Melisa Gün – O eleganciji

Minđuše Mahrukh Akuly
Prstenje Binno Jewels

U intervjuu za Harper’s BAZAAR Serbia, Melisa Gün ističe kada je počela da pokazuje interesovanje za modni svet, šta je najviše ispunjava u poslu i planovima koje želi da ostvari u skorijoj budućnosti.

1. Da li ste od detinjstva uvek pokazivali interesovanje za modu?

Mislim da su mnoge devojke kao male sanjale da grade manekensku karijeru i postanu poznate. Naravno, samo nekolicina to može da postigne. Danas shvatam koliko je to težak i naporan rad. Nije sve tako fantastično kao što sam zamišljala kao dete.

2. Kako ste ušli u svet modelinga?

Moja manekenska karijera započela je sa 25 godina. Dugo godina sam se bavila raznim hobijima među kojima su tenis, jahanje, plivanje, surfovanje, sviranje klavira i saksofona. Za vreme studija, uživala sam i u streljaštvu. Takođe, u tom periodu, modeling je ušao u moj život, nekako brzo i neočekivano. Talentovani fotografi i dizajneri počeli su da mi nude saradnju, a nakon toga sam dobila i ponude za prve naslovnice časopisa.

3. Ko je vaš omiljeni modni dizajner?

Nesumnjivo je to Donatella Francesca Versace, koja je ženama širom sveta dala priliku da se osećaju glamurozno i u isti mah zavodljivo. Ona opisuje portret žene snažnog karaktera, kao slobodnu, seksi i svestranu divu. Smatram sebe jednom od takvih žena.

Kombinezon Megan Renee
Minđuše Makrukh Akuly
Narukvica Binno Jewels

4. Šta vas najviše ispunjava u poslu kojim se bavite?

Volim modeling zbog mogućnosti da budem drugačija, da isprobavam različite likove i karaktere: danas mogu da budem seksi i zavodljiva, a već sutra nežna i ženstvena!

5. Opišite svoj savršen dan kada se ne bavite modelingom?

Volim da provedem aktivan vikend. Često je to rafting, jer uživam da plovim rekom na čamcima na naduvavanje. Ova vrsta razonode podrazumeva drugačiju aktivnost od one koja bi umorila.

6. Recite nam nešto o svojoj beauty rutini.

Moja nega se sastoji od tri važna pravila, tačnije rečeno, četiri: umivanje, toniranje, krema za lice i dobra kozmetičarka. Da, volim dekorativnu šminku, ali trudim se da je minimalno koristim u svakodnevnom životu kako bi mi se koža odmorila nakon brojnih snimanja i teške šminke.

7. S obzirom da je poznato da modeli puno putuju, koja je vaša omiljena destinacija i zašto?

Moj omiljeni grad je San Diego. Ovo mesto ima poseban uticaj na mene. Klima je prijatna, obožavam plaže i razne atrakcije koje ovaj grad nudi. Takođe Park Balboa sa prelepim vrtovima i muzejima je zasebna priča. I neverovatan zaliv La Jolla – to je još jedno divno mesto! Iskrena da budem, ne volim da idem na isto mesto nekoliko puta, više volim da putujem i upoznajem nove zemlje i njihove kulture.

Haljina Stello
Pončo Sara Wong
Prsten Binno Jewels

8. Šta želite da postignete u narednih nekoliko godina?

U jednom od intervjua, izjavila sam da želim da pokrenem brend seksi i kvalitetnog donjeg veša. Radim na ovoj ideji.

9. Modna industrija se toliko promenila u poslednjih nekoliko godina, koji je najbolji savet koji biste dali devojkama koje tek počinju?

Rekla bih im da se ne boje ničega, čak i ako im se čini da ništa neće uspeti. Vaša upornost, entuzijazam i hrabrost će biti cenjeni. I nećete ni primetiti kako ćete svakim danom biti korak ispred!


