Mis Argentine za 2016. godinu, a danas preduzetnica koja je, zajedno sa koleginicom, osmislila platformu Storm, Naomi Mendez kroz život se vodi parolom da je najbolje ulaganje, ulaganje u sebe. Iako je preko dana zauzeta poslovnim obavezama, ona uvek stigne da vežba, spava sedam ili osam sati dnevno, pročita preko 120 knjiga godišnje, druži se sa prijateljima, a odnedavno i da vesla. Šta joj daje najveću snagu i motivaciju, pročitajte u intervju za srpsko izdanje magazina Harper’s BAZAAR.
Šta vam je donela titula Mis Argentine 2016?
Priliku da putujem i živim divna iskustva širom sveta. Ponela sam titulu Mis Eko, što znači da je moj lični projekat bio okrenut održivosti i tome kako da poboljšam svet u kojem živimo.
Koliko je to uticalo na vaš život kasnije?
Moj život se promenio u trenutku kada sam morala da prevaziđem strah od govora u javnosti – bila sam super stidljiva osoba, a odjednom sam morala da upoznam mnogo ljudi iz zemalja širom sveta i da budem superdruštvena, što je bilo zapravo sjajno.
Šta ste želeli da budete kad porastete?
U detinjstvu sam sanjala da budem TV voditeljka.
Gde danas živite i zašto?
U Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima. Tamo je moj dom jer se osećam sigurno i inspirisana sam načinom na koji lideri naših zemalja razmišljaju. U ovoj zemlji postoji više od 175 nacionalnosti koje žive zajedno u miru i toleranciji. To je zemlja sa vrlo jasnom vizijom budućnosti, koja se konstantno poboljšava i usavršava i u kojoj ne postoji nemoguće. Bila mi je čast da dobijem Zlatnu vizu jer su UAE oduvek bili moje omiljeno mesto na svetu.
Kako ste došli na ideju da pokrenete STORM?
Storm je transformaciono iskustvo od 45’, duhovit čas vožnje bicikla u zatvorenom prostoru koji pomaže našoj zajednici u Emiratu da postane jača i zdravija. Storm je koncept koji sam osnovala u Dubaiju sa svojom poslovnom partnerkom Ivanom. Biciklizam u zatvorenom sam otkrila pre mnogo godina – u trenutku kada sam prolazila kroz neku krizu, bicikl mi je pomogao da prebrodim najteža vremena. Cilj mi je da donesem isti osećaj isceljenja zajednici, kroz svoje časove i divan tim. Osim neverovatnih prednosti vožnje bicikla, koje vam mogu pomoći da postanete i ostanete u formi, Storm ima nešto što smo nazvali “Oko oluje” – aktivnu meditaciju u kojoj ćete pronaći svoj mir, poboljšati svoje mentalno zdravlje i povezati se.
Zašto volite adrenalinske sportove?
Osećam se slobodno – u zoni gde treba da se oslobodim očekivanja i prepustim se životu. Ekstremni sportovi me podsećaju da postoje neke stvari koje možemo da kontrolišemo, na primer šta mislimo, kako reagujemo i kako da se pokažemo svetu. U ovom životu treba da se prepustimo višoj sili i univerzumu, da pustimo očekivanja i da prigrlimo život ovde i sada.
Kada i kako ste se zaljubili u biciklizam?
Još kao dete. Verovatno sam se još kao mala zalju bila u tu ideju da se osećam slobodno dok se krećem. Tek kasnije sam otkrila biciklizam u zatvorenom, pa smo stvorili “oluju” i ponovo sam počeo da vozim bicikl na otvorenom, Biciklizam je terapija za mene, dobar za moje mentalno zdravlje i moju dušu i kad vozim – osećam se neverovatno. Moja strast me je odvela na divna mesta i povezala sa divnim ljudima kao što su oni iz Forbesa sa Bliskog istoka, ispod 30/50 gde smo partneri sa timom UAE ADK da bismo bili na jednom od najinspirativnijih događaja u godini.
