Vanvremenska crna boja donosi eleganciju svakom izgledu, u njenoj esenciji su svestranost i trajan stil. Bilo za dnevnu ili večernju priliku crna se može bez napora kombinovati sa različitim teksturama, šarama i bojama kako bi se stvorio uglađeni izgled.
Kada all-black outfitu unesete dašak zlatne boje, izgled dobija potrebnu dozu drame i moći. Nasuprot zlatu, dijamanti i kristali izazivaju u posmatraču emocije poput osećaja misterije, sofisticiranosti i apsolutne dominacije.
Šta vas je motivisalo da postanete model?
Rođena sam u malom gradu gde su stvarnost i mogućnosti vrlo različite, ali uvek sam sanjala velike snove. Još od pete godine želela sam postati model, a ideja putovanja svetom i činjenje svoje majke ponosnom uvek je bila moja motivacija.
Kako doživljavate modeling industriju u Brazilu u poređenju s drugim zemljama?
Modeling u Brazilu je prilično konkurencijski, jer je zemlja puna raznolikosti i lepih žena. Moj glavni savet je što više putovati i graditi ime i u drugim zemljama, tako da steknete više iskustva, a time i prepoznatljivost u vlastitoj zemlji.
Da li postoji neki specifični modni dizajner ili brend u Brazilu kojima se posebno divite?
Moda u Brazilu je izuzetno originalna i nosi određenu energiju slobode i spontanosti. Imamo mnogo dizajnera koji otvaraju mnoga vrata širom sveta svojim radom. Takođe je vredno istaći kvalitet proizvoda proizvedenih u Brazilu. Neki od brendova koje volim su Patbo, Lenny Niemeyer, Le Lis, Agilita i drugi.
Koristite li svoju platformu za zagovaranje neke društvene ili ekološke aktivnosti?
Vegetarijanka sam već 4 godine, pa je to jedan od pokreta koji me najviše inspirišu.
Na koji način održavate ravnotežu u svom životu i karijeri?
Volim vežbati, to je deo mog svakodnevnog rasporeda. Trenutno su u mom rasporedu teretana, časovi joge i povremeno časovi jahanja. To mi pomaže da budem zdravija fizički i emocionalno, a time i bolja u svom poslu.
Koji su vaši ciljevi i aspiracije za budućnost, kako unutar tako i izvan modeling industrije?
Moji planovi za budućnost uključuju ostajanje u umetničkom polju, ali još uvek imam puno toga da postignem u modelingu.
English here:
The power of timeless black lies in its ability to convey a sense of elegance, versatility, and enduring style. Whether the occasion is for a day or a night, black can be effortlessly combined with different textures, patterns, and colors to create a polished look.
The combination of black and gold create dramatic and bold looks. As opposed to gold, diamonds and crystals evoke a range of emotions, from a sense of mystery to a feeling of sophistication and authority.
What motivated you to become a model?
I was born in a little town, where reality and possibilities are very different, but I always dreamed big, and since I was 5 years old I wanted to become a model, and the idea of traveling the world and making my mom proud was always my motivation.
How do you perceive the modeling industry in Brazil compared to other countries?
Modeling in Brazil is quite competitive, because it is a country full of diversity and beautiful women, my main advice is to always travel and make a good name of yourself in other countries as well, so that you gain more experience and are recognized more in your own country.
Are there any specific fashion designers or brands in Brazil that you particularly admire?
Fashion in Brazil is extremely original and carries a certain energy of freedom and spontaneity… we have many designers who are opening many doors around the world with their work. It is also worth highlighting the quality of the products produced in Brazil. Some of the brands that I love from Brazil are Patbo, Lenny Niemeyer, Le Lis, Agilita among others.
Do you use your platform to advocate for any social or environmental causes?
I’ve been a vegetarian for 4 years, so it is one of the causes I’m most passionate about.
What kind of health and wellness practices do you prioritize to maintain a balance in your life and career?
I love to exercise. It is part of my routine. Currently my routine includes gym, yoga classes and eventually horse-riding classes. That helps me be healthier physically and emotionally, and consequently be better at my job.
What are your goals and aspirations for the future, both within and beyond the modeling industry?
My plans for the future involve staying in the artistic field, but I still have a lot to achieve in modeling.”
Team credits
Model: Thalita Livi @thalivi
Photographer: Jorge Duva @jorgeduva
Stylist: Luciana Filgueiras
Hair & Makeup: César Ferrette @ferrettebeautyartist
Digital Tech: Germán Aristizabal @germansportphoto
Stylist Assistant: María Eduarda Gomide @dudagomidef