
Haljina Haleia, ogrlica Sultry Affair Style, prstenje Lalino vlasništvo, cipele Christian Louboutin, minđuše Louis Vuitton
U iskrenom intervjuu za srpsko izdanje magazina Harper’s BAZAAR, Lala Inuti Ahari, žena čiji je životni put obeležen transformacijom, duhovnošću i nepomirljivim osećajem za stil, ulazili smo dublje u njenu prošlost i sadašnjost.
Lala je sa nama podelila svoje rane uspomene, karijerni put i pričala o svojoj dubokoj strasti prema modi i umetnosti.
Rane uspomene i Vode Transformacije
Lalino detinjstvo odigravalo se u veoma malom gradu u Ohaju, gde je bila drugo i poslednje dete svojih roditelja. Od samog početka, ispitivala je granice, prihvatajući život sa odlučnom vatrom i nepomirljivom strašću. Ipak, postojala je jedna uspomena iz njenog ranog detinjstva – san o tome da je uronjena u duboke plave vode, osećajući se zarobljenom i tonući. Ovaj san, koji se ponavljao i progonio je, nosio je duboku poruku transformacije i ponovnog rođenja, najavljujući put koji je ležao pred njom.
Sa svega 13 godina, njen svet se okrenuo naglavačke kada joj je rečeno da će napustiti sve što je do tada poznavala i otići da živi sa ocem u Minesotu, bez vremena da se pozdravi sa svima. To je bio trenutak duboke promene, smrt starog života i rođenje nečega sasvim novog – transformacija koja je odredila kurs njenog budućeg puta.

Odelo Jovani, cipele Versace, ogrlica PB-design, minđuše Louis Vuitton, custom made rukavice
Od Duhovnog Buđenja do Senzacije na Instagramu
Lalin karijerni put počeo je sa njenom dubokom duhovnošću, koju je prenela na Instagramu 2018. godine. Uskoro nakon toga, 2019. godine, osnovala je “The Conjure” kako bi dosegnula širu publiku. Njen put bio je bogat sa konstantnim nagradama, ali je duhovnost ostala u srcu svega. Bilo da je brinula o svojim oltarima, nastavljala svoje istraživanje ili vodila duhovni rast svoje tri kćeri, ostala je verni svom pozivu.
Iako je suočavala sa izazovima u svom žanru kao majstorica duhovnosti, uključujući neutemeljene optužbe i nesporazume o svom radu, Lala je ostala nepokolebljiva u svojoj autentičnosti. Odbacila je stereotipe i utrla svoj vlastiti put, fokusirajući se na ono što je zaista važno – njen nepokolebljiv odnos prema duhovnom putovanju.
Umetnost u Modi i Evolucija Ličnog Stila
Iako je umetnost i kreativnost oduvek bili deo Lalinog bića, njen interes za modu počeo je da cveta u ranim dvadesetim godinama. To se dogodilo tokom njene karijere u industriji hipotekarnog bankarstva kada je počela da ceni brendove poput Bebe i počela da istražuje beskrajnu umetnost mode. Njena ljubav prema modi nije samo o odeći; radi se o pričama iza njih – inspiraciji koja udahnjuje život svakom komadu.
Lalin lični stil odražava njen oštar i ponekad šik senzibilitet. Kao puna figura, naginje ka odeći koja naglašava njene obline, a njenom ljubavlju prema moćnim odelima i upečatljivom nakitu razvijala se tokom godina. Njen stil je proslava njene individualnosti i svedočanstvo o njenoj odlučnosti da se ne podvrgava.

Haljina WANNI FUGA, ogrlica Modern Natured, minđuše Louis Vuitton, prstenje Louis Vuitton and Icebox
Omiljeni modni brendovi i Veština pripovedanja
Kada je reč o njenim omiljenim modnim dizajnerima ili brendovima, Lalin izbori odražavaju njenu mnogostranu ličnost. Louis Vuitton govori o moćnoj ženi u njoj, i ona ceni svoj dugogodišnji odnos sa tim brendom. Seksepil Fendija rezonuje s njom, dok edginess i duhovne podtone Filipa Pleina usklađuju se sa njenim duhom. Za Lalu, ne radi se samo o modi; radi se o pričama i inspiracijama utkanim u svako stvaranje.
