Fotografije: Amer Mohamad
Model: Ivetta Makarova
What is your advise for anyone who wants to pursue modeling? Being a model isn’t just about being “good looking” or “pretty.” There are a lot of beautiful people in the world. If you’re serious about getting into modeling, it’s important to have “a look.” There should be something unique about the way you look or the way you’re built. Personal charisma is something that every successful model has. That and the ability to transform yourself for the purpose of a fashion show or a photo shoot. Today everyone is interested in models with unique faces, personal history and personality.
What professional recommendations can you give to those who are just starting to develop in the modeling business? Becoming a professional model is a long process and rarely happens overnight. Even the models who say, “I was just walking down the street one day and the next I was on the cover ,” are exaggerating. Many of today’s top models didn’t get signed to an agency out of the gate. You have to be patient, work hard and have a thick skin. There is a lot of rejections in this business. You have to be a professional through and through,stay positive and remember that just because an agency wasn’t able to represent you today, it doesn’t mean they won’t be interested tomorrow.
In addition to natural beauty today, in order to become successful, a model must be a person – to arouse the interest of the public, have and not be afraid to express their opinion, carry a certain thought into the world or have an unusual hobby.
Have you ever overstepped your principles in your professional life? No,I never overstepped my principles in my life. To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment for me.
How would you describe your recipe for success? The magic ingredient for career success and satisfaction is self-determination. When you are the captain of the ship, you get to decide which way to sail. That’s the only way to be successful. The world of fashion inspired me to create my own product, my brand of women clothing LI LAB and this was the turning point in the change in the direction coordinates.
How would you describe one personal trait that lifts you up? My perfectionism is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it’s motivate me to perform at a high level and deliver top – quality work. On the other hand, it’s cause me unnecessary anxiety and slow me down. Being a perfectionist makes it more challenging to meet the goal of being perfect, or even of reaching a personal best.
What is your dream? Every journey starts with a dream. Climbing to the foot of the highest mountain in the world and touching Mount Everest is my dream!