Objasnite nam svoj moto “Lepota sa svrhom”.
Možete biti fizički lepi, ali verujem da se prava lepota krije u stanju da transformišete život nekog drugog, kada dodate vrednost svojoj zajednici, ispunite svoju svrhu, uradite nešto posebno za one koji ne mogu uraditi sve za tebe. Počevši od malog čina ljubaznosti, osmeha osobi u liftu ili davanja vode dostavljačima, biti ljubazan je jedna od stvari koje mogu napraviti razliku u svetu. Lepota sa svrhom je stvaranje uticaja, iz dubine srca, za svoju zajednicu. Uvek sam govorila – “ Kada umreš, niko neće ustati na tvojoj sahrani i zapamtiti koliko si imao na bankovnom računu koji si auto vozio ili skupu torbu nosio, ljudi će se setiti kako su se osećali u tvojoj blizini i čemu ste ih naučili”. Moj san je da u budućnosti stvorim sistem emocionalnog obrazovanja kroz sport koji može da podrži decu bez porodice ili uzora. Postoji toliko stvari koje još možemo učiniti da poboljšamo naš svet.
Na koje načine, kako, osim sportom, održavate svoje telo? Koliko vam je važna ishrana? A kozmetički tretmani? Odmor/spavanje?
Ishrana je najvažniji deo moje rutine – jedem neprerađenu hranu, na Pegan sam dijeti, i pijem puno vode. Povremeno postim. Spavam 7-8 sati i koristim Aura prsten da pratim svoj san. Praktikujem biciklizam u zatvorenom, Storm 4-5 puta nedeljno. Zbog našeg modernog načina života koji uključuje dugo sedenje u kancelariji, sa svojim trenerom radim na tome da to izbalansiram. Radimo dosta kondicionih treninga za core, na korektivnim vežbama kako bismo poboljšali moje držanje i trening otpora, kako bismo ojačali mišiće u zadnjem delu (lopatica, leđa, gluteusi, tetive).
Možete li da date neki savet, motivacionu izjavu, devojkama koje ne vole da vežbaju, to će ih motivisati?
Najbolja investicija koju možete da imate u životu je investiranje u sebe. Ulaganje u vaše fizičko, emocionalno i mentalno zdravlje važno, vi ste prioritet. Uspeh počinje od načina na koji se osećate sami sa sobom.
Omiljena knjiga i autor?
Ovo je veoma teško pitanje jer volim knjige, završim ih 120 godišnje. U ovom trenutku, neke od mojih omiljenih su Happy Money od Ken Honde, Planina od Brianne West i “101 esej koji će promeniti način na koji razmišljate, od iste autorke.
Kakvi vas ljudi inspirišu i da li imate uzore?
Opra Vinfri, Toni Robbins, Dr Mark Hajman. Postoji jedna zajednička stvar kod njih troje a to je: Samorazvoj i beskrajno usavršavanje ovih lidera koji stvaraju imperiju, nasleđe i inspirišu ljude da rade bolje i budu u najboljoj formi emocionalno, mentalno i fizički.
Kakve ljude izbegavate?
Energetske vampire, ljude posle kojih se osećam iscrpljeno. One koji se ponašaju kao žrtve ili se previše žale jer uvek možete da uradite bar nešto u vezi sa situacijom u kojoj se trenutno nalazite. Način na koji reagujete, mnogo govori o vama.
Osim sportom, čime se još bavite u slobodno vreme? Mnogo čitam, meditiram, praktikujem duhovne prakse, učim jezike, povezujem se sa ljudima koje volim, a od nedavno sam počela da veslam.
Serija koju uvek možete da gledate? Obično mi je dosadno da gledam sve što nije neki kurs u kojem učim nešto. Kad mi treba da se diskonektujem od obaveza recimo, obično na Netflixu pustim Big Bang Theory ili Prijatelje.
Kako vidite sebe za deset godina?
U wellness industriji, ali da to ukombinujem sa tehnologijom i održivošću – to je moja vizija budućnosti.