Sjajna budućnost i Duhovno nasleđe
Kad razmišlja unapred, Lala ima uzbudljive projekte u pripremi, uključujući “Soul Craft” podcast i duhovni retreat krajem oktobra. Njene aspiracije uključuju da od TheConjure.com napravi poznato ime, proširenje svog brenda širom sveta i donošenje duhovne svesti na širu platformu.
Kada razmišlja o nasleđu koje želi ostaviti, Lala zamisli svet u kojem će njen rad osnažiti generacije da razbiju prokletstva, omogući duhovni rast i traže sopstvene istine. Njen put je put izdržljivosti, osnaživanja i prave crnačke devojačke magije, demonstrirajući da su autentičnost i izražavanje ključevi za život svrhe.
Za kraj, Lala Inuti Ahari ostavlja nas sa snažnom porukom: “Ne možete izvaditi duh iz duhovnosti. Sve počinje sa vama, ne sa onim što neko drugi želi za vas. Živite svoju istinu. Hodajte svojim putem.” Ona nas izaziva da umirimo strahove, prihvatimo autentičnost i stvorimo sopstvenu stvarnost – poruka koja odjekuje kod svih koji teže životu svrhe i samopronalaženja

Haljina Haleia, ogrlica Sultry Affair Style, prstenje Lalino vlasništvo, cipele Christian Louboutin, minđuše Louis Vuitton
Možete li podeliti neka sećanja iz vašeg ranog detinjstva? Kako je bilo odrastati?
Odrasla sam u veoma, veoma malom gradu u Ohaju. Ja sam drugo i poslednje dete moje majke i oca. Iznazivala sam sve. Imao sam i još uvek imam puno vatre i strasti u svemu što radim. Gurala sam granice kada su u pitanju bilo kakva ograničenja. To uključivalo je i pravljenje sopstvenih granica. Često sam slana kod bake kao dete kako bi moja majka mogla malo da se odmori. Jedno sećanje koje imam iz detinjstva je kada sam imala 13 godina kod bake i sanjala sam da sam pod vodom. Voda je bila plava, ali sam bila zaglavljena u sredini. Sećam se da sam bila u centru i ništa nije bilo oko mene. Bila sam duboko pod vodom i paničila sam; tonula sam i onda sam se probudila vrišteći. Baka je stajala pored mene, pa je verovatno čula kako vrištim u snu. Proverila je da li sam u redu, a onda sam se ponovo uspavala. Kada sam ponovo zaspala, odmah sam se vratila u isti san, pod vodom, zaglavljena na istom mestu, vrišteći, i opet sam se probudila. Par dana kasnije, došao je moj otac iz Minesote, a moja majka i sestra su došle kod moje bake. Svi su sedeli oko mene i priredili iznenađenje za mene. Mama je počela da mi priča da je njeno iznenađenje to da ću živeti sa ocem u Minesoti. Samo ja, ne i moja sestra. Samo ja. Nisam samo odlazila da živim sa ocem, već sam odlazila u 6:00 ujutru, što mi je dalo 8 sati.
Moja porodica, prijatelji, pas i život bili su udaljeni 40 minuta vožnje, i nisam imala vremena da se pozdravim. Iako je ovo bio strašan trenutak za mene, to je najranije sećanje na moj dar snova koji se pojavio. Obično sam zaspala i jedva čula glasove, a kada sam se probudila, neko je upravo rekao ono što sam čula u snu, jer sam sanjala to trenutke pre nego što su oni to rekli. Ono što sam naučila o ovom snu je da se dešava transformacija. Smrt i ponovno rođenje. Kraj nečega i početak nečega drugog. To je takođe bilo jedan od najemotivnijih trenutaka u mom životu tada koji je promenio celu putanju mog života.
Možete li opisati svoj karijerni put i kako ste počeli u svom polju?
