. But I felt it was the best decision for me to walk away. Which it was, and since my life has flourished in numerous ways since. Although I wish I would have stayed friends with my other cast mates from Winter house. They pop in and check on me from time to time. Paige Desorbo, and Ciara Miller I really grew a liking to. Along with Austen Kroll, he might be one of the funniest people I’ve met in a long time. What awesome women Paige and Ciara are. I do have stronger friendships that I built on ANTM more so than Winter House. But nonetheless how blessed I am to have been apart of the biggest networks around Bravo and CW. I’m so darn blessed. And this is all just the beginning. These experiences of mine that are all truly my experiences are stepping blocks to the great unknown. And I’m so excited for where life has taken me and for where it’s going. In 10 years I see myself as a house hold name. I’m working on so many big projects I can’t yet disclaim but in a few months everyone will know and be aware of. These projects will pave the way to create the future I want for my future family and onward. Never ever give up, because dreams truly do come true. Just sometimes not in the box they appear. Keep your heart and eyes open. And you just never know what door opens or if it’s your opportunity to build the building for your success. My phrase for life is,” Throw everything on the wall, and something will stick.” It means keep trying new things because it will lead you to exactly what you were meant to do.



Photographer: Andres McRea @andres.mcrea

Model: Gabrielle Kniery @gabriellekniery

Stylist: Elisa Soler @s.asile

Makeup Artist: Tiara Tinoco @tiaratinoco
