Paris Fashion Days je ekskluzivni modni događaj koji ima za cilj da pruži priliku da se upoznamo sa međunarodnim dizajnerima i njihovim kreacijama, kao i da privuče međunarodnu pažnju potrošača, influensera i medija u modnoj prestonici – Parizu.

IRENE ANGELOPOULOS je nagrađivana grčka modna dizajnerka koja je predstavila kolekciju FW25 pod nazivom NEXT BREATH. Inspiracija za ovu kolekciju dolazi od gubitka koji je dizajnerka nedavno doživela, kada je izgubila prijateljicu iz detinjstva, i želela je da ukaže na važnost života i na to da treba da živimo život punim plućima. Poruka koju želi da prenese ovom kolekcijom je da treba da uživamo u svakom trenutku, budemo zahvalni za ono što imamo i nikada ne prestanemo da se borimo za ono što zaista želimo. Nikada ne treba odustati, jer ako verujemo da možemo, već smo na pola puta! Kolekcija Next Breath donosi značenje nade i vitalnosti za život, puna je emocija i dotiče grčki šarm.
Paleta boja kolekcije sastoji se od zlatnih tonova, koji su povezani sa svetlim i toplim suncem Grčke, smeđih i bež nijansi koje podsećaju na beskrajne peščane plaže, dok bela boja dolazi od snage morskih talasa, a nijanse roze i boje breskve podsećaju nas na magične boje neba pri zalasku sunca.
Bogata kristalima i jedinstvenim ručno rađenim vezovima, koji su prepoznatljiv potpis brenda Irene Angelopoulos, njene kreacije ostale su verne njenom motou: „Rođeni ste da sijate i to je ono što su moji dizajni stvoreni da rade!“

GIO DRESS by Wail Jamal

GIO DRESS by Wail Jamal je brend na čelu sa najmodernijim dizajnom koji predstavlja suštinu vanvremenske elegancije i savremenog stila. Sa pažnjom prema detaljima i strašću za zanatstvom, GIO DRESS je posvećen stvaranju mode koja nadmašuje trendove i omogućava pojedincima da izraze svoje jedinstvene ličnosti kroz odeću.
Brend je ponosan na svoju posvećenost održivosti, koristeći ekološki prihvatljive materijale i etičke proizvodne procese gde god je to moguće, kako bi osigurao ne samo da modni izbori budu dobri, već i doprinosu boljem svetu.
Novi model kolekcije inspirišu savremeni trendovi i klasični elementi, a svaki izgled iz kolekcije nije samo haljina, već pravo umetničko delo koje naglašava individualnost i stvara jedinstven izgled za posebne prilike.


Uzbekistanski brend SHAKHIADORE Haute Couture je oličenje kulturne diplomatije u modi. To je umetnost stvaranja nasleđa, gde se zanatske tradicije drevnog Istoka spajaju sa modernom elegancijom visoke mode.
Nova kolekcija je pesma svile, dragocenog veza i zanatskog nakita, čija svaka slika priča priču dinastija, carstava i kraljevskih palata. Vizuelna putovanja koja izazivaju nova iskustva pri svakom pogledu. Luksuzne svile, ručno vezene zlatnim nitima podsećaju na jedinstvenu tehniku. Elementi nakita i vez sa japanskim perlicama i prirodnim biserima. Siluete su reinterpretirane za modernu ženu čija je gracioznost vanvremenska.
Svaki proizvod Shakhiadore Couture-a je jedinstven artefakt koji povezuje nasleđe i budućnost, umetnost i savršenstvo. Klijenti brenda Shakhiadore Couture su svetski lideri, kolekcionari visoke mode i ikone stila za koje moda nije samo odeća, već simbol statusa, nasleđa i moći.
„Mi kreiramo kolekcije ne da bismo pratili trendove, već da bismo ih oblikovali. Nasleđe nije prošlost, već budućnost koju stvaramo danas.“ – Shakhida Yuldasheva, osnivač brenda Shakhiadore Haute Couture.