U moje trenutno polje ušla sam tako što sam svoje duhovne prakse podelila na Instagramu 2018. godine. Zatim sam osnovala “The Conjure” 2019. godine kako bih mogla dosegnuti veći broj ljudi. Što se tiče puta, bio je veoma nagrađujući. Ja sam veoma duhovna osoba i uvek sam to bila. Zato sam se pobrinula da ostanem takva tokom ovog puta. To uključuje paljenje svojih oltara, nastavak obrazovanja istraživanja i praktikovanje svoje duhovnosti. Osiguranje da pomažem drugima u evoluciji, uključujući duhovni rast moje tri ćerke, koje su kasnije započele svoje putovanje. Nije bilo lako, ali se isplatilo. Imala sam sreće; neki kažu da sam srećnica. Ali ja sam veoma vredna osoba i veoma ozbiljno shvatam svoju duhovnost i karijeru. Kada sam odlučila doći na Instagram, stekla sam odmah prihvatanje, popularnost i podršku. Brzo sam rasla, i moj rad brzo je postao “prva stanica” za sve. Imao sam poznate ličnosti, ljude koji se kandiduju za funkcije, sportiste, uticajne osobe i obične radne ljude svih verskih pozadina koji su dolazili k meni zbog mog rada. Odlučila sam preneti svoje talente na YouTube, gde su moje stvarnosti brzo dostigle tri miliona pregleda. Jedna stvar u vezi ovog puta je da me je najviši duh podržao. To je moja staza, svrha i strast, pa mi je bilo lako da postignem i uspem.

Odelo Jacquemus, ogrlica Icebox, sat Louis Vuitton, cipele Fendi
Da li ste se suočili sa značajnim izazovima ili preprekama u svojoj karijeri, i kako ste ih prevazišli?
U mom žanru? Svakako! Jedna od najvećih prepreka u mojoj karijeri kao majstorske duhovne osobe je ljudi koji mi ne veruju i nazivaju me zlom ili pretpostavljaju da ću prokleti svakoga ko se ne slaže sa mnom. Biti u vezama gde te muškarci vole, ali drugi veruju da je jedini mogući način ako mu radiš crnu magiju. Rečeno mi je da ne verujem u Boga, što je daleko od istine. Kako se nosim sa preprekama poput ovih, to je da ih ignorišem jer nemam šta da radim sa tuđim izborom neznanja. Imam odgovornost da ostanem vernu sebi. To znači hodati svojim putem onako kako ja želim da ga hodam. Dakle, ako me vidite u glamuroznom izdanju kako izlazim iz Rolls Roycea sa vozačem ili se ukrcavam u privatni avion sa dugačkom kosom i besprekornim šminkanjem, nemojte pretpostaviti da zato što ne odgovaram trendu duhovnice, veštice ili korenačice da nisam jedna od najvećih praktičara svih vremena. Ne pratim trendove, već ih postavljam. Držim se svoje staze i brinem se o onome što je za mene. Neke ljude to pogađa i misle da da bi bio duhovan, moraš izgledati na određeni način, govoriti na određeni način i pristupiti životu na određeni način, što je zapravo njihov način. Ja u to ne verujem. I ne bih bila ovde danas da živim svoj život na osnovu toga kako neko drugi misli da bih trebala.
Kako je počelo vaše interesovanje za modu, i kada ste shvatili da je to vaša strast?
Ja sam prirodni stvoritelj rođen sa ljubavlju prema umetnosti. Mogu da vidim umetnost u gotovo svemu i cenim je. Uvek sam se oblačila veoma lepo, čak i dok sam radila na 9-5 poslu. Međutim, bila sam dečak devojka dok nisam došla do srednje škole. Počela sam da se zanimam za lepotu kose i beskrajnu umetnost koja je povezana s njom. Nije bilo sve do moje rane dvadesete, kada sam počela karijeru u industriji hipotekarnog bankarstva, da sam postala zainteresovana za brendove kao što je Bebe. Moda nije strast jer me više intrigira umetnost mode. Sloboda u kreativnom procesu je ono što najviše volim. Pozvana sam na modne revije širom sveta, i to je uvek zabavno, ali me uvek interesuje priča iza mode. Inspiracija za tu određenu liniju? Priče mi pomažu da vidim celu sliku i cenim umetnost u tome.

Haljina Zigman, prstenje Louis Vuitton, sandale Saint Laurent
Možete li opisati svoj lični stil i kako se on razvio tokom godina?
