Krenuli ste da se bavite manekenstvom veoma mladi, ali na kraju ste odabrali da studirate i psihologiju. Šta vas je nateralo da krenete putem psihologije?
Zapravo sam prvo krenula da studiram psihologiju, a onda sam postala model. Preselila sam se u Milano zbog studija i tako sam krenula u manekenske vode radeći obe stvari istovremeno. Bilo je veoma naporno, ali uspela sam. Psihologija me je uvek zanimala, i htela sam da naučim više o njoj čak iako možda se nikada neću baviti njom.
Nominovani ste za Miss Valtellina, 2014. godine. Kako ste se osećali tada? Šta ste pomislili?
Sećam se svakog trenutka. Moj tadašnji dečko je bio veoma ponosan n amene i nisam mogla da verujem da se to dešava. Obožavam pisu i modu generalno, i ovo je bio neki moj prvi mali korak u tom svetu.
Da li nam možete reći razliku između italijanskog i azijskog tržišta, s obzirom da ste radili kako u Italiji tako i po zemljama Azije?
Postoji mnogo razlika. Italija je mnogo kompetativnija, a ja nisam ništa posebno, s obzirom da sam italijanka, a oni traže uvek drugačije devojke, ne lokalne. Mislim da moda dolazi iz Italije, ali sam se mnogo više zabavljala i naučila u Aziji gde sam se osećala posebno.
Vaša kosa uvek izgleda besprekorno, koja je vaša tajna?
Koristim regenerator kako bi mi kosa uvek bila jaka i sjajna, a takođe mislim da je ishrana dosta važna u nezi kose. Kosa je poput kože i uvek se po njoj vidi kako se hranite.
Koji model tašne Vam je omiljeni?
Ne mogu da se odlučim između Chanela i Hermesa, tako da ću reći obe!
Kako izgleda jedan vaš dan? Kako se hranite, da li vežbate?
Obično imam veoma gust raspored, ali uvek ujutru vežbam 30 minuta pre doručka, zdravo se hranim i brinem o sebi ali ne očekujem previše, to nije uloga, to je životni stil.
Gde biste voleli da otputujete, a da još uvek niste imali prilike?
Kina. Obećala sam sebi da ću otići tamo čim karantin prođe.
Izgledate kao devojka koja voli sportske automobile, s obzirom da se pojavljujete u Mediaset sports u nekoliko epizoda. Da li imate neki omiljeni model? Ferari, Lambo ili neki drugi?
Omiljeni auto mi je Ferari, ali za svakodnevnu vožnju preferiram Mercedes ili Range Rover. Obožavam vožnju.
Da li nam možete reći kakvi su planovi za budućnost što se tiče vašeg brenda “Bella studio”?
Moj partner i ja prpiremamo novu sportsku kolekciju Bella sportswear i razmišljamo oo novom imenu zato što će ovo biti i muška kolekcija. U stvari, već znamo ime, ali ne mogu još uvek ništa da otkrivam, ali zapratite me na mom instagramu i tamo ćete videti sve!
Kako se odmarate kada ne radite? Da li gledate filmove, čitate knjige?
Meditiram uglavnom i radim jogu. Takođe obožavam da plivam i da napunim kadu. Uglavnom pričam sa tetkom telefonom, koja mi je najbolja prijateljica i koja mi dođe kao starija sestra.
English here:
Elena Gusmeroli: Genuine beauty
Meet the italian girl who is a psychologist, who loves sports cars and who worked as a model on two continets.
You started as a model at such a young age, but in the end you choose to study psychology. What inspired you to take that path and become psychologist?
Actually i started from studying Psychology and then start modeling, cause I moved to Milan for studying at the beginning, then I started modeling and I was doing both at same time, very hard but I made it. Psychology always attracted me, since when I was young, was on my life check list to know more about it, also if at the end I’m not working like a psychologist.
In 2014, you were nominated for Miss Valtellina. Can you remember the feeling? What was the first thing that you were thinking then?
Yes, I remember, my boyfriend at that time was so proud of me, and I couldn’t believe that, I felt enough, I loved to catwalk and to do this kind of stuff since I was very young, so that was one of my first little goal
Can you tell us what is the difference between Italian and Asian fashion market since you were working for both? Is there any?
Of course there are many’s differences, Italian are more competitive, and I’m not something special cause I am actually Italian, they always prefer different girls to show, not the commune one. But I think fashion it’s Italian, so I’m not regrets working there, but I had more fun in Asia cause I felt very special.
Your hair is always on point. What is your secret?
Atm I’m using an integrator for make them strong and brilliant, I think it’s very important to eat everything, cause hair are like skin, one of the first things got affected if you are not eating good.
What is your all time favorite bag?
I’m undecided between Chanel and Hermes, I should say both!
What is your daily routine like? Do you exercise, what do you eat?
I normally have a schedule on my day routine, so I do first some exercise minimum 30 min before breakfast everyday, eating good and take care of myself, don’t exceed with nothing, that’s not a role but a lifestyle
Which destination you always wanted to visit, but still haven’t?
China, now I promise myself that I will go once it will be open again whiteout quarantine
It seems that you are a girl that loves sports cars, considering the fact you were at Mediaset sports for several episodes. Do you have any favorite? Is it Lambo, Ferrari, or something else?
My favorite car is Ferrari, but as a daily car I like to use Mercedes or Range Rover, I love to drive
Can you tell us your future plans for you and your brand “Bella studio”?
Of course me and my partner are making the new collection of Bella sportswear, we are considering to change to a new name, cause will be also mans collection, we already know the name but I will not spoiler you, but stay tune on my page for discovering soon
How do you relax when you are not working? Any special food, movie or book?
Doing meditation and yoga, I love to swim or do hot bath, talking at the phone with my auntie that is my best friend, kind of big sister
Team credits:
Model: Elena Gusmeroli @helengusmeroli
Photographer: Juan David Jaramillo @juandjjstudio
Makeup: Alan Ibarra @ay.alaan
Stylist: Karen Friedmann @karenfriedmann1
Fashion partner: Niska Luxury