Da li vas zanima moda?
Da, volim modu, odeća utiče na to kako vidimo nekoga. Ona pomaže da se stvori ideja o tome šta mislimo o njihovoj ličnosti, njihovoj priči, njihovoj kulturi. Nošenje onoga u čemu se osećate dobro i udobno, samo podstiče druge da poštuju vašu individualnost, po meni je to suština.
Imate li omiljenog dizajnera?
Coco Channel. Njena priča mi je superinspirativna.
Šta morate da kupite kada vidite u izlogu?
Nešto što ima veze sa sportskom odećom i tehnologijom.
Omiljena destinacija za putovanje?
Samo da ima plažu, volim te vibracije.
Mesto na koje odlazite kako biste napunili baterije?
Na ostrvo Sadiiat tokom vikenda i u Abu Dabi.
English below:
Miss Argentina 2016, and today an entrepreneur who Co found Storm soulful cycling studio in UAE, Naomi Mendez says that the best investment you can do is investing in yourself. Although she is busy with business during the day, she always makes sure to exercise, her spiritual practice, sleeps seven or eight hours a day, reads over 120 books a year, hangs out with friends… What gives her the greatest strength and motivation, read in the interview for the Serbian edition of Harper’s BAZAAR.
What did the title of Miss Argentina 2016 bring you?
Being Miss Argentina gave me the opportunity to travel and live wonderful experiences around the world. Miss Eco means that My personal Project was about sustainability and how to improve the world in what we live in.
How did your life change after that?
My life changed since I had to overcome my fear of speaking in public, I was a super shy person, and suddenly I had to meet many people from every country in the world and be social, that was great for my life .
What did you want to be (as a little girl) when you grow up?
In my childhood I always dreamed of being a TV presenter.
Where do you live today and why?
UAE, is my home because I feel safe and Inspired by the growing mindset of our leaders and the country where you can find more than 175 nationalities living all together in peace and tolerance.
A country with a very clear vision of the future always looking forward to improve and where the impossible is possible.
I was honored to receive the Golden Visa as the UAE was and is my favorite place in the world to live and growth.
How did you come up with the idea to start STORM?
Storm is a 45’ transformational experience, a soulful indoor cycling class that is helping our Emirati community to become more strong and healthy. Storm is a concept that I co-founded in Dubai with my business partner, Ivana. I discovered indoor cycling years ago, in a phase of my life when I had a crisis and cycling helped me to overcome the most difficult times. I aim to bring the same healing feeling to the community through my classes and wonderful team.Apart from the amazing benefits of cycling, which can help you to become as fit as ever, Storm has something we called “the eye of the storm”, an active meditation where you find your calm, improve your mental health and connect.
Tell us, why do you like adrenaline sports?
I feel free – in a zone where I need to let go of expectations and surrender to life. Extreme sports reminds me that there are some things that we can control like what we think how we react and how to show up to the world but still, in this life, you need to surrender to the higher power and the universe, to let go expectations and to embrace life here and now.
When and how did you fall in love with cycling?
Since my childhood I was In love with my bike because made me feel free in movement. Then later on I discover indoor cycling… we created storm, I started outdoor cycling again, Cycling is a therapy for me, is good for my mental health and my soul I feel amazing. My passion took me to great places and to connect with wonderful people like in Forbes Middle East under 30/50 where we partnership with UAE Team ADQ to be in one of the most inspiring events of the year.
Explain to us your motto “Beauty with a purpose”.
You can be physically beautiful, but I believe real beauty is when you are able to transform the life of someone else, when you add Value to your community, when you fulfill your purpose, when you do something … specially for those who can’t do anything for you. Starting with a small act of kindness, smiling to the person in the lift or giving some water to the delivery men, being kind is one of the things that can make a difference in the world. Beauty with Purpose is about creating an impact, from the bottom of your heart for your community, as I always said: When you die, No one is going to stand up at your funeral and remember how much you had in your bank account, what car you drive or what expensive bag you wear, people will remember how you made them feel and what you taught them in this life through your purpose. My dream is to create in the future a system of emotional education though sports that can support kids without families or role models. There are so much things we can still do to improve our world.