Moj stil je oštar i ponekad može biti šik. Visoka sam samo 163 cm, pa obično volim odevne komade koji me čine višom. Ja sam žena sa oblinama koja voli sve što naglašava moje obline. Moj stil se razvijao tokom godina. Volim lepo odelo koje daje osećaj seksi i moćnog. Sada više koristim nakit da bih napravila veće izjave jer sada imam veće komade. I dalje volim sve što ima bodlje, lobanje, lanac ili bilo šta što kaže da se razlikujem ili idem protiv struje.
Koje su neki od vaših omiljenih modnih dizajnera ili brendova, i šta vas privlači u njihovim kreacijama?
Iskreno, volim svaki brend koji ima priču iza svoje linije koja daje inspiraciju. Neki od mojih omiljenih brendova su Louis Vuitton jer govore o moćnoj ženi u meni. Ovaj brend je mesto gde se osećam najugodnije i kao kod kuće. Tretirali su me kao porodicu, i imam odličan odnos sa Louis Vuittonom već godinama. Njihova moda je moćna, i tako se osećam kada sam obučena od glave do pete u njih. Volim ceo brend. Njihovi koferi, visoki nakit i nameštaj su vrhunski. Takođe volim Fendi jer ovaj brend govori o seksi strani u meni. Kada želim da napravim izjavu ili se pokažem u punom sjaju, moja kolekcija Fendi to čini. Fendi je seksi brend. Još jedan omiljeni je Philip Plein, što verovatno nije iznenađenje zbog buntovne i osnažujuće prirode ovog brenda. Volim što koristi kristale u svojoj modi, što ga izdvaja i čini svojim putem. Philip Plein daje buntovni, seksi i duhovni vib u jednom autfitu, što bih ponekad upotrebila da opišem sebe.
Možete li podeliti neke uzbudljive projekte ili poduhvate koji su vam u planu u bliskoj budućnosti?
Apsolutno! Uvek radim na nečemu uzbudljivom. Jedan od projekata koji će uskoro biti dostupan je moj podcast “Soul Craft”, gde smo bez stida duhovni. Već smo snimili oko pet epizoda, i uskoro ćemo ih emitovati. Takođe imam svoj duhovni retreat koji će se održati krajem oktobra, što će biti duhovna poslastica za sve koji se pridruže. Postoji, naravno, još jedan veći projekat koji ne mogu da otkrijem, ali znam da je veliki.
Imate li dugoročne aspiracije ili snove kojima aktivno težite?
Da, želim da moj posao, TheConjure.com, postane poznat širom sveta. Želim da konačno imam prodavnice širom sveta gde će se moji proizvodi prodavati. Trenutno imam hiljade klijenata širom sveta koji redovno posećuju moju veb lokaciju, ali još uvek želim lanac prodavnica. Bez obzira na platformu na kojoj sam, to mi je oduvek bio dugoročni cilj. Još jedan cilj na kojem radim je televizija i donošenje veće duhovne svesti na veću platformu.
Koji se vrednosti ili principi javljaju kada razmišljate o nasleđu koje želite ostaviti iza sebe?
Ono što mi pada na pamet je ostavljanje nečega iza sebe što neće znati samo ljudi, već će moći da koriste i prenose kako bi osnažili generacije koje dolaze i prekinuli prokletstva. Nisu sve kulture imale privilegiju da im se prenese njihova duhovna i pretkinjska moć. Želim to vratiti, želim to ostaviti iza sebe, i želim to preneti dalje. Želim da ljudi znaju da postoji više duhovnosti, i da je vaše rođenje pravo da je steknete. Želim biti poznata kao najveća svih vremena koja je to postigla na nivou koji niko pre nije uradio. Crna sam samohrana majka koja je zaradila preko 25 miliona u 4.5 godina, sa stotinama hiljada pratilaca, u duhovnom žanru koji nije zasnovan na religiji, već je to već odličan početak. Želim pokazati ljudima pravu crnačku čaroliju koja je bila tu celo vreme. Kada razmišljam o nasleđu, razmišljam o nečemu što će opstati vekovima od sada.
Želite li ostaviti neku posebnu poruku ili savet našoj publici?
Ne možete izvući duh iz duhovnosti. Sve počinje s tobom, ne s onim što neko drugi želi za tebe. Živi svoju istinu. Hodaj svoj put. Ono što si tražio takođe te traži. Živimo u svetu punom osude i nedostatka odgovornosti, i ponekad, to može obeshrabriti ljude da budu ono što jesu. Izazivam te da umiriš strahove od onoga što ne razumeš i da se oslobodiš sumnji. Izazivam te da stvoriš svoju stvarnost.