1. Did you always show interest for fashion, since your childhood? 

I think many girls as kids have dreamed of building a modelling career and becoming popular with famous photographers and brands. Of course, only a few can achieve this at an age of awareness. And I was no exception. Yeah, it was probably a dream I had since an early age. At this point, I realize it’s hard and hard work. It’s not as fabulous as I imagined as a child.          

2. How did you get into the world of modeling?

My modeling career started at the age of 25. For many years I was  fond of  tennis, horse-riding, winter-swimming, surfing, playing the piano and saxophone, and I  enjoyed practical shooting, while at the same time studying at university. It was also during this period that modelling came into my life, somehow quickly and unexpectedly. Talented photographers and designers started offering me collaborations, and after that the first magazine covers and lots of interviews. I started coming to shoots, shows, travelling, taking photographs, walking the catwalks and showing myself off.         

Blejzer Massimo Dutti 
Minđuše Swarovski
Prsten Binno Jewels

3. Who is your favorite fashion designer? 

Undoubtedly it’s Donatella Francesca Versace, a smart and stylish woman, the main Italian designer of the Versace fashion house who gave women around the world the opportunity to discover themselves in bright outfits. She describes an understandable portrait of a woman – strong in character, free, sexy, and a little bit predatory. I also have all of these features.

4. What is one of your favorite parts of modeling?

I love modeling for the opportunity to be different, to try on interesting images: today I can have a sexy shoot and have to show a strobe/a stubborn character and tomorrow I am already gentle and feminine photographing by the ocean on the cover of a glossy magazine.

5. Describe your perfect day off when you are not modelling? 

I like to have an active weekend. It’s often rafting, because I love floating a river on inflatable boats, or I can go skydiving at all. This kind of pastime implies a different kind of activity from the one that would make me tired.

6. Tell us something about your daily beauty routine. 

 My care consists of three important rules, even to be more precise – four: washing, toning, face cream and a good beautician. Yes, I love decorative makeup, but I try to make it a little bit in my daily life so that my skin can rest after filming and a heavy makeup.

Minđuše Makrukh Akuly
Prstenje Binno Jewels

7. Since it is a know fact that models travel a lot, can you tell us about your favorite destination and why? 

My favourite city is on the Pacific coast of California that is famous for its beaches and parks – it’s San Diego. This place has a wonderful local flavour. The climate here is quite pleasant, there are  clean beaches and a large quantity of different attractions. The Balboa Park with it’s beautiful gardens and  museums is a  separate story that doesn’t fit  in this answer to the question. And amazing La Jolla Bay – it’s another wonderful place!.But to be honest, I don’t like to go to the same place several times, I prefer to travel and learn new countries and cities.

8. What are you looking to achieve in the next couple of years, both professionaly and personally? 

In one of my interviews, I said I wanted to launch a brand of sexy and quality lingerie. I’m working on this idea. I also shoot for different brands, I continue to work with photographers, I fall head over heels the modeling business in a new way. Speaking of personal, I want to find a man who’s close in character, committed, intelligent, caring and successful in his work.

9. The fashion industry has changed so much in the past few years, what’s the best advice you would give for staying ahead of the curve?

I’d say this: don’t be afraid of anything, even if it seems to you that nothing will work out. You don’t have to prove to anyone that you’re better, just be better and know it. Your confidence, persistence, enthusiasm and courage will be appreciated. And you will not even notice how you will be one step ahead.

Minđuše Makrukh Akuly
Prstenje Binno Jewels

Team Credits

Model: Melisa Gün (@drmelisagunn)

Photographer: Olya Helga (

Stylist: Daniela Correia (@daniela__correia)

Makeup: Yuki Nakamura (@yukicorn_mua)

Hair Stylist: Cheryl Carino (@ccglam2)

Retouch: Katia Aelita (@aelita.retoucher)

PR agency: Wavemags (@wavemags)