JZJ by Zlatko Jovanovski

JZJ by Zlatko Jovanovski je prestižni brend visoke mode koji je oblačio brojne svetske slavne ličnosti, uključujući Thaliu, Viktoriju, Swarovski, Muni Long, Avu Max i Farhanu Bodiju. Poznat kao “Kralj Sijanja”, dizajner Zlatko Jovanovski JZJ je prepoznatljiv po svom potpisu kruni i kraljevskim odevnim kombinacijama na modnim pistama.
Nova kolekcija FW25 je divna kombinacija luksuza i sofisticiranosti, stvorena za one koji se ne boje da budu u centru pažnje. Dizajner je kreirao odevne kombinacije koje postaju pravi umetnički radovi. Svaki element kolekcije je oličenje svetlosti, elegancije i hrabrosti.

AKEL Couture

AKEL Couture je ukrajinski brend koji je već godinama privlačio pažnju ljubitelja mode zahvaljujući svojoj jedinstvenoj estetici, visokom kvalitetu i pažnji posvećenoj detaljima. Brend, sa sedištem u Nemačkoj, kombinuje najbolje tradicije ukrajinskog krojenja sa evropskim trendovima i inovacijama.
Kolekcija Triumph FW25 prikazuje elegantnu seriju belih kompleta ukrašenih zlatnim volanima koji dodaju volumen i isporučuju sofisticiranost i ženstvenost. Jednostavne, ali upečatljive siluete stvaraju laganu, gracioznu estetiku, dok visokokvalitetni materijali, delikatna čipka i svetlucava zlatna tafeta dodaju svakom komadu jedinstven šarm. Kolekcija Triumph dizajnirana je da inspiriše nadu i veru, podstičući nas da istrajemo i prevaziđemo čak i najteže trenutke u životu. „Mi stvaramo upečatljive izglede u kojima nećete proći nezapaženo.“ – dizajnerka Zarina Akel.


Georgijski brend KHARCHI, uz podršku Georgia Fashion Week-a, predstavio je novu kolekciju FW25 inspirisanu vanvremenskom privlačnošću Boginje Sunca. U svakom šavu šarenih bodija nalazi se priča o poštovanju prirodne lepote i vibrantnog duha koji ona nosi. Kharchi slavi harmoniju boja i gracioznost dizajna, odražavajući božansku energiju koja nas sve okružuje.


ELSA FAIRY DRESSES je brend specijalizovan za dečju visoku modu i dizajn, koji stvara jedinstvene večernje haljine, kao i haljine za takmičenja i gala događaje. „Verujemo u jedinstven dizajn i prilagođeno iskustvo dizajniranja. Prikazujemo naš jedinstveni izgled na pozornici i tokom modnih revija. Kreiramo ekskluzivne haljine za talentovane pevače, umetnike, manekenke i učesnice takmičenja. Nalazimo se na Floridi, SAD, i služimo klijentima širom sveta.“ – dizajnerka Iryna Mykytiuk.


QUEEN TITINE je brend namenjen ženi koja je ratnica, aktivna, verna prijateljica, porodična, dinamična i samouverena. Brend je inspirisan domovinom dizajnerke Cristine Martins Grant – Gvinejom Bisau, kao i afričkim ženama koje koriste afrički print u svom svakodnevnom, društvenom, radnom i porodičnom životu, dodajući uvek dašak boje i radosti svojim svakodnevnim aktivnostima.
„Moj dizajn je uvek pun boja i sofisticiranosti, sa odećom koja mi daje osećaj moćne žene tokom svih sezona godine. Volim vibrantne boje i radost koju one donose; moj rad je povezan sa suštinom onoga što jesam, čineći svaki dan posebnim sa odećom brenda QUEEN TITINE.“ – dizajnerka Cristina Martins Grant.


BY IREN je ukrajinski brend koji oduševljava svoje kupce jedinstvenim haljinama, kreiranim od strane talentovane dizajnerke Irine Grečak. Svaka njena haljina je umetničko delo, rađeno sa velikom pažnjom prema detaljima i individualnim pristupom. Nova kolekcija FW25 BY IREN ne samo da naglašava vašu lepotu, već stvara i jedinstven izgled koji ostavlja trajan utisak.