Englih below:
Lala Inuti Ahari: A Journey of Transformation, Spirituality, and Style

Suit Jacquemus, necklace Icebox, watch Louis Vuitton, shoes Fendi
In a candid and revealing interview, we sat down with the remarkable Lala Inuti Ahari, a woman whose life journey has been marked by transformation, spirituality, and an unapologetic sense of style. As we delved into her past and present, Lala shared her early memories, her career path, and her deep passion for fashion and artistry.
Early Memories and the Waters of Transformation
Lala’s early childhood was rooted in a very small town in Ohio, where she was the second and last child of her parents. From the outset, she challenged boundaries, embracing life with a fierce fire and an unyielding passion. However, there was one memory that stood out from her youth—a dream of being submerged in deep blue waters, feeling trapped and drowning. This dream, recurring and haunting, carried a profound message of transformation and rebirth, foreshadowing the journey that lay ahead.
At the tender age of 13, her world turned upside down when she was told she would be leaving everything she knew to live with her father in Minnesota, with no time for goodbyes. It was a moment of profound change, a death of the old life and the birth of something entirely new—a transformation that set the course for her future.

Suit Jovani, shoes Versace, necklace PB-design, earrings Louis vuittion, gloves custom
From Spiritual Awakening to Instagram Sensation
Lala’s career journey began with her deep spirituality, which she brought to Instagram in 2018. Soon after, in 2019, she established “The Conjure” to reach a wider audience. Her path has been richly rewarding, and her spirituality remained at the core of it all. Whether it was tending to her altars, continuing her research, or guiding the spiritual growth of her three daughters, she stayed true to her calling.
Despite the challenges she faced in her genre as a master spiritualist, including unfounded accusations and misconceptions about her work, Lala remained steadfast in her authenticity. She defied stereotypes and carved her own path, focusing on what truly mattered—her unwavering connection to her spiritual journey.
Artistry in Fashion and Personal Style Evolution
While artistry and creativity have always been part of Lala’s DNA, her interest in fashion began to bloom in her early twenties. It was during her career in the mortgage banking industry that she started appreciating brands like Bebe and began to explore the limitless artistry of fashion. Her love for fashion isn’t merely about garments; it’s about the stories behind them—the inspiration that breathes life into each piece.
Lala’s personal style is a reflection of her edgy and sometimes chic sensibilities. As a curvy woman, she gravitates toward clothing that accentuates her curves, and her love for powerful suits and statement jewelry has evolved over the years. Her style is a celebration of her individuality and a testament to her refusal to conform.

Dress WANNI FUGA, necklace Modern Natured, earrings Louis Vuitton, rings Louis Vuitton and Icebox
Fashion Favorites and the Art of Storytelling
When asked about her favorite fashion designers or brands, Lala’s choices reflect her multifaceted personality. Louis Vuitton speaks to the powerful woman in her, and she values her long-standing relationship with the brand. Fendi’s sexiness resonates with her, while Philip Plein’s edginess and spiritual undertones align with her spirit. For Lala, it’s not just about the fashion; it’s about the stories and inspirations woven into each creation.
A Bright Future and a Spiritual Legacy
Looking ahead, Lala has exciting projects in the pipeline, including the “Soul Craft” podcast and a soul retreat at the end of October. Her aspirations include making TheConjure.com a household name, expanding her brand worldwide, and bringing spiritual awareness to a broader platform.
When she contemplates the legacy she wants to leave behind, Lala envisions a world where her work empowers generations to break curses, embrace spirituality, and seek their own truths. Her path is one of resilience, empowerment, and real black girl magic, demonstrating that authenticity and self-expression are the keys to living a life of purpose.
In closing, Lala Inuti Ahari leaves us with a powerful message: “You cannot take the spirit out of spirituality. It all starts with you, not with what someone else wants for you. Live your own truth. Walk your own journey.” She challenges us to silence our fears, embrace our authenticity, and create our own reality—a message that resonates with anyone striving for a life of purpose and self-discovery.

Designer: Haleia, necklace: Sultry Affair Style, rings Lala owns, shoes Christian Louboutin, Earrings Louis Vuitton
Can you share some memories of your early childhood? What was it like growing up?
