Najsjajnija zvezda

Modni svet je bogatiji za jednu novu nadu modnog dizajna

Nakit: Dolce&Gabanna

Top: Commes des Stars Paris

Svakodnevno prisustvujemo pojavljivanju novih mladih brendova i dizajnera, gde imamo prilike da svedočimo različitim senzibilitetima koje su oblikovale kulture iz kojih dolaze, ali i škole koje su ovi mladi ljudi, željni da pokažu svetu svoju viziju lepote, prošli.

U moru punom raznovrsnih i različitih modnih vizija, važno je prepoznati one koji su na pravom putu. One koji su stvorili umetničko delo od odevnih komada i čiji rad jedva čekamo da podelimo sa svetom.

Vreme je da se upoznamo sa novom zvezdom na modnom nebu, brendom pod imenom COMME DES STARS. Ovaj brend napravljen je za sve žene i muškace, za sve one koji imaju potrebu da izraze svoju ličnost i svoje pravo ja. Misija ovog brenda je da ohrabri ljudske snove i da im dopusti da žive svoju bajku noseći par farmerki.

Total look: Comme des Stars Paris

Osnivač brenda je kreator Zeid Ben Houria koji se bavi modom još od ranog detinjstva. Još u srednjoj školi išao je na modne kurseve i učestvovao je na nekoliko modnih takmičenja u Tunisu i Dubaiju, a takođe je radio kao konsultant za televizijske i radio emisije. Siguran je u to da moda nema samo veze sa maštom. Tehničko znanje i veštine su mu veoma važne, kao i timski rad sa vrhunskim profesionalcima i saradnicima.

Nakit: Chanel

Total Look: Comme Des Stars

“Mislim da moda nije moj izbor, to je moja sudbina”, navodi dizajner, “Još od detinjstva najviše sam voleo da oblačim lutke. NIsam znao ništa o modi, ali sam imao veliku podršku porodice. Moji roditelji su uvideli tu ljubav i posvećenost i verovali su u moj talenat”. Zeid Ben Houria misli da je veoma važno da znate istoriju mode i da budete dobro potkovani, ali pored toga bitno je posetiti revije, i da razumete pravila ove industrije. “Ako ne znate pravila, kako onda možete da ih kršite?”, kaže COMME DES STARSov dizajner.

Glavna inspiracija za njegov brend je žena u svakom svom obliku, sa svim svojim oblinama, ponašanjima i emocijama. Zeid Ben Houria takođe spominje i to da nadahnuće crpi i iz svoje sestre Wirath, koja nije samo njegova muza već i poslovna partnerka sa kojom razmenjuje ideje.

COMME DES STARS je mlad, ali ambiciozan brend čiji je cilj da učini ljude da se osećaju lepim i slobodnim.

English here:

The star who shines the most

Fashion is richer for a new hope in fashion design

Total look: Comme des Stars Paris

Almost every day we are witnesses of the new birth of a fashion brands and designers, where we have a chance to see a variety of visions which are cultivated by their culture, education and heritage. These young people cannot wait to show the world their vision of beauty.

In a sea full of different fashion eyes, it is really important to recognize the ones that are taking the right path. The ones who can create art from clothing and whose work we cannot wait to share with all of you.

It’s time to welcome the new clothing brand – COMME DES STARS. This brand is created for all women and men in all their diversity, for those who feel free to express their personality and confidence in being themselves. The brand’s mission is to encourage people’s dreams, to let them feel they are living in their own fairy tale event wearing a pair of jeans.

Nakit: Chanel

Total look: Comme des Stars Paris

The brand designer Zeid Ben Houria has been involved in the fashion industry since an early age. He studied fashion in high school for four years, participated in several fashion competitions in Tunisia and Dubai, and worked as a fashion consultant for TV and radio shows. He is sure that fashion is not only about the imagination. Technical knowledge and skills are very important as well as teamwork with high-class professionals and collaborations with bright artists. 

“I think fashion is not my choice, it is my destiny”, the designer says, “From childhood, my biggest pleasure was to dress up Barbies. I didn’t know anything about fashion and design, but I had support from my family. My mother and father saw my love and devotion and believed in my talent”. Zeid Ben Houria thinks it is very important to know the history of fashion, to do research, to visit different fashion shows, and to understand the rules of the industry. “If you don’t know the rules how can you break them?”, the designer of COMME DES STARS claims.

Total look: Comme des Stars Paris

The main inspiration for the brand is the woman in all her manifestations, with all her curves, plastics, behavior, and emotions. Zeid Ben Houria mentions that he draws inspiration from his sister Wirath, who is not only a muse but also a partner with whom they exchange ideas.

COMME DES STARS is a young but ambitious brand whose goal is to make people feel beauty and freedom.

Team credits:

Photography: Amer Mohamad @shootmeamer

Stylist: Miguel Leyvai J @migue_leyvaj

Designer: Zeid Ben Houria @benhouriazied

Hair and Make-up: Manuel Losada @manulosadagomez

Model: Yana Petrova @yanushkapetrova

Asistent: Yasir Ali Shah @yasir__ali__shah

All chlotes: Comme des Stars Paris

Producer and pr: Valentina Gurova @valentinagurova
