Amer Mohamad: Sva lica lepote

Total look Gucci

Total look Prada

Modna industrija je okrutna i konzervativna kada su u pitanju modeli u godinama. Lepota se izjednačila sa pojmom mladosti, a mladost prestaje sa 25 godina. Međutim, u modi se stalno dešavaju razne revolucije, i upravo mi smo svedoci jedne nove ere – modeli od 50+ šetaju pistama i pojavljuju se u modnim editorijalima.

Trend je prsutan od ranih 2010. kada je fotograf Ari Seth Cohen pokrenuo svoj blog pod nazivom “Advanced Style blog” na kom je promovisao stil “starijih”. Ništa manje impresivna je i priča o američkoj manekenki i glumici Carmen Dell’Orefice koja je završila karijeru sa svojih 88 godina. Ceo svet takođe sa divljenjem gleda i na karijeru Maye Musk, majke Elon-a Musk-a. Veličanstvena Maye ima nalog na instagramu i svoje fotografije naslovnica, pojavljivanja na crvenom tepihu i nove kampanje uvek postuje uz tag #ItsGreatToBe74.

Džemper Salvatore Ferragamo
Pantalone Dsquared 2 

Međutim, dugačija klima vlada kada su u pitanju muški modeli. Iznenađujuće, modna industrija je strožija u pogledu starosti muškaraca u odnosu na žene. Najčešće viđamo, pored lepotica od 60+ , muškarce od 45 +  srebrne kose i zategnutog torzoa.  

Bluza Etro
Pantalone Gucci
Cipele Ferragamo

Aiden Brady glumac, postao je jedan od prvih modela starije dobi. Najpoznatiji muški modeli Garrett Swann, Alessandro Manfredini, Ron Jack Foley, svi su mlađi od 55 godina. Naravno primer Wang Deshun – a, kineskog glumca i modela je neverovatan. Prvi put se pojavio na modnoj pisti u 80-toj godini i napravio pravu pometnju na tržištu 2016. godine

Shirt Etro
Pantalone i cipele Ferragamo

Fotograf Amer Mohamad doprinosi popularizaciji starijih muških modela. Ovo nije prvi projekat fotografa na pomenutu temu, i ovo snimanje ima za cilj ne samo da afirmiše starije modele i pruži im mogućnost da budu vidljivi u modnom svetu, već i da iskažu svoju individualnost i da izraze svoju seksualnost kroz igru kombinovanja odevnih predmeta, tekstura i boja.

Kult mladosti, kao proizvod konzervativnih društava, postepeno gubi na svom kredibilitetu. Počeo je process legitimizacije starenja u modnoj industriji. Žene su na tom polju već postigle uspehe, a isto to želimo i muškarcima.

Džemper Prada

Piše: Natalia Drachinskaya

English here:

The fashion industry is conservative and cruel to age: beauty is equated with youth, and youth ends at about 25. However, it is in fashion that various revolutions regularly occur. And now we are seeing one of them – models 50+ appear on the catwalks and in fashion photo shoots.

Pantalone i džemper Fendi

The trend has become visible since the early 2010s, when photographer Ari Seth Cohen started his “Advanced Style blog” to capturing the sartorial savvy of the senior set. The story of American model and actress Carmen Dell’Orefice, who ended her career at only 88 years old in February 2020, is impressive. The whole world is watching with admiration the model career of Maye Musk, the mother of businessman and inventor Elon Musk. The magnificent Maye has an Instagram account and accompanies her photos of covers, red carpet appearances and new campaigns with the hashtag #ItsGreatToBe74 .

Total look Dsquared 

However, there are nuances for the male older models. Surprisingly, the fashion industry is more strict about the age of men than women. And most often, men 45+, always with silver hair and toned torsos, appear next to beauties 60+.  Aiden Brady (Aiden Show), actor and porn star, became one of the first old fashion model. The most famous male models – Garrett Swann, Alessandro Manfredini, Ron Jack Foley – are all under the age of 55. Of course, the example of Wang Deshun – a Chinese actor and model – is amazing. He first appeared on the catwalk at the age of 80 and made a furore in 2016.

Košulja Dsquared 

Photographer Amer Mohamad contributes to the popularisation of older male models. This is not the first such shoot of the photographer. This exact shooting not only affirms the right of men of age to be visible in the fashion world, but also to designate their individuality, to express their sexuality through the game of combining clothing items, textures and colours.

The cult of youth, as a product of conservative societies, is gradually losing its positions to diversity. The process of ageing legitimisation in the fashion industry started. Women have already achieved some success in it, we wish the same to men.

Total look Gucci

Text: Natalia Drachinskaya


Model: Frank Christians @frank.christians
Agencey: @firstlondon
Stylist: Sarah Keyrouz @sarah.keyrouz
Photographer: Amer Mohamad @shootmeamer
Hair: Osama @osamahairstylist
Makeup: Albert @alberto_makeup
Light assitant: Anna Kaganovich
PR & Producer: Valentina Gurova @valentinagurova