Growing up in a very, very small town in Ohio. I am the second and last born of my mother and father. I challenged everything. I had and still do have a lot of fire and passion in everything I do. I pushed the limits when it came to any limitations. That included making myself. I was sent to my grandmother’s house often as a child so my mother could get a break. One memory I had when I was 13 years old at my grandmother’s house was having a dream of being underwater. The water was blue, but I was stuck in the middle. I remember being in the center, and nothing was around me. I was deep underwater and panicked; I was drowning, and then I woke up screaming. My grandmother was standing over me, so she must have heard me scream in my dream. She ensured I was okay, and then I went back to sleep. When I went back to sleep, I went right back into the same dream, underwater, stuck in the same place screaming, and woke up again. A couple of days later, my father came from Minnesota, and my mother and sister showed up at my grandmother’s. They are all sitting around me and have a surprise for me. My mom began to tell me that her surprise was that I would live with my father in Minnesota. Just me, not my sister and me. Just me. Not only was I leaving to go live with my father, but I was leaving at 6:00 AM, which gave me 8 hours.
My family, friends, dog, and life were 40 minutes away, and I had no time to say goodbye. While this was a terrible moment for me, it was the earliest that I can remember my gift of dreams showing up. I used to fall asleep and hear voices barely, and when I woke up, someone said exactly what I had just heard in my sleep, as I dreamt it moments before they said it. What I was taught about this dream was that a transformation was happening. Death and rebirth. The end of something and the beginning of something else. It was also one of the most emotional moments of my life at the time that changed the entire path of my life.
Could you describe your career journey and how you got started in your field?
I got started in my current field by bringing my spiritual practices to Instagram in 2018. I then started The Conjure in 2019 so that I could reach more people. As far as the journey, it has been very rewarding. I am a very spiritual person and always have been. So, I made sure I stayed that way throughout this journey. That meant lighting my altars, continuing my research education, and practicing my spirituality. Ensuring I helped others evolve along the way includes the spiritual growth of my three daughters, who later started their journeys. It has not been easy, but it has been worth it. I am favored; some say I am lucky. But I am a very hard worker and take my spirituality and career very seriously. Once I decided to come to Instagram, I gained immediate acceptance, popularity, and support. I grew quickly, and my work quickly became everyone’s “go-to.” I have had celebrities, people running for office, athletes, influencers, and regular working-class people from all religious backgrounds come to me for my work. I decided to take my talents to YouTube, where my reality shows quickly rose to three million views. One thing about this journey is the most high spirit has supported it. It is my lane, purpose, and passion, so it became easy for me to obtain and succeed.

Dress Zigman, rings Louis Vuitton, heels Saint Laurent
Have you faced any significant challenges or obstacles in your career, and how did you overcome them?
In my genre? Absolutely! One of the biggest obstacles in my career as a master spiritualist is people believing in me and calling me evil or assuming I will curse everyone who disagrees with me. Being in relationships where men love you, but others believe the only possible way is if you are putting roots in him. I’ve been told I don’t believe in God, which is far from the truth. How I handle obstacles like this is to ignore them because there is nothing I can do about someone else’s choice of ignorance. I have a responsibility to stay true to myself. That means walking my walk the way I want to walk it. So, if you see me glammed up getting out of a Rolls Royce with my driver or hopping on a private jet with hair down my back and face beat, don’t assume that because I don’t fit the trend of a spiritualist, witch, or root worker that I am not one of the greatest practitioners of all time. I don’t follow trends because I set them. I stay in my lane and tend to what is for me. Some people have a problem with that and think that to be spiritual, you must look a certain way, talk a certain way, and approach life a certain way, which is really their way. I don’t believe in that. And I wouldn’t be here today if I lived my life based on how someone else thinks I should.
How did your interest in fashion begin, and when did you realize it was your passion?
I am a natural-born creator and was born loving art. I can see art and almost anything and appreciate it. I have always dressed very nicely, even when working a 9-5. However, I was a tomboy growing up until about middle school. I took an interest in the beauty of hair and the limitless artistry of it. It wasn’t until my early twenties when I started my career in the mortgage banking industry, that I became more interested in brands like Bebe. Fashion isn’t a passion because it’s more the art of fashion that intrigues me. Freedom in the creative process is what I love the most. I’ve been invited to fashion shows all over, and those are very fun to go to, but I am always interested in the story behind the fashion. The inspiration for that particular line? The stories help me see the entire picture to appreciate the art in it.