SAMUEL GÄRTNER je nemački inovativni modni dizajner poznat po svom avangardnom i konceptualnom pristupu. Njegovi dizajni kombinuju modernu estetiku sa izuzetnim materijalima i jedinstvenom kreativnom vizijom.
Paris Fashion Days nije bila samo vibrantna izložba novih kolekcija, već i važna platforma za ujedinjavanje kultura, ideja i kreativnih vizija. Svaki dizajner i svako umetničko delo predstavljeno na modnoj pisti ispričalo je svoju jedinstvenu priču i unelo novi život u globalnu modnu industriju. To je bilo veče koje nije samo prikazivalo aktuelne trendove, već je inspirisalo, pokrenulo nove ideje i pokazalo da je moda jezik koji ujedinjuje sve koji teže samoizražavanju i savršenstvu.

English here:
Paris Fashion Days Has Presented Outstanding Shows On A Row With Paris Fashion Week
On March 7, Paris Fashion Days during the official Paris Fashion Week presented talented designers and brands from around the world on the prestigious stage of the legendary Hôtel Plaza Athénée.
Paris Fashion Days is an exclusive fashion event that aims to provide an opportunity to meet international designers and their creations, as well as attract international attention from consumers, influencers and media in the capital of fashion – Paris.
IRENE ANGELOPOULOS is an awarded Greek fashion designer presented collection FW25 which called NEXT BREATH. The inspiration of this collection comes from a loss that the designer recently experienced of a childhood friend of hers and she wants to point out the importance of life and that we should live our lives to the fullest. The message that she wants to send through this collection is that we have to enjoy every little moment, be grateful of what we have and never stop fighting for what we really want, never quit because if we believe we can we are halfway there! So next breath collection brings the meaning of hope and vitality for life, is full of emotions and a touch of Greek salty aura.
The palette of the collection consists of gold tones which are connected to the bright and warm sun of Greece , the brown and beige shades are like the endless sandy beaches, also the white colour comes from the power of sea waves and shades of pink and soft peach reminds us the magical colours of the sky during sunset time.
Rich in crystals and unique handmade embroideries that it’s the footprint of Irene Angelopoulos brand, her creations were true to her motto: “You were born to sparkle and that’s what my designs are made for!»
GIO DRESS by Wail Jamal is a cutting-edge fashion brand that embodies the essence of timeless elegance and contemporary style. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for craftsmanship, Gio Dress is dedicated to creating fashion that transcends trends and empowers individuals to express their unique personalities through clothing.
We take pride in our commitment to sustainability, using eco-friendly materials and ethical production processes wherever possible, ensuring that your fashion choices not only look good but also contribute to a better world.
Inspired by modern trends and classic elements, the new collection embodies impeccable elegance, sophistication and style. Each look from the collection is not just a dress, but a real art object that emphasizes individuality and creates a unique look for special occasions.
Uzbek brand SHAKHIADORE Haute Couture is the embodiment of cultural diplomacy in fashion. It is the art of creating a heritage, where the craft traditions of the ancient East meet the modern elegance of haute couture.
The new collection is a poem of silk, precious embroidery and jewelry craftsmanship, each image of which tells the story of dynasties, empires and royal palaces. Visual journeys that evoke new impressions every time. Luxurious silks, hand-embroidered with gold threads, recall the know-how of a unique technique. Jewelry elements and embroidery with Japanese beads and natural pearls. Silhouettes reimagined for the modern woman, whose grace is timeless.
Each Shakhiadore Couture product is a unique artifact that connects heritage and future, art and perfection. Shakhiadore Couture’s clients are world leaders, haute couture collectors and style icons for whom fashion is not just clothes, but a symbol of status, heritage and power.
«We create collections not to follow trends, but to shape them. Heritage is not the past, but the future that we create today.» — Shakhida Yuldasheva, founder of Shakhiadore Haute Couture.
JZJ by Zlatko Jovanovski is a prestigious couture brand that has dressed numerous celebrities globally, including Thalia, Victoria, Swarovski, Muni Long, Ava Max, and Farhana Bodi. Known as the “King of Sparkle,” designer Zlatko Jovanovski JZJ is recognized for his signature crown and regal attire on the runway.