In what ways, how, apart from sports, do you maintain your body? How important is nutrition to you? And the beauty treatments? Rest/sleep?
1 – Nutrition is the most important part for me – I do eat Non process foods – Pegan Diet
2 – Drink lots of water
3 – Intermittent fasting 5 times at week
4 -Sleep 7-8 hours I use Aura ring to track my sleep
5 – Indoor cycling at Storm almost every day
6 – Training weights: And because of our modern lifestyle that includes long sitting hours at the office, I work with my trainer Tarek Al Zaim to balance that out. We do a lot core conditioning which includes static holds and dynamic core movements, we also work on corrective exercises to support my posture. In addition we do resistance training to strengthen the muscles in the posterior chain (scapula, back, glutes, hamstrings).
Can you give some advice, a motivational statement, to girls who don’t like to exercise, that will motivate them?
“The best investment you can make is in yourself“.
So remember that investing in your physical, emotional and mental health matters, you are a priority. Success nowadays start from the way you feel with yourself taking care of your physical body and mind makes you feel so great, in that frequency you only manifest the best for you and you are able to do more for the people around you.
Favorite book and author? A quote from a book?
This is a very difficult question because I love books. I finish 120 per year. I can say that at this moment one of my favorite ones are: “Happy Money” Ken Honda.
“If you appreciate what you have, it opens a door to happiness, the simplest thing I can recommend” is to express gratitude around money. When money comes into your life say ‘arigato’: thank you, And when you spend money, when money leaves your life, you also say thanks”, Ken Honda.
The mountain is you – Brianna Wiest.
“The mountain is a teacher. One day, the mountain that was in front of you will be so far behind you, it will barely be visible in the distance. But who you become in learning to climb it? That will stay with you forever. That is the point of the mountain”, Brianna Wiest, “101 Essays That Will Change the Way You Think”.
“The worst happened, and then it passed. You lost the person you thought you couldn’t live without and then you kept living. You lost your job then found another one. You began to realize that “safety” isn’t in certainty — but in faith that you can simply keep going”, Brianna Wiest.
What kind of people inspire you and do you have any role models?
Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, Dr Mark Hyman. There is one thing in common about Oprah, Tony Robbins and the Dr Mark: The Self-development and never ending improvement of this leaders that creates an empire, a legacy and inspire people to do better and be in the best shape emotionally mentally and physically.
And what kind of people do you avoid?
Energetic vampires, people I feel drained by after they leave. People who act like a Victim or complain too much. You can always do something about the situation, how you react says so much about you.
Apart from sports, what else do you do in your spare time?
Read a lot of books. Meditation every morning, spiritual practice. Learn languages is something I enjoy. Connect with people I love. And I started with paddle recently.
Do you have a favorite streaming platform? Which series (tv show) can you always watch?
Masterclass, I get bored watching something usually if isn’t about learning. But in days when I need an extra disconnection watching Big Bang Theory and Friends on Netflix makes me happy.
How do you see yourself in ten years, professionally?
I can see myself in the wellness industry, a combination of that with tech and sustainability is my vision for the future.
Are you interested in fashion?
Yes I do love fashion. Clothes influence how we look at someone. They help create an idea of what we think about their personality, their story their culture. Wearing what makes you comfortable is a statement, and people will respect your individuality. This is an essential detail of why fashion is important.
Do you have a favorite designer?
Coco Channel, I feel super inspired by her story.
What do you have to buy when you see it in a shop window?
I love Sport clothes and Technology so anything related to that .
Favorite travel destination?
Anywhere in the beach, I love the vibes.
And the place you go to recharge your batteries and find peace?
To Sadiyat Island during weekends, Abu Dhabi.
Team credits:
Model: Naomi Mendez @naomi_mendez_
Photographer: Iya Shengelia @iya_shengelia_photographer
Production: @say__media