Can you describe your personal style and how it has evolved over the years?
My style is edgy and sometimes can be chic. I am only 5’4, so I usually like garments that make me look taller. I am a curvy woman who loves anything that accentuates my curves. My style has evolved over the years. I love a nice suit that gives sexy and powerful. I use my jewelry more now than before to make bigger statements because I have more significant pieces now. I still love anything with a spike, skull, chain, or anything that says I’m different or goes against the grain. It must still be my inner child who loves to challenge everything and wear it on my sleeve.

Suit Jovani, shoes Versace, necklace PB-design, earrings Louis vuittion, gloves custom
What are some of your favorite fashion designers or brands, and what draws you to their creations?
I honestly love any brand that has a story behind their line that gives inspiration. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton because they speak to the powerful woman in me. This brand is where I feel most comfortable and at home. They have treated me like family, and I have a great relationship with Louis Vuitton and have for years. Their fashion is powerful, and that’s how I felt when I dripped head to toe in it. I love the entire brand. Their trunks, high jewelry collection, and furniture are top-tier. I also love Fendi because this brand speaks to the sexy in me. When I want to make a statement or show off, my Fendi collection does this. Fendi it’s a sexy brand. Another favorite is Philip Plein, which is probably no surprise because of this brand’s edgy, empowering nature. I love that he uses crystals and his fashion, setting him apart and in his own lane. Phillip Plein gives a rebellious yet sexy and spiritual vibe all in one outfit, which is how I would describe myself sometimes.
Can you share any exciting projects or endeavors that you have in the pipeline for the near future?
Absolutely! I am always working on something exciting. One of the projects that I have coming up is my Soul Craft podcast, where we are unapologetically spiritual. We have already taped about five episodes, and we’ll be airing that very soon. I also have my soul retreat coming up at the end of October, which is going to be a spiritual treat for everyone joining. There is, of course, a bigger project happening that I can’t speak about, but I know it’s major.
Do you have any long-term aspirations or dreams that you’re actively working towards?
Yes, I want to make my business, TheConjure.com, a household name. I want to eventually have stores worldwide where my products are sold. I currently have thousands of customers worldwide who visit my website consistently, but I still want the chain of stores. No matter what platform I am on, that has always been a long-term goal of mine. Another goal that I am working towards is television and bringing more spiritual awareness to a bigger platform.
What values or principles come to mind When you think about the legacy you want to leave behind?
What comes to mind is leaving something behind that not only people will know but can use and pass down to empower generations to come and break curses. Not every culture has had the privilege of being passed down their spiritual and ancestral power. I want to give that back, I want to leave that behind, and I want to pass it down. I want people to know there is more spirituality, and it is your birthright to obtain it. I want to be known for being the greatest of all time who achieved this on a level no one has done before. A black single mother who has made over 25 million in 4.5 years, with hundreds of thousands of followers, in a spiritual genre that is not religious-based is already an excellent start. I want to show people real black girl magic that has been here the entire time. When I think of a legacy, I think of something that will sustain time centuries from now.
Do you want to leave a particular message or advice to our audience?
You cannot take the spirit out of spirituality. It all starts with you, not with what someone else wants for you. Live your truth. Walk your journey. What you have been seeking is looking for you, too. We live in a world full of judgment and no accountability, and sometimes, that can discourage people from being themselves. I challenge you to silence the fears of what you don’t understand and purge your doubts. I challenge you to create your reality.
Talent: Lala Inuti Ahari @official.lalaahari
Photographer: Stevie D @steviedphotos
Art Director: Oliver Brown @olvrbrwn
Stylist: Tygee King @__tygee__
Hair: Lanitra LaShay Middlebrook @LanitraLashayHairMagic
Makeup: Patrice Pugh @pattielepugh
DP/Editor/Colorist: Chun Fung Kevin Chiu @kchiucinematography
Post Production: Viktoria Skopichenko @retouch_skopi
Publicist: Dr. Rashae Barnes @mzmedia_queen