The new collection FW25 is a delightful combination of luxury, brightness and sophistication, created for those who are not afraid to be the center of attention. The designer has created outfits that become real works of art. Each element of the collection is the embodiment of radiance, elegance and boldness.
AKEL Couture is a Ukrainian brand that has been winning the attention of fashion lovers for many years thanks to its unique aesthetics, high quality and attention to detail. The brand, based in Germany, combines the best traditions of Ukrainian tailoring with European trends and innovations.
The Triumph collection FW 25 showcases an elegant series of white ensembles adorned with gold-accented ruffles that add volume and exude sophistication and femininity. The simple yet striking silhouettes create a light, graceful aesthetic, while high-quality fabrics, delicate lace, and shimmering golden taffeta lend each piece a unique allure. The Triumph collection is designed to inspire hope and belief, encouraging us to persevere and overcome even the most challenging moments in life.
«We create bright looks in which you are not left without attention» – designer Zarina Akel.
Georgian brand KHARCHI with the support of Georgia Fashion Week presented new collection FW25 inspired by the timeless allure of the Sun Goddess. Within each stitch of our colorful bodysuits lies a story of reverence for nature’s beauty and the vibrant spirit it embodies. Kharchi celebrates the harmony of hues and the grace of design, reflecting the divine energy that surrounds us all. Step into Kharchi’s realm, where our creations humbly echo the brilliance of the Sun Goddess, inviting you to embrace the warmth, radiance, and boundless creativity she embodies.
ELSA FAIRY DRESSES is kids couture and design company that specializes in creating unique evening gowns, and custom made pageants gowns for Gala, Red Carpet events or holiday dresses for your special occasion dates.
«We believe in unique, one of a kind design and a customized one on one design experience. We show our unique face on the stage and during runway shows. We create exclusive gowns for talented singers, artists, models and pageant contestants. We are located in Florida, USA and serve our customers worldwide.» — designer Iryna Mykytiuk.
The QUEEN TITINE brand is aimed at the woman who is a warrior, active, a loyal friend, family oriented, dynamic and confident. The brand was inspired by native country of the designer Cristina Martins Grant – Guinea Bissau, and by African women who incorporate African Print in their daily, social, working and family activities, always adding a touch of colour and joy to their everyday lives. QUEEN TITINE clothes are all hand made with organic sustainable fabrics; this is what defines our designs and our brand.
In new collection FW25 designer decided to mix African and Western fashion together because she think they complement each other to perfection.
«My designs are always full of colour and sophistication, with clothes that make me feel a powerful woman at every season of the year. I love vibrant colours and the joy that they bring; my work is connected to the essence of who I am, making every day a special occasion with QUEEN TITINE clothing.» — designer Cristina Martins Grant.
BY IREN is a Ukrainian brand that has been delighting its customers with unique dresses, created by the talented designer Iryna Gretchak. Each of her dresses is a work of art, crafted with great attention to detail and an individual approach. New collection FW25 BY IREN not only emphasize your beauty but also create a unique look that leaves a lasting impression. Each dress is accompanied by exquisite handmade jewelry, adding even more charm and luxury to your look. BY IREN is not just clothing—it is art, seen through the prism of fashion and style, which both amazes and fascinates.
SAMUEL GÄRTNER is a German innovative fashion designer known for his avant-garde and conceptual approach. His designs combine modern aesthetics with exceptional materials and a unique creative vision. In addition to his own collections, he is also active as a content creator, blending fashion, art, and culture on social media.
With his collection concepts, he continues to push boundaries in the fashion industry, challenging and reinterpreting classic conventions.
Paris Fashion Days was not only a vibrant showcase of new collections, but also an important platform for uniting cultures, ideas, and creative visions. Each designer and each work of art, which were presented on the catwalk, told us its unique story and gave new life to the global fashion industry. It was an evening that did not just showcase current trends, but inspired, sparked new ideas, and showed that fashion is a language that unites everyone who strives for self-expression and perfection.
Key MUA: @julia_voron
Key Hair: @svetlana__everest
Coordinator MUA & Hair Team: @makeup_paris_study
Photo: @gabriel.g.photo
Fashion Director: @rinanrunway
Producer: @zarina.semenyuk