Kristina Kustova: Nova modna pravila

Godinu završavamo pričom koja dolazi iz Južne Afrike, a njena glavna zvezda, Kristina sa nama je podelila kako joj se snovi ostvaruju, kako izgleda njen jedan dan i šta je to što je poželela sebi u 2023.

Džemper: Isabel Marant

Naočare za sunce: Prada

Minđuše: Vintage Christian Lacroix

Kristina, zdravo i dobrodošli u Harper’s BAZAAR Srbija. Recite nam nešto o svom radu u modelingu, kako ste došli do toga i šta vas najviše inspiriše?

Model sam postala sasvim slučajno, to nije bilo nešto o čemu sam sanjala od detinjstva kao sve druge devojke. Radila sam u građevinskoj firmi. I nekako mi je trebao novac. Otišla sam na kasting za reklamu za taksi, i u redu srela svog druga (radio je kao model) i dok sam razgovarala sa njim, u hodniku je prolazio direktor agencije. Postala je to moja prva agencija. Tako sam slučajno došla do toga da se bavim modelingom.) Inspirišu me lepe i snažne žene. Živimo u vremenu kada žene imaju moć da oblikuju svet. Kroz popularnost možemo nešto da saopštimo javnosti. Veoma se divim Elsi Hosk. Prošla je mnogo toga. Moj broj je 17, u numerologiji to znači da rođeni 17. moraju da sijaju. Tako da na svaki način moram biti prikazana svetu).

Kako je bilo na snimanju za Harper’s BAZAAR? Da li je bilo lako raditi sa timom i kako je nastao koncept?

Olgu poznajem dugo. Ranije smo radili sa njom) i tim je dosta jak. Ona je moj omiljeni fotograf u Majamiju. Upoznali smo se preko Instagrama. Dugo sam čuvala slike koje su mi se sviđale iz starih časopisa, a jednom sam naišla na snimanje sa Elzom Hosk. Sklona sam da se poredim sa njom. Na toj sesiji ona jede sladoled i sve je u roze nijansama. Tako sam Olji predložila ideju. Stiliste sam takođe pronašala preko Instagrama i po savetu prijatelja. Vika i Jeanne su bile vrhunski stilisti sa iskustvom. A Juliana, šminkerka, je neverovatna. Sa njom me je upoznala i Olja) ​​Bilo je zabavno i lako raditi sa devojkama.

Haljina: Cult Gaia

Minđuše: Zvonko made with love

Koja je za vas glavna razlika u manekenskom poslu između Evrope i Amerike?

Naravno, svaka zemlja ima svoje razlike. Na primer, vizija, čak i fotograf snima drugačije. U Evropi više vole da snimaju na filmu (stari efekat), u SAD imaju moderniji pristup. I ja volim Evropu, tamo možete raditi mnoge projekte. SAD takođe nudi mnogo mogućnosti. Sviđa mi se što Amerikanci brže rade. U Evropi ljudi nekako malo miruju), navikla sam se na određeni ritam u svojim aktivnostima. Moj san je da osvojim Njujork.

Recite nam o najzanimljivijim projektima ove godine za vas.

Snimila sam kampanju za velikog distributera alkoholnih pića. Morali smo da uđemo u ledeno jezero. Bilo je stvarno hladno. Stvari koje radite za tim i veliku kampanju. Dakle, modeling je težak posao. Takođe od velikih nezaboravnih poslova, snimila sam reklamu za Schweppes gde sedim u bioskopu i pijem ga. Ali generalno, imam fotosesije skoro svaki dan. Potreban mi je odmor)

Hajde da pričamo o najboljim gradovima na svetu za život za jednu manekenku. Šta su oni po vašem mišljenju?

Sviđa mi se Njujork, mislim da je to najbolje mesto za manekenku. To je grad velikih mogućnosti. Tamo ima dosta vrhunskih agencija. Možete napraviti prave veze. Volim Pariz i radila sam tamo. I Italija. Milan, naravno.)

Haljina: Retroféte

Košulja: Anna Quan

Kako biste opisali tipičan dan u životu popularne manekenke?

Tuširanje ujutru, masaža lica. Lagani doručak, vežbanje. Fotografisanje. Uveče možete videti svoje prijatelje. Lično, ako imam vremena idem u teretanu. Vikendom možete izaći na ples. Ili u bioskop. Volim ukusnu hranu,) tako da možete da odete u restoran. Takođe imam ćerku, ona ima 3,5 godine. Uvek se trudim da provedem vreme sa njom kad god je to moguće.

Koji dizajneri vas inspirišu i zašto?

Jacquemus je blizak mom senzibilitetu, sviđaju mi se njihovi ambasadori i činjenica da je brend minimalistički. Sviđaju mi se Dior i Balenciaga, Chanel. Imam mnogo stvari od tih brendova. Dior je u poslednje vreme veoma kul. Po mom mišljenju, oni su se pokazali kao najbolji. Chrome Hearts – i oni mi se sviđaju i njihovi ozloglašeni projekti… Njihova oznaka je krst), ne sviđa se svima. Ali izgleda otmeno, takođe mi se sviđa što je odeća androgena odeća. Volim taj stil. Grunge, ulična moda.

Bodi: Zaynep Arcay

Bunda: Alyson Eastman

Minđuše: Badglez Mischka

Čoker: Adina Eden

Čizme: Zara

Da li imate mesta za napajanje?

Moje mesto moći je Altaj. Tamo sam mnogo meditirala. Bali – sve želje koje sam tamo zaželela su mi se ostvarile. Moji snovi su da posetim Uskršnje ostrvo i Maču Pikču u Peruu.

Gde ćete provesti novogodišnje praznike i kako planirate da dočekate Novu 2023.?

Provešću ga sa svojom porodicom. A posle ponoći idem na koncert nekih poznatih pevača sa prijateljima.

Nova 2023. godina dolazi. Hoćete li podeliti svoje planove, snove i ciljeve?

Navikla sam da ne pričam o svojim planovima i snovima. Evo primera sna koji se ostvario: prošle godine sam poželela da odem u Južnu Afriku i snimim naslovnicu za Harper’s BAZAAR. I tako sam to i uradila. Što se ostalog tiče, još nisam spremna da podelim).

English here:

Kristina Kustova: New fashion rules

Košulja, šorts: Kimberly Taylor x Curio Bodrum

Patike: Converse Chuch Taylor

Nakit: Forever21

Tašna: Kukhta Studio

This story form South Africa is a final one for this year, and the main star, Kristina, shares with us how she manages to make her dreams come true, what her days as a model looks like and what she wished for in 2023.

Kristina, hello and welcome to Harper’s BAZAAR Serbia. Tell us, please, about your work in modeling, how you came by it and what inspires you most of all?

I became a model quite by accident, it was not something I had dreamed of since childhood like all the other girls. I worked in a construction company. And somehow I needed the money. I went to a casting for a cab ad, and in line I met my friend (he worked as a model) and while we were talking to him, in the corridor was passing the director of the agency. It became my first agency. That’s how I came to take up modeling, by chance.) I am inspired by beautiful and strong women. We are living in the time now that women have the power to shape the world. Through popularity, we can communicate something to the public. I admire Elsa Hosk very much. She has been through a lot. My number is 17, in numerology it means that those born on the 17th must shine. So in every way I have to be displayed to the world).

How was your shooting for Harper’s BAZAAR? Was it easy to work with the team and how was the concept born?

I have known Olga for a long time. We have shot with her before) and the team is strong. She is my favorite photographer in Miami. We met through Instagram. I have been saving pictures I liked from old magazines for a long time, and once I came across a shoot with Elsa Hosk. I tend to be compared to her. In that session she is eating ice cream and everything is in shades of pink. That’s how I suggested the idea to Olya. I also found the stylists through Instagram and on the advice of friends. Vika and Jeanne were top stylists having the experience. And Juliana, the makeup artist, is incredible. I was also introduced to her by Olya) It was fun and easy to work with the girls.

Kupaći kostim: Lauren Layne

Naramenice: Curio at Faena Bazaar

Naočare za sunce: Prada

Minđuše: Balenciaga

Čizme: Public Desire

What is the main difference for you in the modeling business between Europe and America?

Of course every country has its differences. For example vision, even a photographer shoots differently. In Europe they prefer to shoot on film (the old effect), in the U.S. they have a more modern approach. I love Europe too, you can do many projects there. The U.S. also offers a lot of opportunities. I like that the Americans are faster to work. In Europe people somehow idle a bit), I got used to certain rhythm in my activities. My dream is to conquer New York.

Tell us about the most interesting modeling projects this year for you.

I shot a campaign for a big alcohol beverages distributor. We had to get into an icy lake. It was really cold. The things I do for a team and a large campaign. So modeling is hard work. Also of the big memorable jobs, I shot a Schweppes commercial. It’s me sitting in a movie theater drinking Schweppes. But in general, I have photosessions almost every day. Need a vacation).

Let’s talk about the best cities in the world to live for a model. What are they in your opinion?

I like New York, I think it’s the best place for a model. It’s a city of opportunity. There are a lot of top agencies there. You can make the right connections. I like Paris and I’ve worked there. And Italy. Milan, of course.)

Kupaći kostim: Bodyart wear

Patike: Converse

How would you describe a typical day in the life of a popular model?

Shower in the morning, facial massage. A light breakfast, exercise. A photo shoot. In the evening you can see your friends. Personally, if I have time I go to the gym. On weekends you can go out to dance. Or go to the cinema. I like tasty food,) so you can go to a restaurant. Also I have a daughter, she is 3.5 years old. I always try to spend time with her whenever possible.

What clothing designers inspire you and why?

Jacquemus is close to my personality, I like their ambassadors and the fact that the brand is minimalist. I like Dior and Balenciaga, Chanel. I have a lot of stuff from those brands. Dior has been very cool lately. In my opinion they have turned out to be the best. Chrome Hearts – I also like them, their notorious projects… Their label is a cross), not everyone likes it. But it looks classy, I also like that the outfits are androgynous clothing. I do love that style. Grunge, Street Fashion.

Do you have any power places?

My power place is Altai. I meditated there a lot. Bali – all the wishes I made there have come true. My dreams are to visit Easter Island and Machu Picchu in Peru.

Haljina: Retroféte

Minđuše: Vintage

Where are you going to spend your New Year holidays and how do you plan to see the New Year in 2023?

I will spend it with my family. And after midnight I will go to a concert of some famous singers. With friends.

The New Year 2023 is coming. Will you share your plans, dreams and goals?

I’m used to not talking about my plans and dreams. Here’s an example of a dream that came true: I wished last year that I would go to South Africa and shoot a cover for the Harper’s BAZAAR. And so I did it. As for the rest, I’m not ready to share yet).

Team credits: 

Photographer: Olly Vento @olllyvento
Model: Kristina Kustova @krisstal7
Stylist: Zlata Kotmina and Victoria Smirnoff @victoriasmirnoff
PR: Mariia Borovenska @mariborovenskaya
Make-up and Hair: Juliana Burdiugova @mymakeupmiami
Shoot Location: Miami, FL
